View Full Version : Fell in love with my Mag... again!

03-08-2004, 07:29 PM
Have not posted in a long time, partly work and partly just kind of disenchanted with my Mag since I went Lvl 10. I never could get the velocity up above 275 without venting and even then I was suffering from tremendous velocity variations (average was like 250 +/- 25 fps). Lots of advice, tried them all but nothing worked. That low velocity took away a big part of my game and just left me kind of cold to the Mag.


Recently I checked back on the board and saw that AGD finally brought out a Lvl 10 rated regulator body and I decided to give it one last try. Got it, put it in, and played with it on Saturday. To make a long story short it fixed all the problems and really made my Mag sing! I'm in love all over again, there are not many markers that can do that!


The first time at the chrono it would only shoot 275 +/- 15, better but not great and a terrible gas hog. I shot my bottle (about 400 paintballs) and then I had to adjust it up again but this time it held +/-10 @ 280 and I could shoot 500. By the fourth time out I was able to shoot 288 +/- 2 fps and 600 or so shots out of 68/3000. Obviously something was breaking in.

Its amazing how much a difference that made in my game, with this setup my long ball came back, I'm not a back player by nature but I do find that its useful to use the long ball to push people into a bunker right before I move in order to get extra time to make a move.

I'm a happy Mag owner again.

03-08-2004, 07:56 PM
congrats on getting your mag to work. they really are sweet markers.

03-08-2004, 08:11 PM
Hmm, I'm having the same problem with mine... what is that you said fixed it? Level 10 Rated reg body?

03-08-2004, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Ejp414
Hmm, I'm having the same problem with mine... what is that you said fixed it? Level 10 Rated reg body?
Get the new piston reg.