View Full Version : Cali's ULE Custom Q&A/Tech help

03-15-2004, 02:03 AM
Well I've had my ULE Custom for a few months now. I've pretty much lived though break-in, tuning, troubleshooting, and use... So, here are some notes for the answer seeker. I invite ALL AO folks to add to this info with their own replies/questions.

First off, for reference, my rig is as follows: X-valve, ULT, ULE vert body, blade Intelliframe, fixed output HPA tank.

Don't have any paint in the maker while you do this cause A) you don't need it, and B) strange things can and will happen when you tinker with markers, its best not to shoot anything out. I like to just have my barrel on with the barrel sock/condom on and anchored around the feedneck (noise reduction and getting hit with air blasts is bad for eyes/ears).

:::Out of the box my marker shoots great, but many times it goes reactive (bouncy trigger like Z-Man's rapid fire), even with ULT kit installed.
---Before the marker breaks in, even the ULT is subject to reacitvity bounce. After a case or two it won't do this even with 4 or more ULT shims.

:::Out of the box I am breaking paint even though my X Valve has the LX bolt.
---The ULE customs from AGD are shipped with the shortest (stock) spring, and are thus still able to chop a few at higher fire rates. You can change to the next spring with the LX kit that was shipped with the marker.

:::I installed the middle (red) or longest (raw) spring to my LX bolt, aired up my marker and nothing happens. What happned? Where do I know to turn my velocity?
---Don't up your velocity from where it was with the shortest spring right away. First, gas the marker up and let it do nothing, then get your allen wrench for the velocity adjuster. Now just turn the velocity up in 1/8 to 1/4 turn increments untill the tigger sticks out and you hear the bolt lock up. Your marker may fire once when you get the velocity up enough, this is ok, it's just something that RT/X Valves do.

:::My marker is going nuts! Sometimes I will shoot and then cannot shoot again! I have pressure on my trigger, but the bolt wont move. Upon examining the breach, the bolt seems to be in the right place, not "stuck" forward, but when i push the bolt back, it can be heard locking up with the sear. After pushing the bolt back, I can fire again. Sometimes I can fire fine for 20 shots or more, sometimes less before this happens again.
---The credit for this answer goes to DeerChaser, without whom, I might still be asking this question. The ULE bodies are made of lightweight aluminum, not as rigid as the steel bodies of the past. They are subject to torque from the two frame screws that hold the trigger frame and rail to the body/valve. This problem is created many times after the marker is torn all the way down for cleaning/maintenence and reassmbled. I suggest that you tighten the screw in the trigger area normally. Also use the allen wrench to tighten the field strip screw, thus equalizing the rate of torque that either screw is putting on the valve/body combo. You'll need to kinda play around with the tensions to find what is right. -thanks DeerChaser

:::The first shot I take many times makes a "chuff" sound and feeds a ball into the barrel, so my next shot is of 2 balls.
---Your velocity is slighty, just sligtly to low for your spring tension. When the LX bolt moves forward there are 2 forces acting on it: 1) Air from the valve pushing it forward, 2) The bolt spring pushing it back to the valve. When the velocity is low the forces on the bolt are nearly at equilibrium, thus, the resistance of the ball entering the bore of the barrel is enough to get it to degas and "chuff". It's a good thing though, that means the bolt it working correctly. Just make sure the velocity is enough to shoot the first (cold) shot reliably, and right to shoot the next balls under your field limit and never over 300FPS!!

:::How do I correctly chrono my RT/X valved marker?
---The first shot of an RT valve is colder than subsequent shots under rapid fire. The RT/X Valve rechages so fast it actually heats the air up that enters the chamber. So essentially air may enter the chamber at 450psi and be at 460psi at the time it is used to shoot the marker. This occurence is what causes the first shot to be slower. The procedure as outlined in your RT manual: Over the chrono, fire your first shot and hold the trigger. To fire the second shot your will release the trigger and quickly firea another ball. In words it looks like this: "Fire-hold------------release-fire-hold---------------release-fire-hold. " The second and 3rd "fire" represent viable chrono speeds to take on the field.

