View Full Version : Halo B's blending paint

03-06-2004, 07:55 PM
I am basically still deciding between an Evo 2 with Y-Board and eventually upgrading to Z

or a Halo B, z-code

I hear that the halo B can turn cheap paint into a blender.
is this at all true

Well i usually use PMI Big Ball.

03-06-2004, 08:01 PM
big ball is fine used it in my halo before. I just got a Halo B with z code and I have had zero problems with it. My HPA tank wasn't working, so I had to use my old .68 carbine and it never double fed. If performance is what you want than get the halo, but if you want less weight and cheaper get the evo.

03-06-2004, 08:02 PM
Just fyi, a y-boarded evo can also blend paint, happend to Dayspring and I last Saturday, still trying to figure out what the heck happend. I was shooting an e-mag and he was shooting his x-mag.

Load SM5
03-06-2004, 08:03 PM
I shot the most brittle nasty paint in my mag last weekend. It was broke 2 bals in my pods just from running, but I never had an issue with paint breaking in my HALO B. If you ever do have an issue you can grease up the belt drive to make it a little more forgiving.

You'll never have an issue with Bigball.

03-06-2004, 08:09 PM
I gotta second Load SM5 ... I have shot some total garbage of old left over paint and my Halo-B minus the Z-code never busted a ball ...

Only way I have ever heard of any problems is just shaking the daylights out of the hopper during a game and breaking some bad paint and the thing getting gummed up as it fed the broken paint through... But the Halo was not a fault..

03-06-2004, 08:28 PM
z-code is made so the HALO doesnt break paint, but the z-board in the evo 2 doesnt do anything... just makes it spin faster... increasing the possibility of breaking paint

Rope a Dope
03-06-2004, 08:32 PM
Actually the TE software made it easier on paint, the Z code just made it so the motor doesn't fry when you use black shelled paint, lol

Never broken a ball in either of my Halos, and if it is brittle enough to break in a Halo, it will probaly break from the blast of air at the bolt.

03-06-2004, 08:43 PM
TE was the 'soft touch' software, and z-code was a refinement of that with an anti-jam sequence so you don't burn out the motor

03-06-2004, 09:17 PM
one thing I have seen on a couple of hoppers was a bit of flash or sprue on the openning of the feed channel. looking in thru the hopper lid on the left side by the little spring guide. a quick trim with a blade makes it all good.
This is maybe 3 in a 100 that have passed thru my hands so it's not truely an issue. Most times it seems to be loosely loaded pods of brittle paint dumped in the hopper that starts the blender effect

03-06-2004, 11:07 PM
Please do not buy an Evlution II. They are the worst hoppers made. Here is your choice

Halo B or Reloader B- Heavy but fast. Durable and great customer service.

Ricochet Apache - Light, faster than Egg Yboard easily, same speed as Zboarded Egg. Durable and great customer service.

Brass Eagle Evlution II - Breaks all the time. Poor customer service.

Those two at top might cost a little more than the eggII, but after buying a lid everytime you play, or new shells, or new battery doors, they'll pay for themselves. Also, having a hopper that lasts a whole day is kind of nice. Depends also if you are using a warp.

03-07-2004, 12:43 AM
I own 3 Halo B and 2 Evo II w/ Z boards. I use both the Halo and the Evo depending how the game is or what I need out of the day.

They both have their ups and downs. Speedwise they are close thought the Halo is faster. I do blend paint more with the Halos especially when using brittle paint like Ultimate Chronic.

Both are good choices.