View Full Version : My new Emag

03-06-2004, 11:59 PM
Well, after having my speed for 3 weeks, I traded it for an emag. I didn't like the speed at all. I missed my old school rt and had to have a gun that didn't break paint again. So, I jumped on this deal.

AGD E-Mag 1.37 software(3.2 whenever I drive to agd to get it flashed)
ULE Frame
No rise SS body black
16in dye boomstick
black xvalve
chrome cp rail
black cp on off(on the way)
88/5k PMI(flatline isnt mine, nor is the halo or drop)
black yboard eggy
Xboard old school revvy for front


Mag Master 04
03-07-2004, 12:08 AM
nice where did u get that body at...did u buy that E from platniumjason cuz he had a nice low rise body on his old E

03-07-2004, 12:09 AM
I dont know who this was on AO. He offered me his mech mag+cash for my speed, then got the bottom of an emag and offered it to me. No idea where he got the body, he converted it from a high rise emag.

03-07-2004, 08:53 AM
Nice. Where did he get that long piece of macroline? I'd lke one longer than a foot but can't find any.

03-07-2004, 09:04 AM
He took the pics, but www.countypaintball.com they sell it, like if you buy 5 ft. you get 5ft uncut. I have SS on it.