View Full Version : Warp feed question

03-10-2004, 10:20 PM
Yeah, I've been arguing with this kid about how fast a warp feed can feed. It says 20 bps, but he doesn't believe me that it can only feed as fast as the hopper feeding the paintballs to it. Can somebody please clarify this. He claims that a warp with a revvy 12v can feed over 20 bps.

03-10-2004, 10:49 PM
I own 2 warps, so I think I can help answer your question. Yes, with full auto, the warp will only feed as fast as the hopper BUT .. how often do you really fire Fully Auto?

The warp stacks from 9-12 balls and will feed 20 balls per second with 2 9volts (16 balls per second with 1 9volt) and when you pause for even a fraction of a second, the warp will play "catch up" to restack the balls ..

Effectivly, the Warp feeds 16/20 balls per second depending on how many batteries you have hooked up ... and you'd never notice the warp playing catch up. As far as I'm concerned, my warp DOES feed 16 balls per second (because I only have 1 battery installed) because during every game, you do pause every now and again between bursts. You really would never even know of the "catch up".

BTW I use a Ricochet AK that feeds at 14bps and I have never had a feed issue.

Duck Hunt
03-10-2004, 10:50 PM
Ok, the warp will feed 20 bps, the revy 12 bps. The warp will out feed the Revy since the warp is faster.
