View Full Version : Why is there a division between "woods" and "speedball"

03-16-2004, 03:25 AM
Pardon the terminoligy, but for the sake of argument....

I love paintball, as many AOers do. I love both types of games scenarion/woods as well as speedball/tourney style games. Even though im in a bit of the speedball rush, i find the extreme bias people have between the two genres rather puzzling. Whats your theory on why that "division" exist?

03-16-2004, 04:33 AM
different attitudes and befiefs.

I dont like woods ball much anymore, but I do not care if others play it. It is good for the starter and people that like the "military" style of play.

I am doing what I do because I am very competitive and dont find crawing in the mud fun anymore. I also like the friendships I have made in the tourney scene.

03-16-2004, 06:46 AM
Simple playing in the woods uses natural binkers and foliage.

Speedball played on a court with man made bunkers, whether Supair(giant air balls), sewer pipe, spools etc. Speedball is out in the open and much easier to watch. It is also a shorter game then woods. Not too many pcaes to hide!

03-16-2004, 07:03 AM
I don't know....personally, I don't get it, the whole attitude thing. Paintball is paintball. Everyone should just respect eachother as fellow PAINTBALL players :D

03-16-2004, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by Trina
I don't know....personally, I don't get it, the whole attitude thing. Paintball is paintball. Everyone should just respect eachother as fellow PAINTBALL players :D
This is true, and I agree.

03-16-2004, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by shartley

This is true, and I agree.

I third it, I love to play both.

03-16-2004, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Carbon
i find the extreme bias people have between the two genres rather puzzling. Whats your theory on why that "division" exist?

The assumption of most is that 'Speedball' and the like are 'advanced' styles of a play and 'woodsball' and it's variants are 'begginer' levels of play,regardless of the amount of skill required for either.

Therefore,woodsball is looked down upon by those who feel they need to signify their level of play by the field distinction instead of thier ability.

I 'prefer' speedball type games but have no negative image of woodsball,in fact it's a nice change from time to time.

If Pro Tournament play was done on a woods ball field you would be up to your butt in smack talking paintballers covered in Camouflage tape.;)

03-16-2004, 09:48 AM
I think it might have something to do with the "old school" vs. "new school" type of player. Back when people started playing everything was in the woods. So the older generation of players has fond memories of that style of play. The newer generation of players are more used to the immediate, faster based speedball type games.

Some players have the attitude of "this style is the only correct way to play, and if you don't like it, its because you suck". I think that goes for both sides.

I like both styles. Woodsball is great because the fields are usually bigger, so the games are different each time. But it can suck watching your paint break on every twig between you and your target.

Speedball is great because the action is fast and furious from the start. But the games can get repeatative with people trying for the same bunker over and over again because it has the best angle.

Jack & Coke
03-16-2004, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Carbon

Whats your theory on why that "division" exist?

IMO, it may be because old skool woods ballers remind new skool speedballers the concept of the honor system, and that you don't have to rely on cheating to win.

...but then again, I could be wrong ;)

trains are bad
03-16-2004, 10:14 AM
I like good woods; We call it weedball, it's in the woods but game usually only last 40 minutes or so, and a lot of action. Best I've played is the island on seneca lake (I work on the lake) because it's small and contained and fairly open and varied. The terrain can be so varied. It's like improv paintball, there's nothing that can be memorized about the course. And it's cool using giant exposed rootballs from trees as bunkers.

03-16-2004, 10:55 AM
It is because woodsball is better and everyone knows it. The speedball players know that they don't have the skill neccessary for woodsball, so the insult those who do. Sorry, the temptation was too great. (yes, I am just joking)

03-16-2004, 12:10 PM
Well, people like to label and classify things. Labeling a player as a "rec baller" or "speedball guy" gives you an idea of what their playing style is like. This isn't always true. I've seen rec ballers wipe, overshoot, throw equipment, and argue with refs at walk on games, and I've seen speedballers call out members of their own team, lend noobs paint, and buy me a burrito. Some players have very strong feelings about the game, and aren't afraid to let their opinions be known. For the most part, though, I think most players like both.

03-16-2004, 12:17 PM
i like to play speedball cus i have the worst case of ADD ever.
if the games not over quick i loose focus and forget where i am:(

03-16-2004, 12:31 PM
In woodsball, I get to test MY skills of patience, sneakiness, and outsmarting the other guys. If I see some nasty brush that most people won’t crawl through, that’s where I go. To me, it’s a challenge to see if I can figure out where the other guy is going and if I can outsmart him. To me, speedball is primarily a game of how much paint did you bring and not leaning out from the bunker at the wrong time. I find woodsball kind of relaxing that I don’t find in speedball.

On the other hand, tourney and speedball requires teamwork that never seems to exist in woodsball. It’s also definitely a lot faster game similar to today’s online gaming. I understand why people enjoy it more, but it’s not my favorite.

I think the division comes out of fear. When I started playing, 12 years ago, everything was woodsball. Speedball was the last game of the day to shoot off your extra paint. They even had tourneys in the woods. Now, tourneys are strictly speedball. All the indoor places are speedball. Most new guns are designed for BPS. Speedball seems like a better market for most vendors. I think woodsball folks are afraid that speedball will make the woods obsolete. And, if the woodsball guys are outnumbered by speedball guys playing walk-on, then they know where they’re going to spend most of the games.

Jack & Coke
03-16-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Methylphenidate
...i have the worst case of ADD ever.
if the games not over quick i loose focus and forget where i am:(

man, I feel sorry for your date.:eek:

03-16-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke

man, I feel sorry for your date.:eek:


Actually, I think that it depends on the area. MOst of the people here love woodsball, and many of them don't like speedball at all. Kind of strange.

03-16-2004, 04:13 PM
I personally prefer woodsball. You use more strategy and thats my style of play. But its always cool to mix it up and play both. Old schoolers like me I think are just worried that speedball will take over completly and that wouldnt be cool.

03-16-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by hotrod

I think the division comes out of fear.

Mmmmm, no.

Even when I played woodsball back in the day, we used bunkers and played a faster-paced game. To me, playing in the woods is boring. Creeping around for a long time may be fun for sum, but I prefer the adrenaline of a fast-paced speedball game. Not only that, but the teamwork and strategy involved on concept fields appeals to me more than the hide and go creep by yourself woodsball approach.

03-16-2004, 04:52 PM
what ever blows your goat ;)

03-16-2004, 04:59 PM
To me, a good day of woodsball is better than a good day of speedball. I was born in the woods, I grew up in the woods, I played with my friends in the woods, I will probably die in the woods. I enjoy the woods because it is where I am comfortable. However, that is not to say I don't like speedball. Hell, I love speedball. I love the fast paced action. The teamwork. The technology. The attention. I enjoy all of it. To me, playing paintball is playing paintball...regardless of where I am.

03-16-2004, 05:09 PM
The division isn't anything new. I've been commenting on it for 10+ years. It's just now we're starting to admit it's there.

It's elitisim. Woods is the "real game". Speedball is the "future of the sport". Feh. I want to just play, to be honest. But I prefer a woods game over speedball. That's me. But hey, if I'm shootin' paint at someone, I'm happy.


03-16-2004, 05:50 PM
I don't know about elitism, but it sure is a lot harder to play Woodsball indoors!;)

03-16-2004, 06:05 PM
I dont care what you play.

Jack & Coke
03-16-2004, 06:14 PM
Is this considered "woods ball" or "speedball"?

http://www.hollywoodsports.com/galleries/clownposseday/images/102-0227_IMG.jpg http://www.hollywoodsports.com/galleries/clownposseday/images/102-0223_IMG.jpg







03-16-2004, 06:19 PM
J&C , I think that falls under scenario ball.lol no really thats a tough one.

As far as the topic.This has been discussed a dozen ways come friday.I don't know if anyone has come up with an adequate answer to the question.The division does exist, with no good reason why.
I guess it comes down to a Chevy vs. Ford kinda thing.Its just personal opinion.

03-16-2004, 06:19 PM
Nice Pics J&C, but what is up with that dude wearing a skirt?;)

03-16-2004, 06:20 PM
i really started thinking about this a couple of weeks back at a scenario type game. I was pretty much the only "speedballer" out there and they did not have a clue. All I overheard is they do not want to run around, waste paint, no team work invloved in airball, new players cheat, and not one single positive comment on speedball. I did not say a word about it and just sat back and listened to where they were coming from. Not a great experiance on my part :( . I enjoy playing anytime-anywhere, but there is a very weird split in opinions on the type of game to play. I guess play what you want to and do not knock other types of games. :confused:

03-16-2004, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Nice Pics J&C, but what is up with that dude wearing a skirt?;)

I'm just hoping there IS something on under that kilt...

03-16-2004, 06:28 PM
I'm a pretty bad woodsballer, I'm very impatient and want action now. If I play woods ball I just walk right at the other team, I don't bother about sneaking around and all that stuff. I also cannot stand most woods ball fields because of stupid little twigs in the way of my balls messing up my shots. I respect woodsball and don't make fun of people, but you won't see me playing woods ball to often.

03-16-2004, 06:40 PM
Well I've got an interesting question. Has any one started out playing speedball, and naturally progressed to playing woods ball instead? I mean actually started out playing speedball - not tried it once.

The same group of guys that make up Deadcell (my team) played in the woods (outlaw) for a year or two. We noticed, looking back, that we tailored our terrain more and more towards speedball. We were 50 yards from each other with nothing more than trees to hide behind. Eventually we tried out The Rex Plex, and never went back to woodball.
We never "voted" to stop woodballing, but within a month we all seemed to naturally find speedball more appealing

03-16-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Is this considered "woods ball" or "speedball"? :eek: I don't know but it sure as hell looks like an awesome time!!! I'd be all for it!!! And BTW nice kilt...ohlala!! :D

03-16-2004, 08:03 PM
Heh, J&C, you crack me up.

