View Full Version : question for AGD

03-06-2004, 10:56 PM
hey i have a old 45/33k flatline nitro tank that has a leak from the on/off and i was gonna send it in and i have a few q's 1st is i head that they have 2 stars on them that u can use, 2nd is what will i have to pay for just shipping or replacement parts.
jacob zeairs

03-07-2004, 09:35 AM
AGD has a 90 day warranty on everything. The flatline has no star program, which is being phased out anyway. There WILL be a rebuild fee and return shipping fee. This can be repaired if you send it in. I may also be able to help out. Email me.;)

03-07-2004, 10:10 AM
o ok i will email you but i remember reading somewhere here that if you have an old flatline tank it has 2 stars on it you can use to get it rebuilt.