View Full Version : I bet my new toy is better...

03-14-2004, 03:23 PM


03-14-2004, 03:24 PM
just realized how crappy the pic is :(

03-14-2004, 03:26 PM
Ahh the Omen...the cam feed on it and such.. great gun not my fav though...i have one in my closet (i usually have a gun of some sort in there) great gun.......i think my mag could wipe the floor with it though:D

03-14-2004, 03:27 PM
how well does the omen perform

03-14-2004, 03:28 PM
just wondering, but how do you like the trigger feel on there? and is that curvy thing good for raking/walking?

03-14-2004, 03:35 PM
wow you guys are fast...

dwab3000-you want to sell or trade your extra omen away? and yes...your mag prob can

billabongboy13j-this one dosen't even work :( I'm waiting for Evil to send me a new hammer. I got this used and the hammer was stripped by the previous owner...he was too lazy to get a new one (all it takes is a fone call and some pacience)

funkykarl-one might say the trigger is "funky" (pun intended) I love it! Just sit on the sofa playing with it and in about 15min I was rippin away. There is this one spot where your fingers just roll away...find that spot and your set.


03-14-2004, 03:38 PM
here is a better pic...


03-14-2004, 03:39 PM
I guess its not that much better...o well

03-14-2004, 03:54 PM
Ya ive heard that evil has exellent custermor sevrice. Evil is actully my 2nd favorite paintball company agd is my 1st. i hope u get your gun fixed. if not buy a mag

03-14-2004, 04:14 PM
EVIL=2nd best

I agree, they set me up with all new internals (everything) for free! I acually traded my mag for this gun, I think its time for something new thats all.


can'tthink of1
03-14-2004, 04:36 PM
I'm getting an omen very soon, and I must say it proves that there is nothing wrong with blowbacks when set-up and made right. Though, my next marker will probly be a speed or an emag.

03-14-2004, 04:51 PM
as soon as I sell my spyder, piranha, and tippman I too will be buying an E-Mag. But for now I'll stick with my omen :)


03-14-2004, 05:03 PM
wow u better fix you sig mate

03-14-2004, 05:15 PM
dwab, I highly doubt that your mag could wipe the floor with it...considering that either marker, in the hands of a great player would function equally as well; however, stock, I would take an Omen over a mag any day.

The omen trigger is beautiful - it's so easy to walk. It doesn't need a cheater board to kick butt. The consistency is amazing - the detonator is a wonderful regulator. Overall, this marker is amazing.

Member, you definitely won't be agreeing with dwab once you start ripping on the Omen :)

Here's my baby - Hybrid HedLok on the way. Fear Factory and I are working on some sick aftermarket stuff.


03-14-2004, 05:22 PM
yay...omenfest 2004

03-14-2004, 05:53 PM
big enof picture lol

03-14-2004, 07:46 PM
sorry everyone evil is alot better than agd as for customer service trust me on that. my omen was a little screwed up and they sent me a whole new gun. they also sent me parts for free no questions asked. agd is good but it took 5 weeks to get my e-mag back and evil only a week. sorry but evil on my list is #1 even though i dont have their gun anymore.

03-14-2004, 07:48 PM
I kinda wanted to say that but then I remembered I was on AO...lol

03-14-2004, 11:01 PM
dwab, I highly doubt that your mag could wipe the floor with it...considering that either marker, in the hands of a great player would function equally as well

yes thats true...for as the saying says the marker doesnt make the pley but the player makes the marker

also i do not want to sell my omen its not trully mine totally...really my girls but i bought it for her *she has it in my closet full of all me hers and my roomies pb junk*
though omens are good guns they arent what i recomend to players...i do not like the feel to it but thats prefance

and believe me my mag could wipe it with the mag in my hands and the gun in another person same skill level *competes in semi pro*
my mag specs are a dallar body a logic grip an x valve a ult, ccm no rise, poison arrow, halo b and the stock rt pro front grip but placed on the body rail its self

03-14-2004, 11:21 PM
Dwab - that's just your opinion...your overconfidence in your marker and your abilities. Tell me, what is it that makes you think that you could wipe the floor with an Omen user? Your marker? Your ability?

AGD markers are awesome, but there isn't anything which makes them better or worse than Omens...

X = Standard
O = Optional

FEATURE: Automag - - - Omen
Reliable X X
No Chop X X
Regulator X X
Light trigger O X
On/Off O X
ULE Body X X

So, show me how your marker is in any way superior to the Omen. There is none. They are both wonderful markers, and can both be extremely effective in the right hands.

You're entitled to your opinion, but it's not based on anything tangible.

03-14-2004, 11:44 PM
wow way to go on the offencive mate, lol

That sounds like a nice mag you got there D. But I will still take my omen over it. I just like my omen, what can I say. It dosen't even work and I am loven' it, Its like going out with a girl in a wheelchair (sorta). I like it so much I am selling my other 3 guns just to buy another omen.


03-15-2004, 03:58 PM
i stated thatme against a person of the same skill with an omen...im saying i often do not do aswell with an omen as i do with my mag....im not saying omens arent good guns there great reliable quick accurate but i can perform better with my mag...i just have a different feel to it...its like taking a long time timmy user and giving him a phantom....thats how it is to me...ive jus like grown to my mag...dont start attacking me about this....evil is a great company....a team mate has a timmy with all the evil parts and rips...i have friends with omens aswell and they are great players who can get me out sometimes *only cause they have not been around as long*...omens are great guns but they are not my fav....put in the right hands they can both shoot well...ive seen players with mags get bunkered by omens...ive seen players with omens get bunkered by mags...i love this gun except because of its still like newness it doesnt have that much you can do to it....catch me man...now just chill throw on some rage maybe and vibe OK...and i apologize if i offended you by saying mixed with my skill my mags awsome and my skills mixed with my omen *truly girlies omen* i dont tend to be as good as noramal