View Full Version : Sombody won the Butters bonus prize tonite!!!

03-11-2004, 02:46 AM
It was a fun night of paintball and everything went pretty well and I was my cool happy self until...

I was behind a Soda Can Bunker playing back covering the rest of my group while they all pushed up the right.

I was concentrating my fire on the left side to give time to the others to run up the tape and flank.

Some guy in a yellow jersy comes flying up the lefthand snake and I send a stream his way... Hmm... Still Shooting back...

I send another Stream... Hmm Still Shooting Back...

Finally one of my teammates comes up behind him and bunkers him.

I leave the game happy that we won that round and the spectators on the side were telling me that I must have hit that guy at least 5 times.

Let me tell you I hate cheaters... I have no tolerance for people who need to cheat in order to have fun.

I figure I would just blow it off since we won and Im not the person who likes to start trouble.

The next round me and this guy end up on seprate teams again.

He pulls the same move and tries to run up the leftside snake...

I was in the same position concentrating fire right... This time I hit him and the ref sees it and calls him out...

Apparently he wasent too happy with this so after I see him walking a circuitous route off the feild I feels shots coming from nowhere...

The refs call me out... and im like WHAT THE HELL...

I KNOW that guy walked around just to shoot me because hes too little of a man to admit defeat...

Im pissed now the next game I go out with red in my eyes... Im out for blood.

This time I run up the left side and place myself in direct view of the left snake behind a dorito.

When he came lumbering along making the SAME move I proceeded to light him up until he was curdled up in fetal position on the ground....

The refs yell at me and tell me to get off the feild...

I know what I did was wrong but in this case I think he deserved it... If you cheat expect to recieve half a hopper of bonus balls.

Thats the end of my rant.

Creative Mayhem
03-11-2004, 10:36 AM

03-11-2004, 11:17 AM
I always bonus ball cheaters. It's the only way to make them actually call them selves out.

03-11-2004, 11:27 AM
its always fun to shoot the crap out of cheaters, even if the refs get pissed off in the process.

03-11-2004, 11:47 AM
Hey man, 3 strikes and you're out. Stitch em up. Although I usually just try to make it as annoying as possible. I aim for pods to see if I can punch a hole in them, hoppers, etc.

03-11-2004, 11:50 AM
Possible related thread and response:

03-11-2004, 12:40 PM
haha I know how you feel...I was playing Sunday and I shot this guy, He stopped shooting for a second looked at the hit and wiped it off, looked around to see if anyone saw (didn't see me crouched behind my bunker) and then started shooting again. I couldn't believe it so I sent a 30 ball string his way and I think every shot connected...he called himself out after that.

03-11-2004, 01:03 PM
Yea, when i was in the tourny sunday, i ran around the t bunker, shot one guy, started walking up the field shooting at another guy, hit him, and then after i proceed for the next guy i get shot by the 2nd guy i shot. I could have shot the whole team and won the game for us! but i was called out and then our team lost.:(

03-11-2004, 01:05 PM
Damn. I saw the title and though, "Ooh, bonus prize?" And then it turned out to be something completely different.

Disclaimer: Bonus prize has no cash value, expressed or implied.

I am in agreement with SlartyBartFast's assessment.

On a different tangent, as I have said all along, this sort of thing boils down to a reffing issue, as I kept reading the story and thinking "ref's fault"... "ref's fault"... "ref's fault". They should have been on the spot, they should have seen most of what was happening, and they should have known what was brewing. Or perhaps maybe they did know what was going on...

As far as the incident goes, I can understand, and I have to admit there was a little part of me inside that was cheering you on while reading the story...

But I generally feel it's not my place to mete out justice to anyone. Especially not anything like this. I would have just made fun of him in the staging area in front of everyone.

In any case, the field has serious reffing issues; either they were ignorant, or they were deliberately obtuse. If I were you, I wouldn't return to the field. Which would be unfortunate if you didn't have any other fields in your area.

