View Full Version : PSP LA Open Picture Thread

03-06-2004, 09:35 PM
Here are some pics from our less than 24 hour stay in SoCal. :)


Aly enjoying her icecream.


Aly and Scooter


JT Booth






Heading towards the fields.

03-06-2004, 09:36 PM



Empress waiting for their game.


Empress and their coach for the game.


Last minute strategy.


The team gets last minute advice from Chris Lasoya.


RoadDawg chillin with me on the sidelines during the game.


Aly and Erin after the game.


Celebrating their three points.


Aly with Skirts' X-mag.

03-06-2004, 09:39 PM
I took my camera today so hopefully soon I'll be posting up some of my pics of today including my new Apache loader.

Curly- Thought I told you to erase that picture. :D Oh and that's a slick camera ya got there. See ya @ HB in 2 weeks.

03-06-2004, 09:43 PM
Cool pics! Wow they played till it was dark?

Great Job Empress! For a first time out all of you did great! It'll only get better from here. :D

03-06-2004, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Cool pics! Wow they played till it was dark?

Great Job Empress! For a first time out all of you did great! It'll only get better from here. :D
First night some games went til midnight as they were running an hour + behind. Luckily it was held on the infield of a horse racing track so they had lights and even trailer construction generated lights which helped light up the area.

03-06-2004, 09:50 PM
Paintball.com gave Empress a lot of love.

some pics with Clare in em... :)


03-06-2004, 09:54 PM
Funny moment was when one of the Breakout members accused one of the Empress team members of over shooting him when she bunkered him. The Ref just laughed and told him to play ball.

03-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
Funny moment was when one of the Breakout members accused one of the Empress team members of over shooting him when she bunkered him. The Ref just laughed and told him to play ball.

Actually the ref laughed and told him to take up bowling. No lie.

03-06-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Curly

Actually the ref laughed and told him to take up bowling. No lie.

Even better. I thought I heard ball but he was closer to you as I was past mid field listening to Breakout fan(s) trash Empress.

03-07-2004, 07:22 AM
is it just me or do the girls look pretty friggin ausome sporting the black/red empire swag, topped off nicely with black profilers.... brings moister to my eyes.... deffently looking "Tha Hotness" IMO...

03-07-2004, 07:41 AM

Good job guys!!

looks like it was a blast!!

03-07-2004, 09:09 AM
I want to play under lights, that looks insanely cool. Good job Empress with your 3 points:D

03-07-2004, 12:52 PM
The girls did GREAT!!!

i have some more pics to post... however i cant post them AGAIN... i guess i need to put them on a server and link them... ill email them over to you curly and maybe you can put them up...

the games against breakout was fierce... the girls when 3-4 in the second half of that game. derder was on hand taking video of the games.

aly (flip-queen) jumpin into the snake and shooting out 4 of the breakout guys so clare could run the flag in.

tara jumped over the snake to bunker out a breakout guy in the snake

josie was doing run throughs all day in the center x

also at the end of the first half against breakout... all 5 girls did a runthrough on breakout and they had to blow the horn 5 times to get them to stop shooting breakout... it was great watching the girls play tough all day.

props to aly and clare for sporting the x-mags... go AGD

peace from NOR-CAL

No sKiLLz
03-07-2004, 08:10 PM
NYX got schooled in the first quarter against Baltimore. The quarter ended 9-1.

03-07-2004, 09:50 PM
Where did she get that agd trucker hat?

03-07-2004, 11:02 PM
i think its a hat with an agd sticker

03-08-2004, 01:10 AM
That would be a JT Trucker hat with an AGD sticker on it. I refused to wear the one that skirts gave me. :)

03-08-2004, 01:38 AM
yeah... my fiance is wearing my jt trucker hat with an AGD sticker on it...

03-08-2004, 01:40 AM
Skirts didn't get a chance to congradulate you 2 in person but I'll say it now... congradulations once again.

03-08-2004, 01:59 AM
I'll be post some of my pics as soon as I can upload it.

03-08-2004, 02:41 AM
What a long week! Empress played great for a team who hadn't played or met each other before (with the exception of 4 of us who played one weekend together). We got off to a shakey start in the first match but the team got progressively better as a whole as we played more games. It was like night and day between our first and second match. The scores did not reflect the way the team actually played and I have to say that I'm really happy with how things went. It came down to a lot of 2 on 2's or 1 on 1's and such. We will actually get to practice before the next event and it will be even better. By the way, Curtis misunderstood. The 3 points couldn't have been scored without the joint effort of the whole team! I will have pics up later on tonight. By the way, congrats to Crissy and Aly who made the team (since they were trying out during the event)! :D

03-08-2004, 05:20 AM
Clare will be posting my picture of when I met her on Saturday at the LA PSP.

:D It was great meeting you! See you at HB


I've also put up some other pics here (http://www.clarebenavides.com/lapsp)

03-08-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
By the way, congrats to Crissy and Aly who made the team (since they were trying out during the event)! :D

Thanks a ton Clare for giving me the opportunity to play ball with you guys! Definitely the most fun weekend I've had yet.

03-08-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by skirts
aly (flip-queen) jumpin into the snake and shooting out 4 of the breakout guys so clare could run the flag in.

Definitely could not have done that without Skirts, Curly, Bunny, and the rest of the crowd telling me when to bump up and where to shoot. Xball freakin' rules!

03-08-2004, 12:51 PM
Warpig showed no love for the Empress. What's up with dat? Good job girls. For not playing together previously you all did great. Keep up the good work.

03-08-2004, 01:04 PM
way to go girls, and holy beshizzles, empire gave you girls the major hookup, on and off the feild, very cool, and again, looking great! *doesnt seem to have ever seen so many of the large empire bags in one place before like that*

sounds like yall had an ausome time, learned alot, and will have a ausome showing throught the season... major props to yall!

03-08-2004, 02:13 PM
Just wanted to give a quick thanks to Sarah and the Empress gals for letting me be a part of the pit crew. :cool: Hopefully the opportunity will present itself that I'll be able to help out in the future events as well.

It was great to watch your games (when I wasnt wiping hits, cleaning goggles, filling pods, fixing guns, ect :D ). I only wish I could have watched more, especially to see Aly wreck people from the snake!

I really liked how you put the fear of god into Breakout at the end of the first half. You were all pissed and you really showed it. Way to get the crowd into it!

You girls definately picked it up in the second game, especially in the second half. All I saw was constant improvement all around. Everyone in D3 better watch out! The girls are coming!!! :p

Lets work towards that first win in Orlando!

Remember...3 points!!! :D :p :cool:

03-08-2004, 10:06 PM
I have a TON of pics coming, stay tuned...

I did get to see Clare and Simon while I was in Cali. I caught Clare outside the Empire tent after their game on Thursday night. She gave me a hug and at least pretended to remember me. ;) I think Empress did a GREAT job considering they've never played together. That's not an easy thing to do, especially in X-Ball!

And Simon was working on his "machine gun" when I stumbled upon the Limey Bloke! I thought he was teching, so I gave him a hard time. Sorry, Simon.

My most memorable moment(s): Bunkering two Pro/Am players outta the snake on the JT field, under the lights, in consecutive games. I put a couple into the backs of a Turtles player and a guy from Justice! The highlight of my short paintball career. Hopefully the camera guy behind me got a good shot so it'll make it onto a DVD! :D

EDIT: Low moment(s): Nearly breaking my nose diving into a bunker when the barrel caught and kicker the tank up. The butt end of a tank + my nose = PAIN! I also snapped the feedneck clean outta my SFL breech. The ShockTech guys (Manny specifically) were VERY helpful in getting that fixed for me. Thanks guys!

Peace from the ATL ~ Jonesie

03-08-2004, 10:23 PM
I was pretty quiet and didnt really introduce myself to anyone.

As I look back I prolly should have, but by the end of friday I was tired as hell and not really in the mood to talk to anyone that much, except to make fun of Dan of course. ;)

Load SM5
03-08-2004, 10:35 PM
Manny was hanging out at the shocktech tent? He back with those guys?

03-08-2004, 11:02 PM
Ok. Here's some of my pics.

DJBea interviewing LadyA about safety and paintball:

DJBea coaching from the bleachers for Team Aftershock:
Damn, she has some lungs! My right ear started to ache after awhile.

Team Aftershock at the break:

Gibby and TDS - Sorry I didn't meet up with you guys. Got there alittle late and went straight to the fields. By the time I saw RoadDawg, you guys left. TDS, I left some pics from Hawaii in your thread.

03-08-2004, 11:04 PM
I caught Clare outside the Empire tent after their game on Thursday night. She gave me a hug and at least pretended to remember me.

