View Full Version : Best Low Cost Electro, PLEASE READ!!!

09-22-2001, 09:21 PM
Vote and make comments.

09-22-2001, 10:06 PM
sorry just testing sig

09-22-2001, 11:03 PM
I love my Bushy. It shoots darts.:D

09-23-2001, 07:26 AM
Impulse man, those things are great. I had a Bushmaster before, and Bushmaster's consistance dosn't even come close to the Imp's consistancy. You could also run CO2 on the Impulse and still have good preformance. Impulse is very LPed with out the gashogness that some guns have.

09-23-2001, 09:03 AM
feeltheRT is right, the impulse is the best low cost electro

09-23-2001, 09:12 AM
What exactly would you call a low priced electro? I would think that the Impulse would be one of those in the mid-price range, being that it has a $400-600 price range. I would say that the best low priced electro would be a hard topic, considering that we are talking of guns that originally came as electronic, in the low price category, have only been around for less than a year.

09-23-2001, 12:18 PM
I would go for the Impy before any of those other guns. But if I had a choice of electro, it would be E-Mag of course. :D

09-23-2001, 07:34 PM
I like having a separate cycle regulator, and the materials and construction feel like they're of a higher quality. IMO, the Impulse is for those who want a cheap electro, while the Bushy is for those wanting a lower-cost alternative to the Angel.

09-23-2001, 09:05 PM
A friend of mine just bought one of the 32degrees impulse markers and it flat out rocks! I am seriously considering buying one!


09-23-2001, 09:09 PM

09-24-2001, 04:41 AM
I would say go with the Impulse. I own one and the gun rocks. I have not had a single ball break in my marker in 6 cases of paint. It did break a few the first case but I think it was breaking in. After that the only time I break paint is when I shoot the barrel plus out. I don't do that much either.
In my area alot of people are getting rid of their Bushmasters and defiants to get Impies and other guns. Alot of the people were having problems with them.

Sgt Carnage
09-24-2001, 10:24 AM

09-25-2001, 06:54 PM
Low cost , Impy
Best on the poll , Defiant.

09-25-2001, 07:37 PM
Bushies are great, If I didn't have an E-mag, I'd have a bushy!!!

09-30-2001, 03:53 PM
ok, all you people are just posting blind opinions. back it up...

i like the imp because it is quiet and easily set up on co2 or compressed air. you can also have the choice of an anti-chop eye being installed. it also comes with a smart parts barrel which i think are of very good quality. the negitive parts are that the stock trigger is very sloppy and a new one is recommended. it is also a gas hog due to the low pressure.

the bushy has a very nice trigger. this is why it is called the "poor mans angel". it has the same triple stack tube design so you will have the same size gun. you can get an anti-chop eye with this gun also. you need to run this with an adjustable nitro tank or you can blow the regulator.

with the extra money you spend on the bushy, you can buy an impulse and upgrade it to be nicer than the bushy. if speed is you rmain issue, go for the bushy.

09-30-2001, 09:25 PM
impulse all the way, they shoot really fast and really consistantly , and there cool

10-01-2001, 06:49 AM
Great gun, made by a great company. I've had one for about 2 months now. Works like a dream. and for $575 it was a great deal.

10-01-2001, 12:10 PM
Timmy are amazing. But for really low cot I would say Bushmaster. I shot one in BC and I fell in love with it! It even had a Flatline 68 on it!

10-01-2001, 10:46 PM
I just read a review of the Impulse in Paintball 2 Xtremes and it sounds pretty sweet. Also not only is it capable of shooting on CO2, but it actually WORKS while using CO2. They could rapid fire for long string, and even after the tank was frosted over it still worked.

11-03-2001, 06:06 AM
Hard choice. If it was just stock guns I'd go for the imp cuz they flat out rock. But I think I'd have to go with my bro's trick defiant, we have NEVER had to do ANYTHING to it to fix it, and he barely cleans it.

Bushys have a good trigger, but Ive heard their ROF stock was 9 bps... I completely outshot the first one I shot. And my friend has had one for about a year now but he doesn't know much about takin it apart and fixin it himself, and it broke the first time he shot it. He's probably sent it back in 4 or 5 times but it still dont wanna work right.

