View Full Version : Halo or EggII for impulse. please help

03-15-2004, 05:22 PM
I have a nearly stock impulse
Upgrades are just- Strange Bolt, Tapeworm, Eclipse Blade Magno.

And i realized that i can pretty easily outshoot my 12V X-Board Revvy. And I am selling it for $30.

I can't decide between a Halo B, or Egg II.

First off I have quite a few questions. Will the Egg fit on a stock impulse feedneck good without any sanding.

Also, if an Egg will still feed as fast on a low or no rise. Will it feed any slower, or cause more chopping?

I heard that Halos have a problem with the Eyes, and that you have to send them in a lot. Others said that they never have to send theres in. And, I really don't know the exact capacity of a Halo? I do know the Egg can hold about 195.

Another Quick question is about the Reloader B, Will the Reloader B fit on a Stock impulse Feedneck?

And does Anyone at all recommend the Ricochet Appache?

Any advice would be appreciated. thanx

03-15-2004, 05:25 PM
reloader b

03-15-2004, 06:10 PM
get a halo b with rip drive they are fast but if your
on a budget get a egg

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-15-2004, 07:29 PM
HALO B with RIP drive. I used one on my Toxic imp with no problems. You just have to be sure to have the right type of detents (should use long (vision) detents). Be sure to have the newest board too, because I had an older board in my gun and the eyes were horrible. As far as the reliability of the halo, I've had 3, and I've only had two problems. The first one was when the HALO first came out (original HALO, not HALO B) and it jammed, and the second was when I accidentally plugged the batterys into the the port where the sensor should plug be plugged in, fried the board. They replaced the board for free, and when I got the HALO converted to a HALO B, I had no problems again. Other then that, all my HALO's have been bulletproof. Not one problem.

03-15-2004, 08:27 PM
Halo. The shells seem a lot stronger/sturdier.

Also, weight isn't an issue. Both loaders weigh the same when filled full of paint.

03-15-2004, 09:31 PM
halo's feed faster and are stronger, look better(in my opinion), and are backed by WONDERFUL customer service.

03-15-2004, 09:45 PM
Yup I personaly own an egg but I've used a Halo B and I'm just waiting on the funds to arise:D to convert to a halo b myself.

03-15-2004, 10:22 PM
Egg.. Halos break down too much.

03-15-2004, 10:43 PM
Halo B Best. Hopper. Ever

03-15-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Polish
Egg.. Halos break down too much.

no they don't

03-15-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Polish
Egg.. Halos break down too much.

Don't know where you got that but umm... no:confused: