View Full Version : Mags were representing at the local field Saturday, thanks to Tunaman!

03-07-2004, 10:58 PM
The last week was a long wait for me to get all my gear together, and thanks to Tunaman I have gotten an awesome deal on an awesome marker! I am now a happy owner of a pewter X-mag!!! I also gobbled up a used nitro-duck with an x-stream adjustable valve, and a HALO-B for good measures.

My friend Mindflux (AO member as well) also got his pewter x-mag with a flatline tank that he got off of ebay for an unbeatable price from the brown man (UPS) that was deliveered overnight with Saturday delivery, so we were both showing off our new x-mags at the local field Saturday.

Chojin Man (another AO member) also made an appearance with his R/T and later he was using Mindflux's R/T PRO to shoot me in the hopper plenty of times to make my evening miserable (I had to clean all the junk).

Overall we had a blast, I just wanted to give mad props to Tunaman for his awesome service, my marker was set up straight from the box, and although it was (slightly) used, it sure felt like a NIB marker. Mindflux's marker turned out awesome as well, he had to do some adjustments and redo some fittings to get it perfect, but his one is just as sweet as mine.

Oh and interestingly there are only 10 marker serial numbers between his one and mine :).

I'll be visiting this site a lot more now that I've got my x-mag!

03-07-2004, 11:30 PM
Rock on Brotha! Long live AGD! Glad you like it. If you have any questions or issues in the future feel free to contact me.;) :D

Chojin Man
03-07-2004, 11:57 PM
So how long did it end up taking you to clean your hopper?:D

After playing with Mindflux's Logic X-mag; I know what I need to start saving for. That setup was sooo nice! Thanks again for letting me use it Mindflux.

Sean "Chuffy" Combs
03-08-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Chojin Man
So how long did it end up taking you to clean your hopper?:D

After playing with Mindflux's Logic X-mag; I know what I need to start saving for. That setup was sooo nice! Thanks again for letting me use it Mindflux.

No probs Chojin. Any time.

ERm.. waiting for unka phil to give me my name back. Thanks Shartley :p

BTW: Logic X-Mag.. whew I wish.

Logic RT Pro ;)

03-08-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Sean "Chuffy" Combs

No probs Chojin. Any time.

ERm.. waiting for unka phil to give me my name back. Thanks Shartley :p

BTW: Logic X-Mag.. whew I wish.

Logic RT Pro ;)

Sorry about that. I had a mix up in my log. And then my Father fell ill suddenly on me. So I been out of sorts. Its fixed now and there will be no pentaly for the techincal violation since the fault lay with me. Carry on.

03-08-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Sean "Chuffy" Combs
ERm.. waiting for unka phil to give me my name back. Thanks Shartley :p

Um… You are very welcome?

I don’t think I did anything to cause you to lose your member name, or get a temp ban, or whatever. I don’t have that power.

Maybe you lost it because of something you chose to post?

I am sure it was a learning experience whatever it was though. ;)

03-08-2004, 12:14 PM

Thanks for coming out Chojin. It was.. uh fun getting lit up by you ;)

Thanks to GTakacs for letting me crash at your pad! Saturday was a blast, I was hammered after 6 hours out there!

03-08-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Um… You are very welcome?

I don’t think I did anything to cause you to lose your member name, or get a temp ban, or whatever. I don’t have that power.

Maybe you lost it because of something you chose to post?

I am sure it was a learning experience whatever it was though. ;)

Perhaps he is thanking you for your forgiveness Sam? I know he is truely sorry... perhaps he should express that? ;)