View Full Version : Debounce Circuits

03-15-2004, 11:21 PM
I just learned at school tonight all about debounce circuits. I never knew they were actually used for applications other than cheating. So all they are are Nand Latches with a single throw/single pull switch? I'm suprised noone's tried putting a sensor on the other side of the trigger making a double pull switch (at least I think that's what it would be). We all know it would be allowed if it could be turned off when a ref checked it :rolleyes: Anyways, I just found it pretty interesting.

03-17-2004, 03:37 PM
Debounce is the term used by the paintball industry to describe the filtering of a switch output.

The actual setting of debounce on a gun is the amount of time you wait before you allow the switch to give a valid signal again. It is also used in your keyboard on your PC.

In manufacturing, this is used to make sure a machine doesn't sense that it is double loaded.

The microswitch gives a clear (let's say 5V) signal when you actuate it. Then the components inside tend to arc and you get a lower signal (like 4V, then 3V, then 2V, then 1V).

If you check the signal when it is at 4V then it may still look like the trigger is pulled or has been pulled again.

Debounce is how long a switch should take to reset.

Typmatic Rate in your PC is the same thing.

So where you were doing it with logic in IC's, when you step up the level of logic and can store procedures you tend to use a timer next.
