View Full Version : eMag is old technology not worth keeping?

03-14-2004, 10:42 PM
I don't get it. I have NEVER had anyone say anything bad about my eMag at any field. Granted, I normally played woods ball with lots of newbies. However, this Saturday I played at a new air ball field. EVERYONE was very impressed with my warped ULE eMag, and my buddies warped eMag. And it was not just the newbies. There was a "store team" playing and they were impressed also. The ref asked if I was shooting full auto (that's manike ;) ). He asked to shoot my gun after the next game. After walking it fairly well commented "sweet gun". We had kids with timmys pushing their way up in line to be on our team. I guess winning every game helps a little. ;) Ripping off an "upper teens" bps quick string before the start of the game also tended to impress a few people. ;)

Everyone seemed very impressed. No one commented that it was too heavy (thanks RougeFactor). Actually, I was surprised with how much difference the ULE body and rail milling made. It was noticeably lighter.

Now I know that a lot of the people who were VERY impressed were newbies. But isn't that who you want to impress? They are probably going to purchase a new marker soon, or are saving for one. So, it would seem to me that they are the ones you need to impress. Everything worked so well and so MANY people were so impressed with it that it just seems like a shame they are going to be made anymore. With enough presence at the fields I think the demand would go up.

03-14-2004, 10:47 PM
Yes it is old technology.

If everything gets resolved SP I bet Tom will make a gun that will put the E-mag to shame.

03-14-2004, 10:47 PM
I agree. I sport a z-gripped, ULE-everything mag with a 10" pipe, and for a while I took a whole lot of crap from teammates and others at our field. But after seeing (and hearing) me tear it up faster on my mechanical gun then they can on their electro, all I've been getting is compliments.

The funniest part is that my team captain, who owns a store, is the strongest naysayer of my gun. "I can't believe you're going to use that at Huntington!" So everytime someone expresses interest in buying a mag, I tell them to go over to him, just so he has to admit that he knows nothing about mags, and that their best bet would be to contact AGD.:D

03-14-2004, 10:50 PM
Yes I do have to say that Emags are ahead of their time... And all the local players are impressed by my Warped SFL emag and thats tournament players... but right now my mind seems to think that TK will come out with something that will blow the emag out of the water... I mean he has always come out with great stuff before so why would it stop now... I figure I better start saving now cuz he will most likely come out with something smaller, faster and lighter...

03-14-2004, 10:55 PM
Thats awesome.

Another thing to think about though is when someone like me for example is playing, and the companies flagship marker won't function properly. The newbies notice that too.

It's all perception though, that only advertising dollars, and pro teams can change.

03-14-2004, 11:00 PM
I have NO doubt that Tom can design something MUCH better. Unless it is SOLELY because of fear of litigation, I just can't see giving up on it until he comes out with a new and better marker. I hopping for the one with the features he posted. :D

Wes Janson
03-15-2004, 12:26 AM
Eventually it gets irritating having a dozen people ask what gun you're using, every time you play.

03-15-2004, 12:35 AM
I think part of it is that e-mags are not flooding the market. No many people ever see one that dont care for AGD products. I had a warp on my cocker and no one at my field knew what it was except for a few and then again they never saw one in person. I would love to get an emag if I could get my hands on one (price, i took me 8 months to built my cocker). You really have to like AGD products to even want to get one because the are so many widely advertised guns on the market in the same price range. My 2 cents.

03-15-2004, 01:09 AM
Now Hitech i think they were more suprise to see an old man like you playing than the gun itself. hehe. but seriously i feel the same way i walk to feild with my xmag and people are amazed at the color and milling and what not and they ask where can i buy it and you really cant give them the answer cuz they cant.

03-15-2004, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Tobe2be
...They ask where can they buy it and you really cant give them the answer cuz they can't.

That was part of my frustration. I wanted to direct them to somewhere to get one, but don't really know of anywhere. I could have sent them to the internet sites, but they are going to start becoming hard to find. I personally think that with a ULE trigger and a smaller solenoid (and therefore a smaller/lighter battery) they would still be competitive.

03-15-2004, 11:18 AM
Old doesn't mean bad! I wish I had an eMag, even though they're "old."

03-15-2004, 01:09 PM
You won't be impressing anyone around here with your bps. With all the Imps,intims, and Dm4s around here your out gunned.

03-15-2004, 05:42 PM
IDEM. Sad but true. :(

03-16-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by DjGruv
You won't be impressing anyone around here with your bps. With all the Imps,intims, and Dm4s around here your out gunned.

I guess that depends on your definition of out gunned. However, did you miss the part where I said the BPS was impressing newbies?

03-16-2004, 11:53 AM
I had a guy put down his DM4 to shoot my emag... he didnt want to give it back;)

03-16-2004, 02:11 PM
the fact remains that the Emag electronics were designed to push a Retro valve lvl 7esque bolt and the old on/off assy.

with the lvl 10 bolt and ULT the valve sear relationship is forever altered for the better. I for one dont think its something that should be ignored.

Also an update to the actual board would be a boon for us... hands down good thing.

03-16-2004, 02:56 PM
I cant really tell a big difference between the intimidators and impulses I've tried compared to my emag. They have a different "feel" to them, but I didnt notice increase ROF.

I'm still impressed with the simplicity and speed of my v3.2emag.

03-16-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by edweird
the fact remains that the Emag electronics were designed to push a Retro valve lvl 7esque bolt and the old on/off assy.

with the lvl 10 bolt and ULT the valve sear relationship is forever altered for the better. I for one dont think its something that should be ignored.

Also an update to the actual board would be a boon for us... hands down good thing.

YES, YES, YES! A ULT, much smaller solenoid and smaller battery would be a great update! I've thought about doing it myself, but with a child on the way my time and extra funds have become limited. ;) Someone should really try it.