View Full Version : Tom or others: Version differences?

Maxd Out
09-24-2001, 05:15 PM
I just bought an e- mag used. The owner lives in illinois and took the gun in to the shop to be tuned up. He said they couldnt update the board because they didnt have the laptop at the time.

My question:
The gun is version 1.31 ( the original I think). Will it cause problems, or can I play with it for a while untill I can get it upgraded? Also, do I have to send it in to be upgraded or can I do it on any computer?


09-24-2001, 05:48 PM
You will not have any problems with 1.31 it will only loose the shot count occasionally. Wait to get it updated. We have to do it here.


Maxd Out
09-24-2001, 07:29 PM
Thanks Tom.

09-25-2001, 02:28 PM
Hey guys,

I am still running 131 on my emag, and I have no problems at all. as long as you can deal with loosing the shot count once in a while like tom says.

It seems to me that the emags soft ware even in the 131 vertion is just about right on.

Just my 2 cents

team I have no idea