:::Help, I have just installed a new spring, changed carriers, or reassembled the marker and its going full auto. It wont even stop when I hold the trigger back.
---I'm not sure if it's RT/X related, or if it's more of a ULT thing, but its not a hard fix. Just get your velocity to teh point where you think it should be, then pull the trigger and let it shoot. You won't be shooting paint of course, but in a few seconds the full auto should stop. After it stop the trigger should be fine, 1 pull, 1 shot. If the full auto goes for more than 10 seconds or so without end, reffer to the "frame screw torque" question, check your on/off pin for correct length and the sear for excessive wear.

OK.... I know that was a long post, but I would have liked to have it when I got my new ULE custom, it's at least a guide. Some simple problems and solutions there, some more complex. All in all, I hope it can save at least one person a little headache. These markers are great and are very simple when you get the hang of it, but just like you felt when you gutted your first tippman or spyder, they can be intimidating at first glance.

Good Luck and Voice your replies, please.


03-15-2004, 02:27 PM
Very nice little rundown of the common problems. I tip my hat (if I wore one)

03-15-2004, 03:56 PM
Thanks much Z-man... I know someone might need this stuff eventually. And one other thing, kudos again on AO NorCal vs SoCal. I was there both days, loved every minute of it. That is what convinced me to buy my ULE Custom.


03-15-2004, 03:58 PM
really? I am sorry I don't remember ya there! (I am really bad with that). Are you in any of the pictures on my website from the NorCal SoCal event?


03-16-2004, 08:18 AM
Thanks! I had no idea that the field strip screw and the frame screw had to have equal torque. Now it works great!

04-01-2004, 02:59 PM
My roommate and I are tryin' to figure out his RT Pro...it acts like the "going nuts" ULE in your Q&A, but it has a vertical steel body...since the threads are still fine on both trigger and valve screws I have a hard time believing that it's flexing of the body, but it could be something related...on his it seems time (and therefore pressure) related...if the gun sits more than 3 to 4 minutes it takes several trigger pulls to get the next shot...the trigger is springy, although sometime has a slight decrease in pressure as you keep taking these invalid shots...you can push the bolt back with your finger and it will click and be ready to fire again...this only began to happen once the level10 kit was installed, so it obviously has something to do there...last night we gutted the kit and started over...after a while of switching one part at a time we were back to the exact same setup...2 shims, ring+dot carrier, and stock spring...the kit should be pretty broken in by now, so we figured it could have changed dimensions a little...we lubed the on/off, swapped rings that showed ANY signs of wear...it still behaved as described above, but then faded and now can sit for 15 minutes or so without doing it...we may have fixed the issue, but I'd still like to know what happened...any ideas?

04-01-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by CaliMagFan

:::My marker is going nuts! Sometimes I will shoot and then cannot shoot again! I have pressure on my trigger, but the bolt wont move. Upon examining the breach, the bolt seems to be in the right place, not "stuck" forward, but when i push the bolt back, it can be heard locking up with the sear. After pushing the bolt back, I can fire again. Sometimes I can fire fine for 20 shots or more, sometimes less before this happens again.
---The credit for this answer goes to DeerChaser, without whom, I might still be asking this question. The ULE bodies are made of lightweight aluminum, not as rigid as the steel bodies of the past. They are subject to torque from the two frame screws that hold the trigger frame and rail to the body/valve. This problem is created many times after the marker is torn all the way down for cleaning/maintenence and reassmbled. I suggest that you tighten the screw in the trigger area normally. Also use the allen wrench to tighten the field strip screw, thus equalizing the rate of torque that either screw is putting on the valve/body combo. You'll need to kinda play around with the tensions to find what is right. -thanks DeerChaser

-kyro [/B]

oh my god.. if this works im gonna kiss you

04-02-2004, 02:38 AM
ABAEZ--- best of luck with that-hope it works out... if it works, post back on here and i'll hit you up for that kiss.... j/k... good luck...

