View Full Version : How to know you're an "New(b) School" player

03-08-2004, 10:46 PM
Sorry Tyger, It just looked so dang fun.

- When you you have no clue what Tyger, Tom, Bud, or Doc are, or what they are talking about half the time.

- When your part of AO and you don't own a mentioned marker... (who could that be?) me

- The first gun you played with was a Tippmann 98 custom

- When you think that anyone using a pump marker must be insane

- "What's a 6-pak?"

- When shiney things make you happy and you say "Oooh me want"

- When paintball first aired on TV you remember switching it to watch your favorite cartoon.

- When you think speedball is where it's at and woodsball is for the old-timers

- When you play, the games don't last more than 6 minutes

- "What's a Magic Box?"

- shooting 20bps isn't fast enough

- You have no clue what half the people are talking about when they mention their home fields

well, that's it for now
anyone else?

03-08-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Tanner Johnson

- shooting 20bps isn't fast enough

that sounds like me

03-08-2004, 11:08 PM
you are making it sound like someone should make a "when you know your are an old guy" thread with some of those comments you made

03-08-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by shwerp
you are making it sound like someone should make a "when you know your are an old guy" thread with some of those comments you made


that thread was already made
How to know you're an "Old School " player (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128433)

And how about this one,

You know you are new school when,

You carry a case on your back, and still worry if its enough paint for that game

You think LP is the new black

03-08-2004, 11:24 PM
oh no you didn't

03-08-2004, 11:27 PM
Paintball is changing, you got to remember your roots, i started in the woods, but if this sport is goin to grow its not goin to be there, its just a fact, everyone starts there, its awesome, i still do it, like once a year...

ps you know your old when your wife tells you not to break a hip when you play cause you have to pay for your kids college tuition

03-08-2004, 11:30 PM
well that would basicly define a tourney player. so yeah im not even going to get in to making fun of recies

03-08-2004, 11:33 PM
first off before this gets to serious, i hope you all have a good sense of humor, second care to be a bit more specific elpimpo????

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-08-2004, 11:35 PM
when you don't understand what those players in jerseys are saying:

"There's one in the back left double, one in the center thirty laydown, and 2 in the 30 triple!"

oh the good ol days

03-08-2004, 11:39 PM
you know it,
how about
you can barely remember how many hours it took you to make your ghillie suit that you sold after using it 2 times?

ps it was an awesome ghillie suit

03-08-2004, 11:50 PM
5 of those first mention apply to me, I still remember seeing paintball on T.V.....then switching over to Nick
03-08-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by Tanner Johnson

- When you you have no clue what Tyger, Tom, Bud, or Doc are, or what they are talking about half the time.

* Just got into pb not so long time ago (less than 6 months) =p

- When your part of AO and you don't own a mentioned marker... (who could that be?) me

* ME too!

- The first gun you played with was a Tippmann 98 custom

* Naw... was a Phantom.. then an E-Orracle... then (now) a Speed...

- When you think that anyone using a pump marker must be insane

* I'm 1337

- "What's a 6-pak?"

* I dunno

- When shiney things make you happy and you say "Oooh me want"

* Oooh me want! :D

- When paintball first aired on TV you remember switching it to watch your favorite cartoon.

* Discovery channel all the way!

- When you think speedball is where it's at and woodsball is for the old-timers

* Most people (that I've talked to) started as woodsballers.

- When you play, the games don't last more than 6 minutes

* Yeah...

- "What's a Magic Box?"

* I dunno

- shooting 20bps isn't fast enough


- You have no clue what half the people are talking about when they mention their home fields

* Yup

03-09-2004, 12:10 AM
When you have a guy on your team whose entire job is to run like a moron straight down the middle of the field only to slide into the smallest, most rediculous inflatable bunker...

and then sit there for the rest of the game while half the other team tries to shoot hoels in your bunker.:D

You can't remember a time when autocockers weren't electric.

The things and people Tyger talks about in his "old school" thread fly right over your head.

You compare bps and gun operating pressure like your penis size depends on it.