11-03-2001, 03:51 PM

you can get them cheap since the lcd came out

11-03-2001, 09:41 PM
The new Spyder Flash is the BEST low cost electro. I'd take a spyder flash over a bushy any day, and they're around $200 and you can rip on them. I'm serious, I picked up one and could immediately hammer on the trigger like no other similarily priced gun. Its got the same microswitch that we all use in the intelliframe mod, which you may think is cheap, but feel how short the 'click' is, then think of that as your trigger, and for $200 lol. Its about the cheapest electro out there, and I'd say its the best one I've shot (and I've played around with a lot of the new electros). The only neg is its sooo light and it feels like a spyder (cause it is). I wish the kept the vert adapter where it was on the OLD spyder classics. The anodize job is pretty sweet, they look pretty good, and are fast. Me and my friend are picking one up each and throwing in a new reg and a shocktech delrin bolt and going to town. Throw on some camo's and a remote 20oz in ur pocket and go play newbie! lol

11-03-2001, 09:45 PM
TRIBAL!!!!! WOOOHOOO! They are cool looking, neat, and dirt cheap! There are a few little things you have to do to get them to work when you get them, but no big deal(or so Ive heard). Me want one. Or maybe Impulse, I donno. Im voting Tribal though because they look so cool, and I like them.


11-04-2001, 02:04 PM
wow, I didn't know that over 700 people veiwed this thread. Oh well. Looks like impy won. I already got my cocker hehehehe.

11-05-2001, 08:46 PM
I have had my hyperframe on my minimag for a couple months now and must say it is the best $200 I have ever spent on gun upgrades(I bought it used on ebay)!!!

You get the reliability of your MAG plus you get electric trigger. Even in the standard semi fire mode it is great with the double trigger and the tiny pull length... In the hyper mode it is awesome. Of course for you heavy trigger pullers, it does top out at 10bps, but that is plenty fast for me...

11-05-2001, 08:51 PM
Get the pirana pro-E or the spyder flash, those are hella low cost and they work well and shoot fast enough.

11-07-2001, 12:12 AM
I chose the bushmaster/defiant. I just liked them. Not as much as my mag though. I havn't tried a spyder flash. Is that like the em1?

11-07-2001, 06:31 PM
The flash looks like an xtra with the new emp grip.

11-17-2001, 09:49 PM
I noticed some people voted for the Rainmaker by BE does that mean brass eagle makes a gun that some people thet arnt newbies might use or they just clicked the wrong button? what is the rainmaker good for? i herd it was loud as heck and just as bad as there other products.

11-18-2001, 01:43 AM
If you ignore the weight, looks, and sound, it is actualy a decent electro, the trigger is quite good, is capable of 14bps stock, takes Mag Vert Adaptors and cocker barrels, I was seriously thinking of getting one a while back. They are actualy the only product that BE made IMO that was actualy decent. They are currently redesigning another high end marker to add to their line of products in a few years. There have been companys that make some nice mods for these markers like Don's MPP. I have seen some realy nice Rainmakers. Look around the BEOG forums at PBnation or other Forums. Look for ScottQ's(also known as Coastal Breaker) Acid Rain Rainmaker. I personaly wouldn't mind owning one as a backup marker. And another nice feature is the barrel. Those stock barrels are one of the nicest barrels you can find. They are Jacko Barrels, BE was going to make a deal with Jacko and something went wrong and BE kept the design or somthing like that. So Rainmakers are way under rated.

12-07-2001, 09:27 PM
this kid is getting a bushy for christmas from his parents and when he doesnt clean it and it screws up on him im gonna get a cheap bushy lol.

That is just wrong!! You should change your name to "Evil cujdik" :p

12-08-2001, 12:01 PM
If u've got around 700, u can easily find Angel LEDs from 400-600 dallars. Used Matrices can be found for around 450-600 as well. Just look around.

12-10-2001, 02:41 AM
I actually Just picked up an EM-1. Haven't gotten to shoot any paint through it, but I'll let you guys know What I think of it.

It's definately not like the Flash. The Solenoid DIRECTLY controls the hammer activity. The Trigger is a bit stiff, but I can 'still rip 11-12 bps on it pretty easy. I'm working on a way to lighten it. The Dip switches are annoying to get to. LCD computer would have been much nicer.

There's a 9v battery door thingie in the grip frame that's pretty convenient for Replacing the 9v's in it.

The Delrin bolt is cool. It has a "cyclone" insert that you've probably seen on a lot of spyder stuff. I just grabbed my leatherman and got rid of it. It's Very high flowing otherwise.

Vert adapter is non-standard, Which sucks since the stock kingman reg sucks. It takes Bushy Vert adapters, so I'm going to toss on an Eclipse adapter and an AKA sidewinder. A good Plus is that it has an option of Standard bottomline holes and not the usual Staggered bottomline holes. Gettin' a drop for the EM-1 shouldn't be too hard.

I'll let you guys know more when I get to shoot it :D

12-10-2001, 02:42 AM
Oh yeah, I traded a STOCK 2k 'cocker for it, and since it's used, that's equivelant to about $300.

Pretty damn cheap if you ask me.

12-10-2001, 12:10 PM
As it was pointed out before, the guns in the poll vary greatly in price.

