View Full Version : Refs

09-24-2001, 07:06 PM
i know that some people here r paintball refs, i have a few ?s

how did u get the job
how was the pay
how old were u when u got the job

09-24-2001, 07:33 PM
I've reffed some WPF events.

how did u get the job
Contacted a guy I knew did a lot of reffing and asked the same questions you are. :) I suggest talking to field owners and ask to ref some small local tourneys.

how was the pay
Generally the pay is in paint or cash. Fortunately, most don't make you decide until the tourney is over so you can scope their paint quality before getting stuck with a couple cases. ;)

how old were u when u got the job
Geezer + 5 years but not as old a Army :p


09-24-2001, 07:38 PM
i meant rec ball, for some of the younger guys :)

09-24-2001, 07:45 PM
I reff, how did i get the job, well all i had to do was to show up at teh feild and say i was reffing for the day, i get $20 a day which isn't anything special but i am not complaining. o and i am 15 !

09-24-2001, 07:52 PM
the fields around here pay about $40-60 a day. Ususaly they look for regular players and ususaly no younger than 15-16.

09-24-2001, 08:07 PM
The team that i'm on is sponsered by our local field, so we ref open play and all tournaments they host.
We get free practice paint, air, wholesale access through the store, and free use of the field at any time.
I started when i was 17.

Before i joined a team, voluntered to ref at a different field and field owners always need good refs. So they let me do it on a weekly basis. As for pay we got $10 off paint, $1 fills, 20% off anything in the store and no field fee. I was 16 when i started.
Just talk to the field owner and show interest in doing it, i'm sure they'll make an offer for your services.

09-24-2001, 10:25 PM
the best way i could think of is the way i did...become a regular at the feild, always ask if you can help out, play by the rules and have a friend say your name infront of the feild manager, and talk to the feild manager about what ever, so they can get to know you. It worked for me...i start at the end of oct.

09-25-2001, 01:24 PM
Its not hard i needed a job i decided for paintballing money lol!!! So i called up a few places i had played before and just asked if you needed anyhelp or extra help...Then one of them said yeah we need some help on sat's. and he told me to come on out he pays me with free air $5 free play$25 and paint pack of 600 about $18 been playkng and reffing every saturday since but try to get paid with money if you can unless you already have a super nice gun and car lol!!!!!:D

09-25-2001, 05:37 PM
Ive helped ref, and some of my friends are refs. All you do is pretty much ask, and being a regular there helps. The pay is around $30 a day, and my friends were like 15 and 17 when they started I beleive. Hope that helps. L8r


09-25-2001, 05:51 PM
Well my first reffing job was easy to get, I was just showed up at this field and they were woefully lacking in refs, so I offered to ref, I didn't even expect anything from it, but after the day was over the owner walked up to me and said, "So what kind of paint do you like to shoot?", I told him, and two minutes later he comes walking out of the store with a case of it.

I've reffed at fields all over the country, and usually I get discounts and free paint, on a few occasions I recieved money, but usually I just tried to get free paint.

09-25-2001, 09:01 PM
Yea I ref at my local field, North Alabama Paintball
I started by one day jsut being there when they needed an extra ref and my friend (who refs) and they got me started, I get paied 5.25 a hr. and work from 8-5 on saturdays. I was 15 when I got started an i love it.

09-26-2001, 01:21 PM
In a field here in Oklahoma, they get $25 per four hour shift. They also get no field fee if they play that day or the next day.