Jack & Coke
03-11-2004, 01:05 PM
Hey Butters,

Good job!:)

At least you kept your cool and actually competed as his opponent before lighting him up.

Depending on my mood and the severity of the situation, I would have complained to the field manager and refs.

If the refs or field managers are a joke and don't do anything, then I would probably take care of business in my own special way...

I probably would secretely switch to his team, and bonus balled him in the back for the rest of the day. Not all at once mind you (i.e. lighting him up). I would shoot him once in the back or goggles ninja style every game or so. I would make it so that he would have no clue where or why he was getting hit.

But that's just me... I don't get mad, I get even... and the punk cheater wouldn't even know it was me.

03-11-2004, 01:09 PM
Wow, I think you're even more passive-agressive than I am!


Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Hey Butters,

Good job!:)

At least you kept your cool and actually competed as his opponent before lighting him up.

Depending on my mood and the severity of the situation, I would have complained to the field manager and refs.

If the refs or field managers are a joke and don't do anything, then I would probably take care of business in my own special way...

I probably would secretely switch to his team, and bonus balled him in the back for the rest of the day. Not all at once mind you (i.e. lighting him up). I would shoot him once in the back or goggles ninja style every game or so. I would make it so that he would have no clue where or why he was getting hit.

But that's just me... I don't get mad, I get even... and the punk cheater wouldn't even know it was me.

03-11-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

On a different tangent, as I have said all along, this sort of thing boils down to a reffing issue, as I kept reading the story and thinking "ref's fault"... "ref's fault"... "ref's fault". They should have been on the spot, they should have seen most of what was happening, and they should have known what was brewing. Or perhaps maybe they did know what was going on...

WHAT1!?! :eek:

Ref'S fault? I dont think so! who was the one that cheated? and who took revenge into thier own hands?

Jack & Coke
03-11-2004, 01:40 PM
heh heh...

Is it "passive aggression"?

Let's say someone is driving like an a-hole and cuts you off on the freeway:

A. You blare your horn, drop f-bombs, and gesture obscenities at them.


B. If the opportunity presents itself, you box them in with slower traffic so they can not pass. When they scream and look over at you, you ignore them while you pretend you are singing to the radio or yapping away on the cell phone.

I usually choose B. ;)

03-11-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Gabriel

WHAT1!?! :eek:

Ref'S fault? I dont think so! who was the one that cheated? and who took revenge into thier own hands?

Who GETS PAID to go out onto the field and perform paint checks, ensure rules are followed (eliminated players going to a dead box or proper waiting area, etc.), and deal with issues on the field should they arise?

J&C: Haha, man, I do B ALL the time. But I also have an option C that I do occasionally (and it freaks out passengers I have with me)

Unfortunately, I don't think it's proper for me to say what option C for me actually is. It's pretty bad. I'll PM it to you if you want.

03-11-2004, 04:47 PM
This is what typically happens to me. Somone new to the field will usually keep playing until a ref finally catches on. In most cases, I dont let it get that far. Some of these people are testing the rate of fire on my cocker... and I dont like it any more than they do. But if they are gonna cheat to have fun, Im gonna get 'em back with my own justified way of fun. "Plug it in and lightem up!"

An instance is this kids foot. I shot him in the foot a couple times, I clearly saw the break. I yelled at him to check his foot, and he says clean. So the next game I see his foot, you can bet I did a "butters"... yup a bonus half hopper.. or maybe more :)

03-11-2004, 05:17 PM
Just reading that post makes me want to hurt the guy, and I wasnt even there! I cant stand things like that. Makes me want to explode. I dont know if I could of held myself back from socking him in the face if I was there. lol. And the fact that YOU got caught makes me even more mad. lol

Jack & Coke
03-11-2004, 06:15 PM
dude, you need more fiber in your diet... ;) j/k

03-11-2004, 06:29 PM
You can't wipe a welt!:D

Nothing wrong with you lighting him up like that. Actually that is a better wayto handle it then throwing a tantrum and cursing up a storm. This way he looks like the wus and no kids are subjected to a curing tirade!

