View Full Version : Ball Breakage...

03-08-2004, 11:30 PM
Okay, this one is really getting to me, hopefully you can help me.

I have an emag, LVL 10, Warp Feed, and all my barrels have plastic detents.

I can fire my marker all day nice and slow and its fine. Less than say, 8bps, no prob.

I am finding that when I am starting a game, and laning, I am continuously breaking paint. Now if I squeegee, and carry on shooting fast right away, I have no problems. But if I wait and then let a wild rope of paint go, I'll break again! If I squeegee, then carry on lighting up that bunker, I'm fine!

Any ideas? My level 10 is tuned real nice and I'm not chopping. I've tried all 7 barrels I have. I have tried ZAP AMP, PMI Premium, Evil, Chronic, Marb... no difference in results.


03-08-2004, 11:39 PM
Are you using CO2 or compresed air, if your using co2 you might be getting some liquid co2 coming out as you rip while slower rates of fire lets the liquid filter out before it hits the ball

03-08-2004, 11:44 PM
I'm using an e-mag... HPA only... although the spiking thing could be a possibility I guess if my flatline reg is leaking past... hmmm..

03-09-2004, 12:10 AM
yes reg creep...

it can screw up the velocity, air charge, and therefore your level 10 sensitivity.