View Full Version : Paintball on History Channel tonight!

03-09-2004, 10:11 AM
this is what the history channel says is coming on tonight on tac to prac:

Specialty Planes/Military Police/War Games: #11
Hunter Ellis examines brilliant--and often wild and wacky--innovations in military plane construction, and profiles civilian use of seaplanes in Alaska--including Vertical Take-Off Landing Craft (VTOL). He reviews the history of Military Police and learns how Crime Scene Investigation benefited from their work. Then, Hunter sees how military pilots train in cutting-edge simulators, war planners practice using video games, and both the military and civilian adventurers play paintball war games. TV G

oh, and it is tonight at 9pm

03-09-2004, 10:47 AM
It's a pretty good episode. The main downside is that after he gets tagged at the end of the match, he takes off his mask. But other than that, it's a pretty good episode.

03-09-2004, 01:04 PM
The episode is alright, but the paintball isn't. It is literally "tagged on". They spend 2-3 times as long talking about SoCom and similiar video games as they do paintball.

The entire paintball segment is roughly 5 minutes long and you just see him in a bright yellow jersey and he gets hit.

If you normally like the show, watch it. If your watching it just for the paintball, you'll be more than disappointed.

03-09-2004, 03:05 PM
i didnt like the episode. First the field owner calls the LCD 'the best marker ever' or something like that, then when theyre playing, a guy gets hit and flies back like 2 feet. And of course he takes off his gogs after getting shot.

03-09-2004, 05:17 PM
if i remember correctly, there were even more errors than that, it really bothered me. pretty positive he called the tank "nitrous", they all mounted their tanks in the craziest way i have ever seen, like raised up and pulled backwards, then he called his revolution force fed. along with the angel being called the best paintball gun in the world, the random removal of masks, the obvious staging of every move, and can anyone picture that guy, who obviously knows very little about paintball being a former pro?

btw, i'll be watching it again tonight, i'll edit if some of these arent true, just what i thought i remembered.

*edit* it was a ricochet that he called force fed, and he definitely called compressed air nitrous

50 cal
03-09-2004, 05:40 PM
"Tactical to Practical" is a pretty decent show sometimes.

03-09-2004, 06:47 PM
Is that 9 central? Eastern? In all time zones? EHH?!
I would like to see this. I always miss the paintball stuff on TV. :(

03-09-2004, 08:10 PM
I have seen it before also but I plan on watching it again....
what can I say, if paintball is on TV I wanna watch it....
heck I TIVO'd both world cups on OLN and havent deleted either one yet, TIVO'd "Southern Chopper" and havent deleted that yet (But I am Biased on that one because I was reffing and made my big Television debut..all of 1.5 seconds:rolleyes: )
Oh and of course "Splatattack" is still on my hard drive as well....wish I could have been at that one.


03-09-2004, 11:38 PM
come on
Ok the guy mad a goof lets not be little him. I assume not many people on here have been interviewed on tv so it a new experience trying to get every thing said with out the UUUHHH syndrome the fisrt time i was on tv being interviewed about something it was rough and there arent always retakes. i am a police officer and we have several markers that we use with oc or stink balls. the problem is yes i could shot them in my personel mag at 10 - 20 bps but if you shot to fast and have a ball break you have either a face full of oc powder or the most god awful smelling liquid on you. so the markers we use are set up to shot about 6-8 bps.By the way since in law enforcement things have to be politically correct my dept in its policy calls markers a co2 powered non leathal applicator. the guy stated that the marker was a top of the line and one of the better guns out there if you really want to disagree with that fine but it is his opinion. and about them falling over when they got shot. WAKE UP ITS TV!!!!!!. it was actually a positive plug for our sport.

03-10-2004, 01:06 AM
I liked it. Sure, there's some little gaffs, but let's look at what's really important:

They made it out to be safe and fun.
They didn't use Brass Eagle.

03-10-2004, 10:07 AM
Yes, I saw that episode. That whole part of the show was staged.

Gaffs. I REALLY LIKE the end where the host gets gogged and he flips his masks. Bonus balls anyone?