View Full Version : Milling and anodizing questions

03-15-2004, 07:06 PM
Not exactly sure who to talk to specifically about this but i was wondering how much it would cost to have all of my emag parts made to ULE. Afterwards i want to have the whole gun annoed in a black to blue fade. parts to be annoed would be dallara body, c&c batter pack, trigger frame, freak back, and nicad clamping feed neck. Can anyone point me in the right direction and maybe toss out some numbers for me?

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-15-2004, 07:18 PM
It would be MUCH cheaper to just buy ULE parts instead of getting your old parts milled. As far as ano goes, XPB has done some great work, but if you want to go with the cheapest go with Sexy Turtle (but they are booked through may :() It will cost you $175 for up to 10 pieces at XPB, and I believe Sexy Turtle cost something like $75. Personally, I'm getting my gun done by XPB when I get all my parts because they have done more work, and actually try to work with you, plus you don't have to wait as long. But whatever works for you, you may want to look around the net and find different people, and compare the quality of thier work and their prices.

03-15-2004, 07:27 PM
I'm pretty sure reannodizing your gun will also set off tolerences and it will void your warrenty. I'm not 100% sure though

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-15-2004, 07:31 PM
It will not throw anything off if it is done correctly. When you strip the ano, it takes a layer of metal off, and when you reanodize, it adds a layer, so it will be off to about 0.0001, maybe even less than that. Lets just say if you get a barrel reanodized, it won't change the bore ID, but IT HAS TO BE DONE PROPERLY, and BY A SKILLED ANODIZER!