I had been meaning to ask a similar question for a long time -- what exactly counts as what?

I've come around of sorts on the subject. I started out with my favorite field being urban (and that still is). But I hated both speedball and "woodsball". That being said... God, I would love to play at some of those fields in those pictures.

When airball came around, I didn't like it at first. But one day, I was looking at one thinking, "Man, that thing is as big as a small house..." Then you know, lightning struck, and since then I've played airball as if the bunkers were small mock buildings in urban fields. Yeah, you can't climb into an air bunker, but you never got into the buildings either because they turned into deathtraps. Totally dig airball now.

I also hated woodsball for the longest time, but I decided to suck it up and learn how to play it. And now I'm perfectly happy with woodsball as well. I look at it this way: once you go through having to hide behind things like ... some tree... or some stump... or some rock... or in some cases, some antpile, all the airball bunkers will feel downright spacious to you. If you take it seriously, and take it as just another chance to improve, you'll find it can actually help you.

That's the problem most of the tournament players seem to have when playing woodsball -- they don't take it seriously. They go out there and think, "This game is beneath me", and don't even bother to FIND COVER. They just stand there. "I'm too good for this." *Fwap* Paintball comes out of nowhere and hits them.

I have only one field type now that I have problems dealing with. At our field, it's called "trenches". I believe some other fields have a similar version which I call "mounds o' mulch". GoatBoy does not do trench warfare.

Other than that, pretty much these days, I don't differentiate between field types. Just go out and shoot people, what's the big deal?

Jack & Coke
03-16-2004, 08:25 PM
What I don't like about woodsball...

crawling in dusty dirt (without a respirator, I start coughing and tearing up... just not worth it)
trying to shoot someone 5' deep in brush. You paint them head to toe in splatter, and they're still not "out".
long treks from the stagging area to some remote field
bugs and spiders and other creepy crawlers

What I don't like about speedball...

General spray and pray style. Manditory if you want a chance against 20+ bps cheater guns.:(

I'll think of more later...

03-16-2004, 08:45 PM
So in the interest of becoming a better paintball player, wouldnt you logicaly want to play both styles of paintball? Not to say playing both types of games makes you better, but isnt a well rounded knowledge of the game itself an asset? Especially, when it comes to the mental aspect of paintball. From what i under stand the division should not be there.

03-16-2004, 08:50 PM
The reason that I and many others like speedball, is the immediate action, and the adrenline rush.

Woodsball is okay, but the damn twigs always get in my way, and sneaking up can be so boring. All though it is fun when you end up right behind an entire team.

03-16-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Is this considered "woods ball" or "speedball"?...

I would call all of that "woods ball". I know it's not, but the play is closer to "woods ball" that to "speed ball". Generally speaking, speed ball increases the emphasis on shooting, and decreases the emphasis on movement. That's how I see it at least. ;)

03-16-2004, 09:35 PM
What I like about Woodsball (mostly scenerio I'm referring to):
1. The long trek/run into the middle of nowhere to find your opponent...
2. The twigs/landscape that gets in your way makes it more challenging
3. The thrill and endurance involved in running around ALL DAY LONG nonstop in the woods, over hills, in ditches, through bushes...and I do LOVE to run
4. The actual scenerios make it fun
5. Playing in the mud and being a dirty little kid again (don't forget I'm a girl) :D

What I like about speedball:
1. The fast pace--like a video game
2. The effectiveness of teamwork in a sporting environment
3. Shorter games make each individual move count

All in all I love different aspects of both :D I'm glad there's many different forms of paintball for all of us!! :D

03-17-2004, 04:01 AM
Would you all say that folks that play woods/urban & Speedball are more open minded in the sense of the sport?

Jack & Coke
03-17-2004, 06:17 PM

Tyger posted:


03-17-2004, 08:06 PM
J&C : That might be in the wrong thread.

And I was hoping ot keep AO from that clip, I don't know if thyer'e ready for the flooding. AO is like paintball's "Slash-dot" or "Farq", we see something cool, raid them for a day or two, and leave the poor servers in a shambles....

Not as bad as Nation, but....

Back on topic tho, Like I said, if I'm shooting paint at someone I'm a happy guy. I'll only REALLY start to complain if the terrain is dangerous, and I've played on fields where I found barbed wire, broken glass, rusted cans...


03-18-2004, 06:18 PM
Its realy simple, woodsball= patiance,commonsense,luck, and
a good pair of gloves to keep the posion ivey off yur hands.

speedball= speed,commonsense,luck and a good pair of knee pads.

They r the same a good player can play either one well, a great player can excel at either one and a cry baby will just cry no matter were he plays.:)