View Full Version : I think QLoader is going help the Warp sale

03-04-2004, 01:58 PM
I think one of the primary reason why the warpfeed doesn't sell is about marketing. It's because people couldn't accept the idea that "no hooper on top of the gun" concept". Now that the QLoader is out and people jumping on to this concept. They will try out the Qloader and learn its shortfalls. They will come knocking on AGD's door for the warpfeed.

One again, I think the warpfeed concept is ahead of its time just as HPA. With the new lower price on the warps, that makes it more affordable and a better solution.

03-04-2004, 02:30 PM
Could also do the opposite ... I hated the warp feed I had, mostly due to the size of it and that it sat off to the side.

I love the q-loader because its what I wanted from the warp feed, but it didnt deliver. Its compact, doesnt sit off to the side, and replaces an item ...

Having seen them used, I have ordered one already and cant wait till I get back from Canada to check it out. I play front and have almost never shot more then 600 rounds in a 5/7 man game, so its the right amount of "ammo" for me. The vertical setup makes it stick down a little more, but doesnt add to the side ... I could never slide comfortable with the warp on the side. And reloading is easy ... several times I had a hopper fall off my warp, and a feed neck break a couple times (not AGD's fault I know, but still a liability with the warp).

Personally I think the combination of the two is great ... warps for the back players who stand up most of the time and the side sticking warp wouldnt get too much in the way, and q-loaders for the front players.


03-04-2004, 04:00 PM
lopxtc, good point. One way or another, people we start looking into the concept of replacement of the hooper.

03-04-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Could also do the opposite ... I hated the warp feed I had, mostly due to the size of it and that it sat off to the side.

I love the q-loader because its what I wanted from the warp feed, but it didnt deliver. Its compact, doesnt sit off to the side, and replaces an item ...

Having seen them used, I have ordered one already and cant wait till I get back from Canada to check it out. I play front and have almost never shot more then 600 rounds in a 5/7 man game, so its the right amount of "ammo" for me. The vertical setup makes it stick down a little more, but doesnt add to the side ... I could never slide comfortable with the warp on the side. And reloading is easy ... several times I had a hopper fall off my warp, and a feed neck break a couple times (not AGD's fault I know, but still a liability with the warp).

Personally I think the combination of the two is great ... warps for the back players who stand up most of the time and the side sticking warp wouldnt get too much in the way, and q-loaders for the front players.


I've used my warp, and I just can't stand having it sit off to the side, and being a back player, I'll stick with my Halo.

03-04-2004, 04:58 PM
This is what I was getting at above, allot of people like the idea of getting the hopper down but cannot stand having it sit to the side.

Im willing to sacrifice a couple balls (was thinking about getting a Halo TSA Front before the q-loader cought my eye) to get the same effect but easier to move around with.


Originally posted by Azemoth

I've used my warp, and I just can't stand having it sit off to the side, and being a back player, I'll stick with my Halo.

The Deacon
03-04-2004, 05:00 PM
I tried a warp once, didn't like it. I hated that bulky thing sitting off the side of my gun and it was much heavier than the qloader is. Sure the qloader has less ammo, but that's the only shortcoming it has. It uses no batteries, has more mounting options, not as heavy and feeds faster. If anything, it'll hurt the already slow warp sales.

I see fronts using q's and backs just sticking to halos as perviously mentioned. The only place you MIGHT see a warp is a mid, in my opinion.

S.S Bandit1
03-04-2004, 05:13 PM
I think a warp can be a huge advantage to a front player. Look at Chester...its awesome to watch him play up front rocking his warp!

03-04-2004, 09:57 PM
i dont get the point of those damn q loaders. they are fast and all but the only time u will ever need that speed is off the break. but they dont hold enough paint for a n anchor and the anchor is the only one who shoots that fast. and as for points useing it: what happens when you do a spuperman dive. i would think it would break really easy unless you set it up a difrent way then most of the ones ive seen.

03-04-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
i dont get the point of those damn q loaders. they are fast and all but the only time u will ever need that speed is off the break. but they dont hold enough paint for a n anchor and the anchor is the only one who shoots that fast. and as for points useing it: what happens when you do a spuperman dive. i would think it would break really easy unless you set it up a difrent way then most of the ones ive seen.

You sound like a broken record.

03-04-2004, 11:44 PM
I thought his thoughts were organized well...

03-05-2004, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

You sound like a broken record.

wtf r u talking about

03-05-2004, 12:53 AM
Hell watch the opening to any PigTV video ... you can watch a guy diving in with an angel and his hopper popping off ... Ive been to enough tourneys in my time (12+ years) and seen hoppers off all kind break thanks to bad slides and stupid dives. And this gets to be more and more with the quality of the plastic going down and down. At least the Q-Loader is made of higher quality plastic.


Originally posted by elpimpo
and as for points useing it: what happens when you do a spuperman dive. i would think it would break really easy unless you set it up a difrent way then most of the ones ive seen.

03-05-2004, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by elpimpo

wtf r u talking about


How many elpimpo's do we have running around here?!

You made a similar comment about 1/4 of the way down. My response is about 1/2 the way down.

03-05-2004, 11:27 AM
It's basicly the same issue so he's addressing so he gave basicly the same responce.

03-05-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy


How many elpimpo's do we have running around here?!

You made a similar comment about 1/4 of the way down. My response is about 1/2 the way down.

Curse again and you get a three day ban - cphilip

03-05-2004, 12:56 PM
i have my warp setup up on my angel for games that i decide to hop in the snake i love the idea of the warp but yet id rather play vert with my trix soo its easier to shoot out of either side of the bunker.