Good Job!!

03-11-2004, 07:15 PM
In rec, I think my favorite thing if I get the chance is to blast the hell out of their pods on their back point blank, the refs usually don't see that as an "overshooting for the purpose of inflicting pain" scenario but more of a "giving the guy a 30 minute job of cleaning all the wasted paint out of their pods as a thank you for being a cheat and a jerk" situation. You can just explain that this kid was wiping so you needed to lay down alot of paint to prevent wiping, and that you chose the pods so you're not intending to hurt him badly which is why the overshooting rule exists in rec, that you knew you had mark him clearly since single shots would be wiped by the guy. Refs in rec will appreciate that more because a.) You're being honest and more mature than yelling or trying to hurt the guy and b.) You make the guy buy a ton more paint and pods at the store because you just messed it all up in his pods. Or, if pods aren't your thing, point blank his hopper and watch his gun start oozing the paint.

Wes Janson
03-11-2004, 08:36 PM
You should've called a ref over when he shot you the first time, had him look at the position of the shots, and explained it. That would've been my move, aside from the obvious above.

03-11-2004, 11:13 PM
What you did was dishonorable and unsportsmanlike. Sorry to not jump onto the bandwagon, but bonus balling people isn't right, nor is it fair. He was a dick, and he deserved to be kicked off the field. Here's what you do:

Talk to the ref. Straighten things out.

You don't act like a child and try to engage in a pissing contest with him. I'm sorry, but you're just as guilty as he is. If I was reffing, you both woulda been outta there.

03-11-2004, 11:23 PM
Never said I wasent wrong... it was kinda the spur of the moment thing... I was seeing red.

Like i said... it wasent right... but I think I had a good reason at the time to do what I did.

03-11-2004, 11:36 PM
I for one am proud of you really - was it right, maybe.

But, never once did you complain about the refs, never once did you complain about teh punishment...

You acted, you took responsibility for your actions, and you know why you did them. The cost was worth it, and I think you have handled yourself well afterwards

03-11-2004, 11:52 PM
I do like what you did, I think it could have been handled better. I would have talked to a ref. Something like, "Hey Bud. Help a brother out. This guy is wiping. Next game can you watch him close and make sure to call him out?"

Then light him up, but not in a bonus way :)

03-12-2004, 04:47 AM
I tattood a guy that over shoot a teammate when he (not my teammate) was playing on, once in a tourney. We had enough guys to cover the 1+1 if assesed and there was another guy to bunker him again if he was called alive so I dropped about 20 on him point blank. That is what he gets for shooting one of my guys in the neck 4 times when he was already dead. I am all for the eye for an eye mentality.

If you dont like it, dont be a jag and we will keep it at a reasonanable 1-5 balls on you and aim for spots that are not that sensitive (masks, packs, guns, arms, legs) If you wipe one, there might be 15-30 more coming at you and we are neck hunting at that point. (common rule is 7 breaks per live player that is shooting in that dirrection)

Way to go butters!

Rope a Dope
03-12-2004, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
I proceeded to light him up until he was curdled up in fetal position on the ground....

I know what I did was wrong

No it wasn't wrong. :D

03-12-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Let's say someone is driving like an a-hole and cuts you off on the freeway:

A. You blare your horn...
B. box them in with slower traffic...

I usually do BOTH. ;)

BTW, not that it is right, but I would have most likely done something similar.

03-12-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY
In rec...if I get the chance is to blast the hell out of their pods on their back point blank..."giving the guy a 30 minute job of cleaning all the wasted paint out of their pods as a thank you for being a cheat and a jerk" situation.

I will have to remember that one. ;)

03-12-2004, 01:04 PM
Good For You.
I hate people that overshoot, unless its to teach a cheater a lesson.