View Full Version : First mag

03-15-2004, 09:54 PM
I never thought that this would happen, but recently, I have been converted to the mag side. Formerly a hardcore cocker owner, a friend has enlightened me and, within the month, I will be selling my cocker to buy a new mag. My setup will be as follows:

ULE body
Intelliframe/Y-grip - not quite sure (Dye stickies are so niiice, but Y-grips are so sweeet)
Custom Products Foregrip - also not quite sure
Rogue Rail - possibly
Kapp Dropzone w/ on/off
Halo B w/ Ripdrive

My first two questions are
1. Is the choice of Foregrip all according to preference? What other options are there as far as good comfort and weight?
2. I have read and heard that the Rogue Rail is godly in its weight (or lack thereof). However, I am pretty set on a blue and chrome/silver/nickel scheme. Is it easily annoed? What other options are available on the same level of quality? Also, I hear that there's a new AGD one coming soon?
And my last question is one of preference and opinion and is slightly more trivial in comparison:
3. Keeping in mind the blue-silver color theme, what do you think would be the best color setup for each part?

Turning from AIR to AO is a tough switch, thanks for makin it easy ;)


03-15-2004, 10:32 PM
Welcome to AO;)

Mag Master 04
03-15-2004, 10:42 PM
that will be a nice set up (i like Y grips better)

1.) the foregrip choice is strictly what u like, opinions just "sway" your decision, dont buy into what other ppl think, think for yurself, buy what u think will satisfy yur needs and wants

2.) i believe that rogue makes them in a multitude of colors now including nickel, flat and gloss black and unannoed (PM him and see what he says)

3.) i say go all one color, 2 colors seem to throw off a gun set up cuz sometimes it just dont seem right...but that too is also based strictly on preferance

Welcome to AO SpringFlingYing

03-15-2004, 11:03 PM
Thanks a lot. Dunno if you may have read wrong or if I'm just retarded but I was askin what options, not opinions (not to sound sticklerish). Either way, I'll be sure to think for myself when it comes down to the final choice. Thanks again.

03-15-2004, 11:29 PM
Consider Logic products. www.logicpaintball.com

They make grips, custom milled rails and even foregrips.

I have the grip and the rail.

03-16-2004, 03:33 AM
Did you consider a ULT? Its a good bet if you want a relatively tunable trigger for you mag. Oh yeah welcome to AO.