View Full Version : Does LEVEL 10 COME "UN-TUNED"??????

captain stabbin
03-10-2004, 02:57 PM
Hey all, another question from a mag newb. My e mag is shooting great right now, no chops, no nothing... if i continue to drop a few drops of oil in my air source, dry fire... keep everything lubed up... and in top shape, is it still possible for the level 10 to come " un tuned"... i often wonder about this since i have no clue about how to maintain/fix level 10 bolts.

03-10-2004, 03:12 PM
The spring will 'shorten' over time from constant compression and you will loose some antichopability(is that a word?) and eventually the carrier o-ring will wear and need replaced and/or re-broken in.

But you should be good for a while.

03-10-2004, 04:43 PM
I'll put it to you this way...

I have the original oring that was set up in my Xmag when I bought it a year ago. I've used that gun every weekend, shooting a case or more each time it's out.

I wouldn't worry about it ANY time soon. :)

03-10-2004, 08:03 PM
nothing will happen for at least a couple year :D

03-10-2004, 10:33 PM
The factory sets up the LX pretty tight so it doesn't leak once it gets broke in. What you can do is run a couple cases of paint through the gun and then take out the bolt and slide it back and forth on the powertube.

The ideal fit is where you can hold the bolt at the top of the PT, drop it and it comes all the way down and hits the bumper. Put a bit of oil in the stem and slide it back and forth first to lube the o-ring and then do this test.

If it stops on the o-ring by dropping it, you can go to the next half size up on the carrier.

03-10-2004, 11:36 PM
after a couple cases mine did the leak down barrel thing.

dayspring i still have not sat down and changed that carrier. I hate being lazy