View Full Version : Input pressure for RT Valve?

03-07-2004, 12:17 PM
I have an ACI Bulldog, its a year old and the output pressure for the tank is pre-set to 800 psi. I want my minimag with the rt valve installed to be more reactive . I also have a level 10 installed. I really don't want to have to buy another nitro tank, but if that means getting more reactivity in the trigger, then maybe I will.
Is the input pressure my problem or do I need to do some fine tuning?
And if I need another tank with higher pressure...any suggestions on a good reliable tank?

03-07-2004, 03:48 PM
uhm the only thing that may help is more input pressure if u can get that without a new tank then good luck i have about 1200 going to my mag some say thats too much but works for me i like adjustable like the macdev conquest

03-10-2004, 11:50 AM
Here. even if you are not looking to go this far, the principles are the same.


03-10-2004, 12:40 PM
the max flow tops out at 1000psi (as per a converstion i had with smart parts) however in my experience if you try to go that high if your tank pressure starts to get anywhere neer that say about 1200 then it will start to creep (not so big a deal on a mag as you have a secondary reg but still not good) when it creeps if it goes over 1000psi it blows off out the front of the reg (realy annoing to have it hiss every 30sec.) the conquest i seem to remember didn't even go high enough to give you the 200psi you need accross 2 regs when you hook it to a mag, although it's been some time since i talked to them about it, and it may just have been i couldn't get the pressure needed for MY mag(750psi out the end of the bolt so 950psi into the valve min.) your best bet for REALY high output pressure is the flatline, it's good up to 1200psi if i remember corectly.

Eric Cartman
03-10-2004, 02:10 PM
I've got a Hyperflow that works great. It goes up past 1000, but I tend to run it between 800 and 950 psi.

An adjustable tank is definitely your best bet to increase reactivity. That's why I got rid of my bulldog.

03-12-2004, 01:49 PM
I would be interested in hearing that, post it here if you would.