View Full Version : x-ball help needed

03-02-2004, 04:27 PM
ok guys, storm uk is playing x-ball this year and any info or tips you have is greatly appreciated.

thanks guys

03-02-2004, 05:51 PM
dont be afraid and be fast as lighting in every aspect of the game ;)

03-02-2004, 06:04 PM
shoot a ton, keep changing your breakouts, yea i dont know much more.

03-02-2004, 06:46 PM
consider it a must to get 2 kills off break.

lockdown lanes, move wide and pinch them in so center guys can go bunker.

hone in your shooting while running skills.

everyone needs to be mobile to fill in spots. so everyone needs to be able to play any position on the field.

listen to your coach and rely what he/she says.

get used to running alot, lol.

Xball is fun, wish I could play it all the time.

03-02-2004, 07:01 PM
Work on:

Communication - needs to be fast paced and accurate. Use each other to know where the other team is and what you're going to do.

Suicide Runs - Just my opinion, but a suicide run can take the game for you if you know how to use it. Is there an opponent in the snake? Bunker him and take his position.

Continual movement - XBall is most definitely different from normal S7 formats. You need to keep your players moving all the time. BE AGGRESSIVE!


03-02-2004, 07:13 PM
work on your endurance

03-02-2004, 09:29 PM
shoot your guns,shoot your guns,shoot your guns,shoot your guns,shoot your guns,shoot your guns,shoot your guns,
I know it sounds repetitive but shoot your guns and move. The tape player MUST listen to the coach.

03-02-2004, 09:41 PM
A quick plan before every game is pretty effective, and make sure your doing something diffent every other time.