Aw, c'mon! I knew exactly who you were! :)

03-08-2004, 11:10 PM
Bea stole my poster :( oh well I got a free lanyard out of it though. :) That and it was a Naughty Dawg poster so not like I really cared. She does have some lungs though and a booming voice.

03-08-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Manny was hanging out at the shocktech tent? He back with those guys?

Probably a different Manny, I'd guess.

Last time I talked to Manny aka RiceRocket about 2 weeks ago, he was going to play X-Ball with WONE.

03-09-2004, 12:19 AM
Yes, all game pics were through the netting.

03-09-2004, 02:45 AM
OMG yes, please resize them in paint or what ever and reupload them... if your gonna host on geocities.... rename the file extention from .jpg to .txt so it will show up properly...
but please, resize them on your end first....for gods sake...I just saw big red Xs....LOL

03-09-2004, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Manny was hanging out at the shocktech tent? He back with those guys?

Nope, not THAT Manny. I think he was just some booth guy. Shoulda specified, sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

]Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Aw, c'mon! I knew exactly who you were! :)

Now you do! ;) I was just ribbin' ya! I was hoping to get a chance to introduce you to my girlfriend Jenny, but I didn't see you after that night. She keeps talking about want to play some 'ball, and I thought maybe you could talk her into actually doing it...

Later ~ Dave

03-09-2004, 10:05 PM
There were safety issues in the pit area, as well. You're supposed to put on your barrel condom beforing going back in there. But, the team at the tables next to us kept ignoring the rule. I got shot from a couple feet away without my mask on as I was filling up my tank. Luckily it was on my hip and not my eye. I went off on the guy and he couldn't even look up at me and just muttered a "sorry". We had told someone there and they just gave them a warning. They still continued to ignore it from time to time, as well. :rolleyes:

She keeps talking about want to play some 'ball, and I thought maybe you could talk her into actually doing it...
Well, she can email me at any time. I would be more than happy to help her out in any way that I can.

03-09-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Curly

That mags about as big as she is:p

Awesome pics, guys!

Safety issues I think are the easiest to avoid. Its kinda agrivating to see so many people ignorant of the simplest, yet most important rules of the game...:o

Looks like you guys had a good time, tho.

03-09-2004, 10:21 PM
Yeah, the Hostile kids were totally ignoring the barrel condom rule next to you guys. After having a few barrels pointed at me accidently, I decided it was time to turn my back to that side of the tent. They were threatened with penalties, but nothing really came of the idle threats...

03-09-2004, 10:30 PM
ya, I wouldnt have been as nice as you if I had been shot Clare, someones marker would get a redesign via " pressure molding" agaist its owners skull....

thats worse then me walking to the chrono last sunday at the tourney I was at only to have some punk ripp a line of paint from his timmy about 3ft infront of My face as I was putting My mask down to step up to the chrono area, because he was to lazy to walk the 5 ft up to the fence to do so...

03-10-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Cryer

That mags about as big as she is:p

Ha! Good thing I wasn't holding up my RT w/ warp and 68c tank...you wouldn't have been able to see me! ;)

03-10-2004, 10:51 AM
and to think... thats a x-mag with a short feed neck, and a 45/45 tank... about as small as your gonna get. i have a bunch of pics for you flip, but they are too big to email... even zipped they are about 24 mb

03-10-2004, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by skirts
and to think... thats a x-mag with a short feed neck, and a 45/45 tank... about as small as your gonna get. i have a bunch of pics for you flip, but they are too big to email... even zipped they are about 24 mb

even if u send them individually?

03-10-2004, 08:35 PM
Nope, wasn't me at the Shocktech booth. Still friends with a few of the guys on Shock, but that's it.

The Wone deal fell through. Free agent for now.

Manny Francia

03-11-2004, 11:27 AM

interested in taking some punk AGD Pride guys to the top... we have been tossing around the idea of X-Ball...

drop me an email...
[email protected]

or ill drop you a PM once we know what the plan is


03-11-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by pbzmag
Ok. Here's some of my pics.

DJBea coaching from the bleachers for Team Aftershock:
Damn, she has some lungs! My right ear started to ache after awhile.

Does anybody else think it looks like she's smoking a giant cig?

Still nice thou :)

03-11-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by skirts

interested in taking some punk AGD Pride guys to the top... we have been tossing around the idea of X-Ball...

drop me an email...
[email protected]

or ill drop you a PM once we know what the plan is

hmmm. sounds interesting;)