View Full Version : Need some intel on what you would like to see in an indoor arena.

03-08-2004, 05:43 PM
Okay its been an on going debate with me and my buddies on why we go to one field over another I want to get an idea on why people do what they do..

Heres some criteria to go buy... oh yeah BYOP is disqualified.....

Paint price
Cost to play
Staff ( ie. reffs , others )
Rental equipment
anything I missed?????

Please do give some feed back on this one... Just chime in with anything you like about one place.. keep it off of the BS selling your field stuff.. this isnt meant to be an advertisement for my future field or your current one.

03-08-2004, 05:59 PM
turf can't give ya rug burns but should be smooth and not that slippery when paint all over it

paint price should be relatively cheap and/or byop, certain days byop balh blah blah

cost what like 15-20 for entrance and all day air

ligthing must be bright, very important

staff must be experienced and not total idiots

cleanliness, no trash layign around, how hard is that?

rental, i dont use, but shoudl be descent stuff for newbs

maybe sogns to play during the game to get you pumped, a place to watch the game easily, stands?
food and drink vendign machines, and a place to buy paintball equipment.

03-08-2004, 06:21 PM
I look for Good paint prices
half way decent field entry
and good reffing
and airball

up at Empty Hopper in reed city michigan
The refs are great, encourage you to do crazy stuff, but are ALWAY safe

Paint prices are awsome $63/case of EVIL
Field entry is okay $20 and you get a 9k psi aircard

03-08-2004, 06:28 PM
Nice Irish Pub and perhaps lap dances...

Creative Mayhem
03-08-2004, 06:46 PM
Good call Phil.. when do we open said establishment? ;) :D

03-08-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Nice Irish Pub and perhaps lap dances...
I am with Phil on this 1

1 cost
2 clean
3 paint quality

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-08-2004, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Nice Irish Pub and perhaps lap dances...

...and i thought my posts were dumb :p

What i would like to see is a good specator area where you can't get hit.

If not you can probably put cameras on the field protected by plexiglass that can display what is going on at the field on monitors near the front desk or on a table, possible mounted on the ceiling?

lockers so you can put your stuff in

03-08-2004, 10:31 PM
in indoor i dont look at how clean it is cause working at one i understand how much of a pain in the *** it can be to keep clean.

but the 3 tops things i look at are:


prices (paint, entry, and if they pay entry give em all day air)

refs, techs, pro-shop (those 3 kinda go hand in hand)

remember presentation is a big part of stuff, the cleanlyness of the field not so much, but everything else should be clean orderly and professional looking.

03-08-2004, 11:34 PM
the bigest problem i see with the indoor places that i have been to is a long wait to play which is do the size of the complex, and or lack of organisation of the staff

03-09-2004, 12:22 PM
im not gonna worry about order here:

turf with nice padding underneath
clean, mostly. Its really hard though
good paint, fresh.
knowlagable refs/techs/all employees.
good staging area.
well heated....guns just wont work right when its 40*. It sucks.