1st time players with electric guns are normal.

Camo what?

Your halo doesnt shoot fast enough

You have a $1000+ marker for 3 days, shoot a few hoppers, then immediately trade it on AO.

You dream of playing tourney paintball as a living

You are in high school and own a $1000+ marker at the expense of a car/girlfriend/social life, and still think the trade worthwhile... Then again, she really was getting on my nerves:rolleyes: :D

03-09-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Lethargic
You are in high school and own a $1000+ marker at the expense of a car/girlfriend/social life, and still think the trade worthwhile... Then again, she really was getting on my nerves:rolleyes: :D

Uhhh, that doesn't apply to me.....*runs*

03-09-2004, 05:43 PM
This great guys
Anyone else?

03-09-2004, 05:50 PM
Oh dear, I've been parodied. :) Ok then...

...If you play in the woods, only bcasue that's what the local fild has, but you wear bright jerseys.

You've ever worn your 'ballin gear to school, work, or the lke, and been asked if you Motocross.

You've ever bought an upgrade to match the anno job on your gun, not becasue you needed it over the other part.

You've ever filled your trunk with junk to go play, then carry the bare minimum of belongings on the field to play.

You've ever spent more than $300 on clothing to play paintball.

You know that a dorito is at least 6 fot tall, a tco is 3 foot tall, and you like crawling with snakes.

X-Ball is "Da bomb". (Or whatever you hipsters say. l337? 3l3373? 0010011001001?)

You see guys wearing camo and think "Newb". You see a guy wearing camo with a pump gun and you think "WTF?"

Related : You've seen somoene with a pump gun and asked "Where's your hopper?"

You've ever carried 10+ pods on your back knwing you'd be rid of it all when you get done with that game.

You can toss a pod 50 feet in any given direction to get it out of the way. If there was a competition you could probably toss it over your shoulder, off the back corner pipe, and into a wastebasket if you wanted to.

Cleats are so old school. Now you want paintball shoes with spikes.

you can richochet balls from the 50 taco to the 45 pipe to the back corner double and gog someone.

You know both reasons "TIMMAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" is funny.

Dave Youbgblood makes kick-rump gear (swear filter, sorry) only. He never played paintball, did he? Related, Daryll Trent is the coach of the Philly Americans, And Zach Long came out of "nowhere" to play x-ball.

You've drooled over a +$1000 gun while looking at your own and thinking "I need one of those."

I'll think of more later. I'm supposed to be working...


03-09-2004, 05:54 PM
what is a 6 pack?

03-09-2004, 05:58 PM
lol canadaguy
you just made this thread worth it

03-09-2004, 05:59 PM
then...... did i win?

03-09-2004, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by canadaguy
what is a 6 pack?

Option 1 : THIS (http://www.tyger.us/pubimages/WR6PACK.JPG) or Option 2 : THAT (http://www.tyger.us/pubimages/oldschool/6pakad.jpg)

You pick. :)


03-09-2004, 06:11 PM
heh, nice Tyger. Alright, that answers my FIRST question, now my second. What is a magic box? sorry, i just want to know some stuff so i dont look like a complete idiot on AO.

03-09-2004, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by canadaguy
heh, nice Tyger. Alright, that answers my FIRST question, now my second. What is a magic box?

That's gonna take some digging on my part. So gimme time on that. I've got 5 projects ahead of ya. :)


03-09-2004, 06:56 PM
Well I am about to include myself in the "here's your sign" group.
What the heck does 1337 mean?
Is this another one of those 420 things?

03-09-2004, 07:00 PM
l337 means like elite or something on that order its internet slang

03-09-2004, 07:40 PM
agreeing with a previous post....
you are in high school, and yes, your gun is worth more than any amount of money you have ever held in your life. then you get a job to pay it off...and when asked, "so, why do you want this job," you reply with, "I really want some financial independence *COUGH* and to pay off my 900 dollar gun..." then your friends at school ask you how much you have spent on your paintball gun and you reply with "ummmm, about 900 dollars..." they laugh and say, "oh. you were serious about that..." and they leave you, but it doesnt matter because you can shoot more balls per second than they can, and they have no idea what they are missing.

