View Full Version : Whats a good solid but cheap Pump marker?

03-06-2004, 08:54 PM
i have been doing a little research as of late cuase im interested in purchasing a pump gun anyways alot of what i see are bushmaster 2's and the autocockers that pump and phantoms now im sure there all good and what not but for about 100$ new or used what is the best bang for the buck? i want something that will work everytime not give me any troubles stock or non stock class it doesnt matter just want something of great quality for around 100$

if 100$ is to cheap for a nice decent pump then wich would you suggest? and by all means it does not need to be fancy looking as long as it makes the loud thud when shooting and shoots straight its cool with me but like i said whats the best for the money out there

03-06-2004, 08:56 PM
i bought a kingman hammer on ebay......its doing the job nicly ....and for only 40$ (btw im gonna get you your $$$ on paypal tonight or tommorow ;......so have those pods reddy)

50 cal
03-06-2004, 09:01 PM
Search around, you can find a basic black used Phantom sometimes for about $150.

03-06-2004, 09:04 PM
ramen there ready :)

and my biggest problem in finding a nice pump marker is to me they all seam the same except for maybe the action of the pumping parts of the gun i mean other then that there all the same to me i really dont care about efficiency or anything like that so what is the difference between a nice cocker pump phantom and say the bushmaster 2 or of guns alike?

paint magnet
03-06-2004, 09:07 PM
If you can afford it, Phantoms are definately worth the extra money. The quality control and customer support is, to say the least, amazing. I'm still kicking myself for getting rid of my Phantom.

Right now my only pump marker is a ACI/PMI Maverick/Trracer. It's Nelson based and it get the job done. Most pump guns that aren't made out of plastic are quite reliable.

If you have to stick to something under 100 bucks, I'd look around for a nice used PGP or even a new style PGP. Get a quick change knob, velocity adjuster, a quick strip kit and a supply of 12 grams and you're ready to rock :cool:

03-06-2004, 09:17 PM
my sl-68 II got rained on one day and i forgot to clean it out and the bolt was rusted shut along with probably everything else and calcium marks on the body. took off the barrel and kicked the pump arm and the gun still works perfectly :) lovely little sucker (i should probably get it a new barrel lol)

03-06-2004, 09:26 PM
anyone got any links i could go to, to find out more about pump markers? i know about palmers owner group but is there any more? or even places to buy so i can compare prices and to just see prices

paint magnet
03-06-2004, 09:28 PM
FutureMagOwner- Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot. I had an SL-68 II once, definately not much on looks, versatility or cosmetics but it was a tank. I bought it used after it had been used as a rental gun for 7 years...most of the time I got shot up when playing with it, but when I shot out guys with C&C Ir3's and Toxic Matrices, the look on their faces made it all worth while :D

03-06-2004, 09:43 PM
its always fun playing with an sl-68 II like this one time i followed this guy for about 5 minutes getting closer and closer then all the sudden he started to run to help out his team and i shot him in the arse :D

03-06-2004, 10:01 PM
look for a used pmi 2, piranha sb or lb or similar sheridan on ebay. you can find some nice ones for cheap sometimes.
all brass construction, fixed barrel though.

i've had a custom dirivitive for like 14 years and still use it regularly.

i also bought a used cocker for cheap and converted it to a pump. whole thing cost me less than 135$ and was easy to do.

03-06-2004, 10:07 PM
Tigershark. I got 3 when they were $25 with a squeegee and 12 gram adapter at pbgear. Very reliable and very durable, contray to what you'd think, being made out of plastic. It's tough plastic, though. Good gun. Or you could get a PGP. Also very reliable and a good little gun.

03-06-2004, 10:10 PM
go to www.mcarterbrown.com and look in their buy/sell/trade forums and ebay finds. THey have many pumps there. Look into pirhana Long Barrels, pgp's, tracers, or almost any other kind of nelson clone.

03-06-2004, 10:16 PM
I'd reccomend an ACI Maverick. Very cheap, but fairly rugged and comes with a nice barrel. They're also called Tagmasters, Hornets, and Trracers.

03-07-2004, 05:44 AM
yeah tracers are pretty sweet they were rated most accurate gun of like '93 or something like that :p

Pyrate Jim
03-07-2004, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by trevorjk
anyone got any links i could go to, to find out more about pump markers? i know about palmers owner group but is there any more? or even places to buy so i can compare prices and to just see prices


03-07-2004, 11:50 AM
Find a a phantom, I found mine used for 50 bucks. Also the Action MArker is nice but you almost never see them

paint magnet
03-07-2004, 12:07 PM

www.munkies.net/ppig Pump Players Internet Guild

Both are great sites.

03-07-2004, 12:29 PM
this has already been said but the Kingman Hammer is an awesome pump. Ive used one and i loved it. They go for pretty dang cheap to. If you bought one, you would have extra money left over for paint or whatever.

03-07-2004, 12:30 PM
Get a blade.......:)

03-07-2004, 01:01 PM
Do you want a stock class or a plain old pump?

If a pump, get an old cocker and then by the Sniper conversion kit. I picked up an 02 cocker for $175 and AlbinoNewt is picking me up the Sniper conversion for $20. Viola, 2 markers in one!:D

03-07-2004, 01:37 PM
If stock class isn't your thing, get a

SL-68II $40-$50
Kingman Hammer $50
Bushmaster $80
DF Phantom $120

pumps rule.



03-07-2004, 04:56 PM
alright today i got to handle a pgp and a pmi tracer i beleive it was and im sold on the pgp so im for sure getting a stock class pgp but for bigger games whats a nice pump that i could hook directly up to my air cuase thats all i have and use? im guessing this is where it gets expensive in pump guns but thats no biggie cuase it will have to wait anyways since im for sure getting a pgp and thanks for all the links and answers already i appreciate it

50 cal
03-07-2004, 05:24 PM

Is a good Phantom forum.

paint magnet
03-07-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Tyril
If stock class isn't your thing, get a

SL-68II $40-$50
Kingman Hammer $50
Bushmaster $80
DF Phantom $120

pumps rule.



Bushmasters are pretty hard to come by though. (Line SI Bushy's, not ICD ones ;) ) If you're looking for a pump for a longer game, (assuming weight is not a factor) then go with any direct feed constant air Sheridan variant (P-68 AT, PMI Piranha, Palmer Houndstooth, Sniper I,II,III) If weight is a factor, go with a Nelson based gun. Most are significantly lighter weight but perform just as well. (SL-68 [though it is heavier than most nelson based markers], Phantom, Maverick/Trracer variants)

And here are some rather hard to find (but well worth the money) markers -

WGP Ranger
Lapco Gray Ghost
Automags (w/ pump kits)

03-07-2004, 07:07 PM
I like my custom blade sniper rifle, I mow muppets with this thing, its even got a custom mill job.:eek: