View Full Version : Where'd the name powerfeed come from?

09-24-2001, 07:48 PM
Y'know...I was just thinking (yeah, that's twice this year :P )...there's nothing involving power in a 'powerfeed'. So...why's it called a powerfeed?

09-24-2001, 07:55 PM
i think it is called powerfeed b/c power means faster or better, and it supposibly feeds better.

09-24-2001, 08:12 PM
Tom invented it.:D

09-24-2001, 08:22 PM
Because it uses the blow back to kinda bounce the paint into the breech. So the paint is powerfeed into the breech.

09-24-2001, 09:23 PM
why call it the Micro-CA II? there's no CA about it...

why call it the warp feed? it's neither warping balls, nor sending them warp speed...

why call it the revolution? Motorized loaders had already been around for years.

why call it "super semi," there's nothing "semi" about it...

why call it a spyder TL...

get where I'm going here? It's all about marketing. Just as we all know Mustangs are not really horses and the F-18 hornet is not an insect.

09-24-2001, 10:10 PM
Little Mike is right its because it used the blowback to "power" it into the breach.

Micro-CA stands for Microscopic Constant Air, get it?

Warp Feed because it feeds at the speed of light!! LOL


09-25-2001, 08:56 AM
AGD, I swear if I ever get my hands around your neck, "microscopic constant air!" is what i'll be screaming... ;)

09-25-2001, 09:58 AM
Thanks Tom