View Full Version : 18vlt hoppers?

09-23-2001, 01:29 PM
In the most recent 888pball catalog there are 18vlt viewloader revolutions...so are those better than 12vlts now?
Also, if I bought a 18vlt Gem series (smoke), would that be considered a clear hopper...because I hear a lot about clear hoppers busting easily, and I dont want that to happen to me.

09-23-2001, 03:25 PM
They aren't true 18v revs, but 18v regulated down to 12v. Even BE's new X-board is as well.

Your best bet for Rev performance is buying either a 9v or 12v Gem and a Wicked Air Sports TurboRev upgrade. www.wickedairsportz.com

Since 9v and 12v revs have the same motor, eye and shells, after the quick upgrade both will use two 9v batteries and have the same 4 blade propeller with the TurboRev.

I've seen mine feed 14-15 bps for more than 1/2 hopper strings on a friends Dark Angel. Yea... he's the fastest shooter I know.


09-23-2001, 08:47 PM
I have read that the new X-board revolutions operate at a higher voltage. How much higher voltage? I do not know. It might be a typo or maybe not. Here is a link to the website I found it at http://www.dropzonepaintball.com/html/revolution.html , scroll down to the X-board. I cannot find any other place which says so but this particular link shows hopper comparissons: http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/lineup/index.shtml .

Off topic: Geez, everyone is quiet!

09-23-2001, 09:05 PM
I believe the Xboard is simply an improved BE board with less delay.

I have had 15v and true 18v revs. The Xboard doesn't seem to spin any faster than stock 12v.

The TurboRev is a completely different board and controls the spin speed in relation to the feeding rate (checking 1,000 times per second). You can hear it changing speeds. It also runs a few seconds after the feeding stops like intellifeed. :)


09-23-2001, 09:17 PM
I have to agree with scorch on the Turbo Rev, it is probably the best upgrade for the revolution since it's inception.

09-25-2001, 03:02 AM
I've heard that 18v. Revvy's burn out the motor faster then 9 or 12 volts... but I haven't seen it myself. Just my 2 cents.

09-25-2001, 01:31 PM
no they dont burn the revvies motor out i got one for sale by the way i ust want a ricochet