CYBERSHARK--- i know this is very obvious.. but have you chronoed the marker with the current setup?.... sometimes the carrier will be tight enought to not let that bolt go forward if the velocity is too low... i'd say start off by giving the velocity up 1/4 turn, and going from there... when i talk about the 2 frame screws, its not that they are damaged in anyway, it's just that they may be at different torques...

here is an other penny for your thoughts.... a few weeks ago i was out playing and the temperature had reached about 92° in the shade here. where i play all we have is open airball fields, almost no breeze, and no shade.... we werer thinking of what the "on the field temperature" was, adn guessed it might be at right around 100°f.... my marker was acting a little funny.... i had made a point not to adjust either of the 2 screws at any point of the day, just to see if that "going nuts" issue was solved on my mag... it seemed to be solved, but another issue was cropping up... when i would not shoot for about 5 min between games, i would have to pull the trigger an average of 3 times to fire the first ball... that first shot would almost certainly be a chuff and then a 2 ball shot for the next pull.. i had the red spring installed and was playing right on the edge of the speed limit... chronoing at 265 on a really cold shot and at about 290 in rapid fire... i dont know exactly but i think that there was some kinda weird pressure backfeed happening cause air in the valve would change in temp in the sun... then i would have to pull the trigger to level things out, then i could fire....

this is all really confusing, and it only happened that day, so i reallyl dont have any more evidence than temperature on which to base that issue...

good luck... keep in touch
AIM: Calibre68pi

04-10-2004, 02:47 PM
I sometimes have this problem that you described in your first post: "The first shot I take many times makes a "chuff" sound and feeds a ball into the barrel, so my next shot is of 2 balls." the problem is that Im shooting at the highest fire rate allowed at my field. what can i do to solve this? i am using the factory installed spring, if that helps.

also, twice you addressed what to do if there is too much reactivity, and you are sweet spotting the trigger. what if your gun has broken in, and you cant sweet spot the trigger and want to?

04-16-2004, 02:13 AM
if you're chuffing at high speeds you might have too tight a carrier... try the next sixe or 2 up.... i see that you have the ult kit installed... once its broken in and will not sweetspot i dont know that you can ever go back... its intended to work that way- without high reactivity. if you want to be able to sweetspot with reactivity pick up a stock RT on/off....


04-24-2004, 02:21 AM
i know, i know.... shamelessly upping my own thread.... but it's not whoring, just seeing a lot of questions by owners of new RT Customs, so i figure i'll put this up so they can see it for the first time...
hope every1 has a fun and safe paintball weekend... great weather here in CA!!!


05-06-2004, 05:24 PM
if you're chuffing at high speeds you might have too tight a carrier... try the next sixe or 2 up.... i see that you have the ult kit installed... once its broken in and will not sweetspot i dont know that you can ever go back... its intended to work that way- without high reactivity. if you want to be able to sweetspot with reactivity pick up a stock RT on/off....


Is that a stock RT.750 or RT Pro .765 i need to get.
I orderd an custom RT but now im thinking i want the full reactivity.. so what do i need to order?

05-07-2004, 03:35 AM
You need the RTP on/off

05-08-2004, 02:33 PM
my mag was really letting me down. every 5th shot the bolt would stick. i also tried everything know to man to fix the issue.
i made 40 trips to the shop to get my tank filled.
this is how it was resovled..
aired up the marker and fired 5 quick shots then the bolt stuck.
with air still the gun i slowly started to tighten the field strip screw(thinking that this would never work :mad: )
after just barely turning the field strip screw the bolt reset.
ended up that i tightened the screw maybe 1/10th of a turn the problem is solved.

thanks calimagfan for putting these tips together, and to everyone that contributes to AO.

05-08-2004, 02:43 PM
Kudos on your fix und3rpa1d!!!!! It's great to hear a succesful self-fix....the feeling you get when you get it right is awesome... thank you for contributing that info... I htink fuentes995 is having the same problem that you just solved, i'm sure this can help him out.

thanks again underpaid and AO!


Duck Hunt
05-09-2004, 10:00 PM
Well I posted about my problems in my own thread and Cali directed me to this one and I decided I'd post my progress.

I started out having the bolt stick problems right outa the box, fixed that after reading this thread =) I did the squeege test and adding another shim (3 shims) and it works pretty good now. I went to the field today and played for most of the day, the reactivity is almost gone which makes it more controlable. My only problem today was I chopped acouple of balls using the smallest spring, I've switched to the red spring and raised my velocity up till it fired and it looks like it'll be alot lighter on the paint. I need to go pack to the field and re chrono and I'll post more updates when I get them. Thanks for the great thread!