Having said that, I picked up a used Bushmaster in PERFECT condition, and including a J&J 2-piece barrel, drop-forward, and macro-line kit for $300. From the AO Classifieds!

The gun is sweet. (And my other gun is an E-Mag).

In addition, Indian Creek Designs, the manufacturer of the gun, has great service. You Mag owners know how nice that is.

The only gun on the list that has equivalent or greater potential is the Impulse if you get the Vision (ACE) version of it. However, there are aftermarket ACEs for the Bushmaster too. Here is a great link for a ton of ACCURATE and fair Bushmaster info:

In closing, although I love my E-Mag, I am beginning to really like the Bushy as well.

06-15-2002, 03:59 PM
impulse... but it depnds on which one you get

06-15-2002, 04:43 PM
bushmaster is much better than an impuse. why? Because the lpr on a bushy is set much lower than the non lpred impulse. ah forget it i dont wana list why bushys are better than impulses, lets just take my word on it. if it were up to me tho, for entry level id get a black dragun.

06-15-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Cha0tic
the bushy has a very nice trigger. this is why it is called the "poor mans angel". it has the same triple stack tube design so you will have the same size gun. you can get an anti-chop eye with this gun also. you need to run this with an adjustable nitro tank or you can blow the regulator.

with the extra money you spend on the bushy, you can buy an impulse and upgrade it to be nicer than the bushy. if speed is you rmain issue, go for the bushy.

the impulse trigger can become even better than the bushy's by a simple $25 upgrade...the Blade trigger. i have heard of people sticking blades on their 'pulses and getting the trigger pull length down to 1/2mm... or if that isnt your style you can get a magnetic trigger for the imp that is SUPER smooth. and in response to the speed... im not sure the max ROF of a bushmaster, but if my memory is correct(and i do think it is) the max of impy's are around 17bps, and that is twice as much as i need!

EDIT: just realized this was brought back from the dead... why must you people bring them back!!!! just let them die... RT_luver you must be really bored.

06-15-2002, 07:36 PM
I voted for the Bushmaster. With the introduction of the new BK0 for $279 US, it's the best deal in electros out there, and the only downgrade is that it's capped at 10bps, which is nothing ordering the 22bps board won't solve. They take an ACE (Now from ICD), are fast, reliable and the trigger is very easy to adjust. In my experience they are somewhat easier on paint than non-vision Impulses.

The Impulse was my first choice before the introduction of the BK0. It's fast, light, runs CO2, has the vision upgrade, and lots of great aftermarket support. You need to do some tuning on the non-vision Impulses to get them to be as easy on paint as the Bushy (The bolt-cycling pressure is 2x that of the Bushy, out of box). Still a great marker.

I don't consider the various Spyder/Black Dragun/Pirahna electro-frame guns to really be electro's, while good guns, they don't have the performance, reliability or efficiency of most good electro markers.

06-15-2002, 09:02 PM
Dang RT_lover, why did you bring this back? I already got a mag...

06-15-2002, 10:41 PM
if u have $600
spend 200 on a

get a new barrel for it
bang on a HPA
and your ready to go
great markers

nothing but good things

land hurricane
06-18-2002, 09:36 PM
I've never shot one but the BKO sounds like an alright gun for the 260$ it is. Plus it is made by indian creek designs and can take any mods a B2K can.

06-18-2002, 11:04 PM
where have u found it for $260? I seen it for $279 and that was cheapest... I am prolly gonna get one for a backup to my cocker...

06-19-2002, 11:28 AM
The rainmaker gets my vote by a landslide. BE is getting rid of them at rediculusly low prices now (you can buy them for 170 last i check on pbgear.net). RM's are not just a pnuematic gun with an electro grip, nor are they just another angel knock off (impy, bushy/defiant). I read somewhere that the guy that designed the Vector (way back when) also owns the patent on the RM as well...so it wasnt designed entirely by Brass Eagle.
Rainmakers are also huge performers, they are excellent guns with a stock ROF at 13 bps, and you can buy aftermarket boards for them. Takes cocker barrels, a definate plus, and there are all kinds of cool mods that you can get.
Dont get me wrong, Bushmasters and impulses are in an entirely different league than the rainmaker...theyre lighter, faster, and prettier, but the title of the thread was for low cost electros...the rainmaker costs 300 dollars less than a bushy.

Krazy Ivan
06-19-2002, 01:30 PM
I personally hate the Impulse personally. I know that you can have yours set up so that you can blow on the trigger to have itm shoot off like 3 balls, however I kind of attribute that to poor manufacturing with tolerances. You shouldn't be able to do that.

However, they are prolly the best bang for your buck. Just get a Werm frame, and adjust it right.