View Full Version : The Nppl is taking care of those cheater guns!

03-12-2004, 02:17 AM
Well, it has happened, and i think it is a great improvement. the nppl is making headway over the PSP with this in my opinion.

here is the thread, discuss the NPPL's new ideas here, and let me know what you think. I personally think its great!


03-12-2004, 02:40 AM
People cheat, the gun just lets them decide.

03-12-2004, 02:45 PM
I for one actually like the idea of the robot. If nothing else just to watch it break triggers, scratch bodies etc. Ok no really i think it will help.

trains are bad
03-12-2004, 02:56 PM
lets see...every single electro pretty much is now illegal, because EVERY electro gun has a capability of bouncing. the better majority of guns also ramp up.

WAAAHH:rolleyes: we can't use our cheater markers anymore! Oh my!

03-12-2004, 03:45 PM
Okay so all I need to do now is wire in a thermo sensor to my board that unlocks cheating mode only when in the presence of a heat source of 98.6 or higher.


03-12-2004, 05:09 PM
PSP and NPPL in my opinion have their high points. PSP isn't as well run imo and the tournies aren't jump to the standards of nppl, but there is much better competition in PSP and you have more options, between xball, 5man and 10man. NPPL has better venues(sometimes) and has much higher standards. The competition just isn't as good in NPPL imo. I would love to see dynasty play some of the NXL teams and see how they compare to them.

03-12-2004, 05:17 PM
I like this idea, making a crackdown on rules, is going to help legitimize everything a bit more.

03-12-2004, 05:33 PM
its going tobe funny though if every marker must pass the robot test and the Blowfish put their phantoms in there.. and it don't fire :p

For anyone that doesn't know.. the blowfish are an all pump team going NPPL this year.