View Full Version : Sponsorships

09-25-2001, 12:31 PM
I have read a bunch of articles and stuff, but I was wondering how alot of you guys got sponsered? Your help would be aprrectiated.

09-25-2001, 01:10 PM
i didnt know anyone here was sponsored here. well anyway spill it all u sponsored folk! i want to here all ur little trade secrets on how u get those sponsorships

09-25-2001, 02:37 PM
get on a good team, win events, and nicley aproach them, let'em know its a tax right off, and that thety would get lots of advirtisment...

09-25-2001, 02:50 PM
When Raven first started out, my teammate knew the vice president, and he managed to get us free stuff. Now they've merged with spyder or something, so it's a pain and we dont get free stuff anymore.

09-25-2001, 08:50 PM

09-25-2001, 11:14 PM
I was in the right place at the right time (Nashville NPPL 2000). I seen a guy with an AGD logo on his shirt just as one of Jax Warriors came walking by with the new E-mag. I just made a comment that I got to see what I came to see. He (guy in the AGD logo shirt) asked me what was that? I told him the E-mag. The guy ended up being JJ Brookshire. I told him my whole team used mags. He gave me his card and wanted my captain to call him. When my captain got to the tourney, they talked face to face. The rest is history.

As far as our Nelson Paintballs sponsorship, we sent them a resume with all of our info on it. I guess they liked what they seen. We are now sponsored my them also.

Some is luck, other is performance and attitude on the field.

09-26-2001, 08:45 AM
My team took a different approach I guess...We are sponsored by KAPP, RAVEN (Pending), RoughNeck/Demonic Paintball, & Xtreme Paintball.

They each offer different things for us, the best being Demonic Paintball and KAPP. These two companies shuine above the rest as far as service goes.

We had picked up XtremePaintball first. They were offering sponsorship discounts to teams around the country, in returnm for a link to our website, and their name on our banner, and jerseys.

KAPP, we just sent our resume, and were accepted in. Good prices for teams on products. Lots of goodies, and jerseys

RAVEN, we are accepted to Raven, but I have not discussed the terms with my team mates yet, Raven is offering the same equipment and deals as KAPP. I am partial to KAPP.

Roughneck Paintball is run by Tez Patel. He is all about teams. He liked our play, and style. We had a few regulations to folow, but we get outstanding benefits on supplies, field time for practice, and benefits for registration.

What I tell everyone, you have to bring something t the table. Sell yourself to the possible sponsor. They do not have to be paintball related either. I know many teams that are sponsored by Tattoo shops, cellular shops, etc.

Don't expect new guns, and all that, maybe a discount, and help on field fees is a good start. If youre a good team that shows sportsmanship, youll be surprised who notices.

09-26-2001, 12:48 PM
I'm sponsored/endorsed by MacDev, Kick'n Paint, Gateway Paintball, and Wicked Air Sportz.

As my last team, StL Graffiti, began, we focused on winning Sportsmanship Awards. Knowing that team work and skills would come with time, we wanted to be known as good guys that were getting good.

One very overlooked point is whether the whole team really loves a sponsors products or services! If you don't all love'em, then you won't be able to present them well. We experienced this. One of our players is a devout Christian. When we were approached by a company with a "dark and demonic" logo, we had to vote it down *tears welling up in eyes*. A team is a team. Or is it a family:confused:

An ambitious schedule of practice and tournaments is key. Constant improvement will endear you to your sponsors. Most of all, present them well. Sportsmanship is the way.

So... How do you get them?!
Pictures! Gotta have them. A well written description of the team, its philosophy, results, goals, etc...

We also send email Updates to our sponsors. Contact is good. With the tourney photos we sent, MacDev featured us on their website a few months back. :)

Last few tips:
- Start with a local shop.
- Don't expect a free ride.
- Be friendly to everyone. Even if you win all the time (yea, sure!) a bad attitude will not help get sponsors.
- Sponsors give you something/service to promote them, they deserve a positive return.
- There is always 5 other teams aching to have what you have!

Good Luck!


09-26-2001, 01:13 PM
hey scorch, who are you with now? Rave played you guys last year that the MCO. That is where I seen ya at. I have been watching the STL's points in the WPF standings. Ya'll were a good group of fellas. Hope to see you and your new team and STL sometime soon.