View Full Version : intelli to ricochet

03-07-2004, 11:21 PM
I saw a thread asking if you could attach an inteliframe to a ricochochet 2k, but some one said it was useless because the rico turns with every shot anyway, but the little ball senser is busted, and the paddle only turns when you turn the hopper on, how would i atttach the frame?

03-08-2004, 03:17 PM
You would want to use a method similar to that used for the Revolution. Attached to the flap sensor Dealie should be two wires. Those two wires are what you'd want to connect the Intelli-sensor to.

I think. I've never done it before.

03-08-2004, 05:59 PM
I tink you would just need to wire in between the battery and the battery and the switch.

03-09-2004, 12:23 AM
11_Mile_TMaster is correct, i think they are green and white wires, what i've done before with my electro black dragun, and what i will soon be doing again with my mag is to take the audio wires (in the intellifeed manual online) and just stick them into the green/white wire plastic connector (the plug that goes to the board) make sure they aren't touching, then tape them up with electrical tape, if you want to, cut a notch in your battery door so that it slides on all the way and hook 'er up to your gun

everyone says that rico's have this feature already, but for people like you who have mabye a broken one, or people like me who realize that the paddles can get in the way of the feed neck especially when you first load paintballs in, it can be kind of irritating without an intellifeed

good luck

Dan Heneise

03-09-2004, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Branden Minimag

...You don't need to intelli feed your Rico because the bend sensor turns the agitator on every ball.

as i said, most people say this, and for the most part it is true, but i have had instances where the paddles get stopped over the feed tube hole and no balls are able to flow down, also if, like me, you shoot sometimes with your gun on it's side and you shoot out all the balls in the feed neck, you have to tilt the gun verticle to let some fall back in so it can spin, whereas if it were intellifed and you're shooting it on it's side with a full / half full hopper, it can still get paint into the feed neck