View Full Version : Paintball petition

03-12-2004, 02:28 AM
Paintball petition
Read it and sign. Our sport needs this.

03-12-2004, 02:45 AM
i put my 2 cents in.

03-12-2004, 03:25 AM
ok, first off, espn will not do it, so dont bother asking. they were the first ones to show paintball on tv, and it was great, but it will not happen on espn again. There was a large legal battle with Jerry Braun (now a big PSP wig) and a big nyc lawer. Something about his team being garaunteed a specific amount of exposure, and not getting it.

any ways, if you bothered to look, many sports chanels are already doing this. OLN is making huge headway, with the exciting new additions of PB2X tv, and even... yes Xfire.

they also televised the first and second shatnerballs

Oh, and havnt you noticed FOX sportsnet showing the NPPL games?

also what about Splatter Factor? no matter how bad it was, it was good exposure.

also, many news chanels do short blurbs now and again on paintball.

This petition wont do a damn thing, so dont expect it to. what might make a difference, is if all of you grabbed a paper and pen, and wrote a short, nice letter, asking kindly for more and more paintball to be shown on television. I have a feeling With Dick Clark Productions owning x ball now, i think that it will get even more exposure...

not to mention the game is now played in disneyworld!!!

and might be accepted into the gravity games soon.

so, dont worry guys, this petiton isnt going to help, natural progression will, so let it go ok? let nature take its course

03-12-2004, 03:53 AM
Large image, so I'll lnk over to it.

ESPN the Magazine
Fall, 2001 Issue 4.17
Page 152, under the title "Rejected X"


You want to know why paintball won't be in the X-games? Take a look at that. And don't rake Blake over the coals again, it got old last time this needed to come up.


03-12-2004, 01:00 PM
see that gay the guy with the "biggest gun wins"
thats definatly not true, nor is it true " the guy with the most expensive gun will win"
hell if most of us shoot mags our guns are cheaper than most of the top end guns, and i know i've shot out kids with angels, matrix's, impy's,timmy's.
and this weekend i reffed a game where a girl beat a guy with her e99 spyder, against his 03 shocker,TWICE.

i do think paintball should also be part of the x games.
and should be shown on espn more.
regaurdless of what magman said.
its a sport just like any other.
they dont need to do a series on a specific team, to make a paintball show then it wouldnt matter
about exposure.

03-12-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
Large image, so I'll lnk over to it.

ESPN the Magazine
Fall, 2001 Issue 4.17
Page 152, under the title "Rejected X"


You want to know why paintball won't be in the X-games? Take a look at that. And don't rake Blake over the coals again, it got old last time this needed to come up.



Great pic.

03-12-2004, 01:50 PM
Im sorry... but that picture absolutely infuriated me.

03-12-2004, 05:27 PM
here is what i put.
I agree with this petition, paintball has mixed images, some people seem to think you will vandalize just because you own a marker.Although many people have done illegal crimes with a baseball bat, does anyone think something like that when they see a bat, nope.Paintball should be televised to show the public the actually sportsmanship of the sport,and team efforts to try to get the attention of the public eye of the negative image that some people like to put on the whole paintball scene and its players.