View Full Version : Halo PC Owners, Got a Question For Ya...

03-04-2004, 10:45 PM
I have the demo of Halo PC, and I like it alot, but I don't have 50 bucks to go out and buy it with. So, I was wondering...
What are the differences between the Demo and the Full Version, multiplayer-wise? I'm really ONLY INTRESTED IN MULTIPLAYER, so I don't mind not having the full story mode.

Please lemme know what the differences are...


BTW: You can download the Demo here:

03-05-2004, 01:10 AM

I suggest playing it for another month before you make any decisions. Last time I played (a few weeks ago) it was still the laggiest most horrible piece of programming I had ever been near.

I play a lot of FPS games, and HALO is the worst.

I very strongly recommend trying other games.

(note: none of this holds true for the xbox version)

If you still want it, you can have mine for $10 + shipping.

03-05-2004, 01:47 AM

I'm sorry, Halo PC is just as fun or more then the Xbox version.

He is right though, if you don't have a pretty decent PC, expect to run it on low res all the time, but since you have the demo already, you know that.

I'd take him up on the $10 offer, can't beat that!

And to answer you question, I don't know... I don't know what the demo has as far as multiplayer support...

03-05-2004, 02:05 AM
I wouldn't play it either, the netcode is extremely flakey, the game runs pretty badly on anything other than a top end machine and the controls feel very ported, like no effort was made to make them more responsive to mouse controls over the analogue controller stick. Get Painkiller when it comes out <3 <3 <3

03-05-2004, 02:07 AM
Yep, halo pc is the laggiest piece of crap around from the word on the street. All I see/hear is "omg wtf lag", "lag screwed up my shot", etc...

03-05-2004, 02:08 AM

I'm on 56k, so I always attributed it to a crappy connection.

Oh well, I enjoyed the game, so I guess thats all that matters :)

03-05-2004, 02:54 AM
I have a wireless modem, so I always get fat lag spikes in every game. Difference from demo? I dunno, maybe maps, vehicles weapons (as in more of each in final), not sure what exactly the demo has.

I loved this game, the single-player was awesome, and the multiplayer was decent too (single player is probably the best feature though). I think it's better than XBox version in every way, more maps, weapons, vehicles, etc. Sure, the controls feel ported (unresponsive and floaty jumping) but that's how all console FPS' are (at least the ones that aren't PC ports themselves).

I definately recommend buying it, though not if you're only interested in multiplayer.

Chojin Man
03-05-2004, 03:10 AM
You can always go to a net cafe or a lan center to play the full version to see if you like it.

03-05-2004, 07:18 AM
Yea I noticed the lag, but I have a very high-end computer, so it isn't too severe for me (and my DSL, w00t).
However, could you guys please get back on topic? I need to know the differences by this afternoon...


03-05-2004, 07:21 AM
the differences are, one is a demo, one is the full game, if you played the demo you would realize you only have blood gulch, thats it:rolleyes: