View Full Version : E-mag Problem(s)...

03-13-2004, 01:34 AM
I just got my E-mag in today. Its all stock except for Level 10. And it has the 1.37 software. But when i went to gas it up today it started leaking out the back of the valve. Natrually i thought to screw the valve out until the leaking stopped. So i did that, and then i adjusted it so it didnt leak. When i took the yellow key out to turn it on and fire it, it sounded like it was short stroking. I have no idea what it is, the Level 10 is tuned perfectly( i think, havent gotten to test it out yet). It has the e-mag valve(SN #400, if that means anything). Im running a 3 month old PE 47/3, tank was full.

After i found out that it was doing that, i turned in the valve to see if it would even shoot, even though it was leaking. I am able to shoot like 2 shots in like 1 minute. It takes forever for the pin to get back in place, i will fire the gun and then wait like 10-15 seconds to here the click. Anything before the click sounds like a short stroke.

Last problem, when i take the valve assembly out, everything that is supposed to come out comes out, except for the bolt. The bolt stays in place and i have to use my squeegee to push it out, do i just need to lube it? What lube should i use, dow 33 or something lighter?

If you think you know what any of these things are please let me know, i need this gun fixed before next weekend(21st).

03-13-2004, 03:35 AM
Do you have a chrono handy? Curious to see what the fps is when you can actually get it to cycle. Leaking out the back usually means the velocity's cranked a bit high.

So maybe a new reg piston might be in order.

Not sure about the bolt being stuck in the body. As far as lube goes, I don't use anything but standard paintball gun oil (PMI, Gold Cup, Autolube etc).

03-13-2004, 08:50 AM
don't use dow33 on the o-rings in your valve. that's too thick, just use regular paintball oil (gold cup). dow33 should be used in the spring pack.

have you oiled all the o-rings? mag valves in general like to be lathered up in oil.

03-13-2004, 07:05 PM
I gased up my gun today at the fields and it didnt even shoot. It didnt shoot properly once the whole day..

Which o-rings, like the ones in between the 2 valve halves, the ones in the power tube, and the ones int he back valve half? Or just the ones in the power tube.

Is there someway i can update the software from 1.37 to 3.2?

03-13-2004, 07:26 PM
You can't have the bolt fitting tight in the breach for starters. The O.D. of the L10 bolt is a little bit larger than the L7 bolt,if it's binding or rubbing on the body somewhere,you need to address that first.Make sure the field strip screw is tightend down firmly before you get to far.

Then clean off any oil from the bolt and inside the body and mist a little baby powder or foot powder on the bolt.Assemble the valve and try and fire it.Pull the valve and see if you can see where the bolt is rubbing the body.Then go from there,it may be as simple as a little sand paper on a dowel to get you fixed from there,but the bolt must be clearing the breach before you can go any farther.

03-14-2004, 04:35 PM
Yeah, i found out that the bolt is to big for the body. But for some reason, when i put the bolt in another mag i own it fits. Should i send the body back to AGD and get a new one, or what? And how do i send it back to AGD, put it in a box with a letter letting them know it is broken, or defective?

03-14-2004, 05:14 PM
Before you send anything to AGD,you always must call first and get a RA#.

Tell them your prob and see what they reccommend you to do.I would assume they will try thier best to make it right if possible.

03-14-2004, 07:40 PM
Ok, thanks for all the help guys. One unanswered question:
Can i update the software from 1.37 to 3.2? If so, how?

03-14-2004, 07:44 PM
Either send it to AGD(You pay shipping costs),go to an event attended by AGD(free upgrade) or send it to an AGD authorized tech.(BlackVCG $?)

Duke of Lawnchair
03-14-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by flyinasian016
Ok, thanks for all the help guys. One unanswered question:
Can i update the software from 1.37 to 3.2? If so, how?

I'm not sure about an east coast dealer that could do that for you, but I know that BlackVCG (west coast) offers the service you're looking for.

03-14-2004, 10:01 PM
WEll if AGD is located in Illinois i think it would be cheaper for me to send it there instead of west coast, but then again the turn around time may be longer, hmm..

Does this forum have a e-mag problems thread, it should address all the Q & A's of an e-mag. and it should be stickied. My opinion though.

03-14-2004, 10:03 PM
Bro if you want your emag updated to 3.2 drive up to Fairfax Pevs and RobAGD can do it for you. He did mine for free...

he's an all around nice guy too

03-15-2004, 04:16 PM
Next time i have 2 hours to kill and a car to drive i will:p