View Full Version : ULT trigger on classic valve

03-15-2004, 08:03 AM
Okay, my bro has a mag with the classic valve, and wants to get the ULT trigger. I heard they ULT trig is not recomended because it dosn't recharge fast enough. Is it possible to mod the valve for faster recharge, or can the ULT trig be used stock?


03-15-2004, 09:46 AM
No. Although I have seen one ULT work on a classic, it is not recomended without the recharge rate of the RT. If you want to take the chance...go for it, but chances are it's going to bring nothing but problems.

03-15-2004, 10:05 AM
so is there anything I can do to help the recharge rate on the classic? Or could I find an old Z-valve and use that instead of the ULE trig?
just trying to find a whay to shorten/lighten the trigger and help recharge rate.


03-15-2004, 11:03 AM
The recharge rate of the classic is fine, technically. The ULT just requires the RT type of kick to reset the sear. This is due to the ULT's design. The same reason it lightens the trigger pull is the same reason the return force is lessened.

Zvalve doesn't do crap. Except take $ out of your wallet.

Trigger pull length is set. There isn't any way to really change it, unless you start doing a trigger stop in the trigger frame.

Switching to a double trigger will help with lightening the pull.

But to fully take advantage of the ULT, an RT based valve is needed.

trains are bad
03-15-2004, 12:47 PM
Anyone got an RT type valve they want to loan out for experiments? I still think I could get one to run on CO2.

03-15-2004, 01:12 PM
so if I did get a ULT trig, it wouldn't reset because it needs more PSI? hmmmm..... I heard someone using an RT Pro on/off on a classic valve and getting a similar effect...
can someone ellaborate?
thanks again

03-15-2004, 02:01 PM
The classic on/off will only ever see a regulated 450psi on it. EVER.

The RT based valves are different. The air flow was rerouted so that the pin gets a full incoming tank pressure on it. So think 600-1200psi depending on tank.

RT valves actually have a smaller diameter bottom, so you will get a SLIGHTLY lighter trigger, but again, a reduced return force. So the same problems are there, just to a lesser extent.

03-16-2004, 10:24 PM
I used that little search thingy :eek: to find this thread:


There are others if you want to search more. I used that thread to setup my Ult w/Classic, and it is working fine for me. You have to get real good with the trigger, or it will short stroke (and can bolt stick). Almost everyone that picks up mine and shoots it the first time short strokes. Now that I have the trigger down, I can rip pretty good (for a slow guy), and don't short stroke much. It's basically a $55 gamble, and you're not guaranteed it will work.