View Full Version : Drummers - look here

03-06-2004, 04:35 PM
well, it's time to replace all my cymbals. i was looking through a magazine(Interstate Music) when i noticed the cymbals made by Union. They are VERY cheap, and was wondering how long they would last. i'm not going hardcore just yet, and thought that these cymbals might not be tooo bad to mess around with. has anybody had any experience with these cymbals?? if so, how did the sound and are they holding up still??
i need some advice soon. if you know of any other decently cheap cymbals that you like, please lmk of them. thanks guys.

the price was $115.98 for 1 pair of 14" high hats, 1 16" crash cymbal, and 1 20" ride.

03-07-2004, 10:05 PM

03-07-2004, 10:38 PM
Well, while they are fun cymbals to "mess around with", I would say no. Get camber cymbals for those. If you want something cheaper, go for sabian b8 pros. It's what I started with, and I thought they sounded great for the price. Zil. ZXTs are okay too. If it was me, I would just save for what I really want. But then again, I know that I will never stop drumming. So it really depends on your commitment. I like my AAX. Good, bright sounds. What kind of set do you play? Pics?

If you have any more questions, ask away. If I don't know it, I have plenty of friends that will.

And, which interstate? The one with the black guy on the front?

03-08-2004, 06:21 PM
thanks dude. that really helped.
the thing is, my parents will pay for them(i was surprised, too) if i get serious enough. ie, playing at our church, playing more at pep band on the trap, etc...
so my mom thought that it would be smart just to get nice ones now(within reasonable pricerange)

i've heard of the sabian b8 pros. i think my middleschool band director may have had those, and i like them a lot

i was also looking into the ZXT cybmals. i also saw that there were ZBT cybmals as well(ZBT being a bit cheaper)
if you've used the ZBT's, would you recommend them, or recommend throwin down the cash for the ZXT??

i may end up going with the sabian b8 pros.
i plan on playing for quite a while, and will probably upgrade my trap set in the future

i play on a Rogers. i don't think they make 'em anymore. it sounds really nice, but could use a couple new heads, which i'll replace along with the cymbals.

the interstate magazine is the one with Steve Smith on it(bald, white guy)

again, thanks for the help.

03-08-2004, 06:43 PM
Sure thing.

I personally hate ZBTs with a passion. I can't stand them, except maybe the high hats are ok. Don't forget to look at paistes too, the 502s are what my friend has and he loves them. If you're serious about it, you might want to go to a guitar center and pick out a set of hi hats, a ride, and a crash that you like. Cymbals are all about what you like. What kind of tips do you use on your sticks? i.e., barrel, nylon, ball, big, small, whatever. Different sticks get totally different sounds.

03-08-2004, 07:17 PM
I would personally spend you money one a nice set of cymbals that is going to last you for years, and are going to sound great also. I say just save you money and buy some high-end casted cymbals, (Sabian, AA, AAX, HHX, -Paiste, Traditionals, Demisions, Sigs., 2002 -Zildjian A, Z, K.) You will be much happier in the end. Why would you want something you really don't like. In the long run you will be much happier. If money is reall tight, the drummers best kept secret cymbals are Pasite Alpha's, cheep and sound great.

Here is a link to my kit: I am lildrummerboi.

Also, I live right by Interstate Music, it is one great store, geart prices!

If you have any quetions, feel free to ask.


New setup Pearl MMX! (
Old setup! (

03-08-2004, 08:13 PM
thanks TS. very nice set, btw. i'll def. look into the AAX. i've heard of them, but have no experience with them. money isn't tight, but she doesn't want to spend a bunch on 'em.
my set is kinda beat up, so i need to replace 2 of the heads, replace the cybmals, MAYBE hi hat, one cymbal stand, and some muffles. if it were just cymbals i was replacing, i would go ahead and buy a nicer set, but as you can see, we'll need to cough up the cash for some other things as well.

gamarada - thanks for the advice. i might stay away from them. i've heard of the paiste, but, again, have had no experience with them. my hi hat should be ok for a few more years. i think i may replace the ride and crash.
oh yeah, i am currently using nylon tips with my sticks.

thanks again guys for the excellent advice.

03-08-2004, 09:53 PM
look into the zildijian avedis's or a seris cymbols. very nice sounding and not bad when it comes to price. right now i got a 14" rock crash and 18" medium crahs and a 20" ping ride. very crisp sounding and awsome quality. i got all of those for about 300 bucks. not bad considering i got a ride in the deal.

03-08-2004, 10:56 PM
thanks chizle - i'll look into 'em right away.
any body have any experience with the sabian b8(not the pros)??

my friends got a set of b8's and i like them quite a bit. i'm gonna talk to a fellow drummer in school tomorrow and see what he recommends.

thanks again for all the help

03-08-2004, 11:10 PM
Hey man, I got cymbals I'm trying to sell

21 inch Sabian AA Dry Ride, 10 inch Zildjian splas, 17 inch sabian AAXtreme crash, and ZBT high hats.

Just cymbals i dont use anymore.

03-08-2004, 11:21 PM
PMed you automaggin

03-09-2004, 12:03 AM
I would reccomend selling your all your pants if it was neccisary to buy something other than ZBT's. Seriously, you'll wish you'd just put down a few more bucks. B8's are good, and the Paiste's are better than most people give them credit for. If you have opportunity, play them all and decide. Otherwise, I side with Zildjian over Sabian. That's my personal preferance, though. My friend bought a Sabian pack last week because he liked them better. Eh...the debate continues...

If you are looking at playing with church music, I reccomend bright sounding 15" and 16" crashes and a VERY dry 20" ride. Also, a bright, cutting 12" splash is my best friend when playing at my church. Obviously this would involve buying separate symbols for a bit more cash, but if you can convince the rents that it's for church, you might just go home smiling ;)

03-09-2004, 06:08 PM
thanks TH. i'll definetly stay away from the ZBT's.
i actually planned on playing for our church when our current drummer graduates.

the guy i talked to in school(the drummer for our church) said that he uses B8's and likes 'em quite a bit. they aren't too expensive and hold up is what he told me. i might end up going with them. those are the only cymbals that i've actually played on(that i remember the sound)
and was satisfied. if there is a way that i can get to my "local" music shop,(an hour away) i'll try some out.

thanks for the help

03-09-2004, 11:04 PM
B8's uhhh i had a b8 16" crash and in a year the cymbal cracked right down the middle. Ive still got it and use it sometimes for experimental stuff but it sounds like crap and it never reall had much body whn it came to sound. but good for little to no money. I still have a pair of 13" B8 hats that I play on due to lack of options and my continues expences of paintball.