03-09-2004, 07:52 PM
when your friends laugh at you for spending 1000+dollars on your gear, just to shoot little ball of gelatin, when they can do it with their way cool super neto blades, and shoot peoples mailboxes to boot

03-09-2004, 08:24 PM
- when any game other than centerflag push is a foriegn concept

- when hiding behind anything other than a man made object makes you real nervous

- you dont know what AGD, wgp, or wdp means

- you go to your local store to get your gun "tunned"

- you take your gun in for a trigger job, even though you own a multple point adujustable trigger set and have no clue how to use it

- you think mags are newb guns

03-09-2004, 10:09 PM
when you spend 10 minues reading about things you already do:rolleyes: :D

Lakeview Bulldog
03-09-2004, 10:26 PM
When your current setup costs twice as much as the car you use to drive to the field.

03-09-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Tyger

Option 1 : THIS (http://www.tyger.us/pubimages/WR6PACK.JPG)
You pick. :)


buh tyger...

nearly made me lose it there, gonna have to go grab another guinness and homebrew to get that image outta my head


03-09-2004, 10:41 PM
-When you see a guy with a backwards hat, and call him a newbie
-When you can honestly say you have never played woods
-You wear pink to the field, and no one thinks twice about it
-When you laugh at people that still have visors on their masks

03-09-2004, 11:27 PM
You know you'r a newb when you say 1337 (Elite, geeks say it to make them selves "cool")

- When you go out and buy a gun with your parents money and don't even know what it's called or how to clean it.

03-10-2004, 12:35 AM
first PB on TV I saw was way way back in the day i think i was like 10 or sumthin (8years ago) ESPN was showin guys playin in the woods and I wa like, "Awww man thats cool!" I wished i could play at the indoor field BATTLE ZONE but i couldnt i wasnt 13 yet.

03-10-2004, 11:52 AM
You have to use a search engine to get the "Durty Dan" quip Tyger posted...;)

03-10-2004, 02:07 PM
When Old School players light you up like a Christmas tree!

No sKiLLz
03-10-2004, 03:29 PM
- When you have to eat a tennis ball to control your outburst of laughter as you witness someone in the paintball store buy an Armotech sniper custom.
- You lie on your Financial Aid application specifically because you need that extra $2-300/ month for paint.

- You don't know who Jim Henson was but you still "Kill Muppets".

- You have no idea that Dave "Youngblood" is actually Dave "DeHaan", and used to play paintball in a three piece suit.

- Angel, Trixie, and Bushy are more than just last nights strip joint roster.

03-10-2004, 09:30 PM
i really liked angels bum though real nice and *notices hes talking loudly to everyone and runs away*

and hey my g/fs gun costs more than A mag of mine...though that mags just a basic tko backup to my current mag which will be my alias back up...ahhh my alias coming soon....*curses backorder*

hey and i like my visor....well on my v-force shield yes...pro flex noo...

ok heres super noob
when you think brass eagle all stars actually use brass eagles

you use tennis cans as pods

you think a shocker is just a taser

you bought a nitro tank and tried to put it in your car

when you loose you often blame the gun when you just forgot to refill the tank

you thought you could build your own gun with a chunk of raw aluminum and a swiss army knife *me*

you shot your own teamate while he headed for your bunker that you NEVER claimed

you confuse a timmy with a spyder....

you thought my mag was an angel(its an angel of its own though)

you brag about your 5 bps tippy

you laugh at ppl when they get out from the dead zone

you bought the wrong barrel back so you duct taped it

your emergency kit contains two leather gloves and an industrial roll of duct tape

you tried to paint your gun with a sharpy....two minutes later you sold it on ebay as a custom

when a person says x-ball yousay thats your fav brand of paint

you bring a squeegy half the size of your barrel

you have no f*ckin idea who derder is

you think anyone dressed with proper attire is a *pro*

the list goes on...