View Full Version : viruses

03-07-2004, 10:24 AM
there is a fileone my computer called "web saving from ebates" or something, and then a file called wjview and jview in my windows section. when i try to delete them they just come back instantly. when i try to uninstall the web saving from ebates thing, it tells me Wjview error and then something else. ne one know how to fix this? its messing up my computer, like sometimes my keyboard is screwy and the keys wont work, and when i click on an icon on my desktop it will open just its properties and stuff, then ill close like HP (my printer) and stuff will work fine. does this sound familiar to ne one? how can i get rid of this?

03-07-2004, 12:45 PM
I get ebates crap all the time. Search for "adaware" in google. You should get a company named lavasoft. Download there free software. It works WONDERS in getting rid of that crap.

03-07-2004, 11:21 PM
Kazaa fills your computer with this crap
my one comp got so bad i gave up formated the hard drive
then killed my brother when he put Kazaa back on

03-07-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by sharpshooter1286
there is a fileone my computer called "web saving from ebates" or something, and then a file called wjview and jview in my windows section. when i try to delete them they just come back instantly. when i try to uninstall the web saving from ebates thing, it tells me Wjview error and then something else. ne one know how to fix this? its messing up my computer, like sometimes my keyboard is screwy and the keys wont work, and when i click on an icon on my desktop it will open just its properties and stuff, then ill close like HP (my printer) and stuff will work fine. does this sound familiar to ne one? how can i get rid of this?

A. Don't delete the wjview and jview files. Thats your java virtual machine for your computer. (In english, you need it)

B. If the program is giving your errors, it prolly because your JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is the old microsoft version and not the new Sun version. (The microsoft version works better in my opinion. Faster and doesn't hang as much. Surpising aint it)

C. Microsoft lost the lawsuit to Sun so if you want the program to work, you might have to upgrade to the sun version. http://java.sun.com

D. I know way to much about this stuff, please shoot me.