05-10-2004, 03:29 AM
Thanks for the reply and the update duck hunt..... I'm glad the info here counts. when you turn up the velocity for the red spring you'll notice yourself turning the knob quite a bit (maybe more than your gut tells you is right). But it's right, there is less a step in required velocity for the jump to the longest spring.... take into account your local field limits---zooom zoom--- and use that you guide what spring you use.... i can just barely get away with the longest, but i'm chop proof and flatline on velocity with the middle (RED) spring at like 278-283...

thanks again


05-10-2004, 07:09 PM
I wasn't sure if this was the right place for this question, but the information you provided will be a great help to tune the valve to my liking so i hope you or someone else might be able to answer my questions.

I just bought a used x-vavle with ult. i'm installing it on a "formerly" automag classic, ule body, stock rail, blade trigger intelli, preset 45/3000 hpa.
my question is should i change the AM/MM sear assembly to a RT assembly. will this give me a shorter trigger pull? or is it needed at all?

my next question, the valve only came with one shim left un-used, not sure if it's a lx shim or ult shim yet, how can you tell. i'll take the valve apart soon and find out the set up in the valve, but if i need more shims, can you purchase just ult shims on the agd online shop or only the lx shims? i wasn't able to find it.

sorry about the long post, but im itching to test out the x-valve after using the classic for such a long time. by the way i wish i was able to make the socal vs nocal game. i'm in la as well

05-11-2004, 02:06 AM
hi there... this is as good a place as any to ask....

you need to use the sear assembly that goes with your rail..... the AM/MM sear only fits that classic style of rail, likewise the RTP sear only works in the rtp rail.... both sears look about the same... the difference is in the pivot point.... the pivot pin on the am/mm is inserted into the sear assem. before snapping it into the rail from above.... the rtp pin is pushed into the rtp sear assemb from the side in the case of the rtp...

ULT shims are .005" to my knowledge, LvlX are .010".. so the ult are half the thickness.... hard to tell if not upon side by side compairison..... but you can deffinately tell once you have them next to eachother.... you can order more from the agd store i believe.... http://store.airgun.com

i dont mind a long post.... thats what learning is about...
thanks for the post...


05-11-2004, 11:17 AM
thanks for that little heads-up! never looked close enough to realize they were different sizes.....guess i need to re-separate my extras (not to mention the ones being used!!)

10-18-2004, 10:26 PM
testing pic posting....

10-19-2004, 03:19 PM
you know, you can just click the "preview post" button... :rolleyes:

10-24-2004, 07:07 AM
hey thats exactly what my mag looks like all black

10-24-2004, 07:10 AM
CaliMagFan you are my hero once i get my nitro filled im going to try the torque thing.
MY Mag

10-25-2004, 11:02 PM
i just changed the config on my rig.... check it now

10-26-2004, 05:07 AM
if im not mistaken isnt that a chimera trigger frame :confused:
:headbang: :headbang: pretty sick

10-26-2004, 12:52 PM
It's a logic frame... twice as pimp as the rogue one IMO... i prefer the fireblade trigger over the AGD blade trigger that rogue uses.... www.logicpaintball.com

awesome product and ryan is a cool guy to deal with... the trigger stops give the trigger a great feel and in combination with the ULT its probably the shortest/lightest pull on any mech gun with the exception of the hAIR trigger and the P-frame.... neither of which are out now...


10-26-2004, 06:39 PM
:wow: :wow: i love that trigger and now thats another thing i need to buy :cry: need to resist but so sexy ahhhhhhhhhh

11-03-2004, 03:06 PM
Nice gun man, Are setup's are somewhat similar, I have a warpfeed on mine though, and because of that i didn't really want to mount my VA to the rail. I'll get a pic up soon

11-07-2004, 12:34 AM
shamelessly gunna bump my own thread because i'm seeing a lot of RT issues in teh tech forum at the moment... trying to save the hassle of many threads per topic

11-08-2004, 08:56 AM
cali nice nice nice nice gun... I will post picts of my RT when i get it (tuesday) it outta look pretty sweet but urs is the S***

11-14-2004, 04:36 PM
thx calli i changed the carrier up two and i adjusted the strip screw and now my gun rips