View Full Version : Records! Weeeeeee!

03-17-2004, 12:44 AM
Cleaning out the garage this week, and I found a box that has around 400+ old records in it. Several CCR, which is awesome, so I need a record player. Does anybody know how much they cost, what it takes to maintain them, ect. This is so awesome, I never realized that my parents were so cool before this week, I've found so much stuff. I think I'm gonna make a record wall, since the garage is going to be my new studio/hangout.

03-17-2004, 12:55 AM
Depends. If you just want to listen to records? You can get them from 50-100$ But if your going to try mixing, etc. They can go up to 500$ each.

If listening, just pick up a turntable for 100$, then a mixer for 30$

03-17-2004, 01:00 AM
$500 each? They get way more expensive then that. Try www.ebay.com, you sould be able to pick up a cheap used one. I'm not sure if you can still get that at a circuit city or big electronics store, but you can definatly still find them.

03-17-2004, 06:51 AM
I need a home audio 8track player. I never realized my mom was an 80s metal fan. :)

03-17-2004, 07:18 AM
if you find any dead kennedys in there, send em my way:)

03-17-2004, 08:08 AM
Check out stores like goodwill might find one for $10 if your just using it to listen to them.

03-17-2004, 09:35 AM
If you buy a really cheap one like that, that wasn't bought from an official store or technician, chances are, that the thing wont work, or wont work properly. There is alot of stuff that goes into making a turntable make noice. If one thing is messed up, it can just COMPLETELY thrash the album. If you know someone who might know turntables(maybe your parents?), then ask them to help you out. Garage sales are cool for this kind of thing sometimes. Do what I did, save up your money, and buy something that will last you a while. Ive got a Denon DJ120, its a real nice turntable, only $300, which is good for what it is. But Trust me, I think I know what Im talkin bout.

Hey p8ntball1016, by the looks of your out and out trying to show people, Im guessing your a DK fan? I just recently found the mother load, my local record store got this box of donation records and what not. So since Im in there everyday, I look through all their new stuff, to see if there's anything I want, well, it looks like this dude was a DK fan at one time, because he had a near complete collection of ORIGINAL Alternative Tentacles wax. Dude! It was awesome, and since I know the owner, he basically gave them to me! (A buck a piece) And did you know that Jello's goin on tour with NOFX and authority zero this year? Its gonna be so rad.

(Down With Manifesto)

03-17-2004, 10:45 AM
I'm assuming you just want a deck and mixer just to listen to records on and not to mix.So you really don't need the exspensive stuff because the reason alot of it is so pricy is do to the fact that it has advanced features that only a dj would need.

Example For Decks:
More Accurate Pitch Control (For Mixing)
Faster Platter Start up Stop time (again for mixing)
Weight (So you get less Feedback the heavier the better also for mixing)
Sound Quality (For use in Clubs,Raves or wherever requiring alot of quality sound output again for mixing and not so much for just listening to records)

Example For Mixers:
Cut Off/Kill Switches (Just for mixing)
Built in Chaos Pads,Samplers and Effects (Again Just For mixing)
Higher Quality Cross Fader (So you don't get bleed through yet again for mixing )

All those may not seem like much but it will greatly increase the price.And yes the more exspensive equipment will have better sound quality than the cheaper things (But for home use it's good enough).Here are some links for stuff to look at and a store link.If you do find anything you want I would shop around through various stores and Ebay to find better deals before you purchase anything because prices can vary greatly from store to store.

TT1600 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3710987838&category=14987)
DM1002X (http://www.123dj.com/mixers/numark/dm1002x.html)

More exspensive:
TT-X1 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3710692707&category=14987) STR8-100 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3711662856&category=14987) 1200 MK5 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3710346515&category=14987) PCV-275 (http://www.123dj.com/mixers/vestax/pcv275.html)

Store Link (I wouldn't buy anything from here because they are kind of pricy but it can give you a good idea of what you want) 123DJ (http://www.123dj.com/)

03-17-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by gamarada717
Does anybody know how much they cost, what it takes to maintain them, ect.

Almost forgot.Dust is your worst enemy use the dust covers that come with the deck and also cover your mixer with something.Just keep it dust free and dont get it wet and you should be fine.Now vinyl care just keep them clean and go get some vinyl cleaner and a really soft rag,you can pick those up usually from any music store.Also you want to keep them in the covers and away from heat (which includes direct sunlight or heat above 85-90) because they can and will warp.

03-17-2004, 11:32 AM
CCR Rocks!

Like the uy above me said, keep out of heat/sun and make sure it has a cover.

03-17-2004, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Indigo

Almost forgot.Dust is your worst enemy use the dust covers that come with the deck and also cover your mixer with something.Just keep it dust free and dont get it wet and you should be fine.Now vinyl care just keep them clean and go get some vinyl cleaner and a really soft rag,you can pick those up usually from any music store.Also you want to keep them in the covers and away from heat (which includes direct sunlight or heat above 85-90) because they can and will warp.

Unfortunatly, dust is my worst enemy too.....extremely alergic. Thanks guys, and I just want to listen, not mix and stuff. I also found 150 more records in another box. My mom said that when they lived on army bases, records were practically free.

03-17-2004, 05:20 PM
To play records basically any player will do, a good pickup (needle) will be of a better use on a so so player, those so called DJ players linked to above are way over the top for your needs, as for hooking it up I am assuming you have a stacking unit of some flavour...if it is an old one then all the better as even the new ones have a nice little set of plugs on the back marked "Phono", (Line is for cd's and minidisk players) this bit could be a bit confusing as the generic name for that style of plugs is also Phono, but ensure that you only plug the leads into this set of sockets as the milliamps required on the other sockets is wrong for a turntable. you will hear a noise if you use the other sockets but it will be terrible. If you have an old old amp then you may even have a switch marked Mag/MC/Cer this it to do with the type of pickup (needle/cartridge) used MM or Mag = magnetic and MC = moving coil (bit of a dodgy decription this has in reality nothing moves) and Cer = ceramic. For less than $75, (try charity shops/pawn shops) you can have an ok turntable but make sure you have the connections on your amp. Oh and you will find on the back of the amp an earth point, this is for a seperate earth wire that is on all turntables (sometimes inside the power cables)....connect it but be warned sometimes it causes a buzz so if that happens remove it, you won't know until you try, turntables are prone to earth loop feedback also with too high a volume low frequency hum too.
I personally have a Technics 1200 MkII and various seperates but I haven't used any of it about 7 or 8 years whilst I do have a rather large collection of vinyl I can't be bothered to play any of it, I may sit down and convert the collection to MP3's but again I can't really be bothered.

03-17-2004, 05:57 PM
Best Buy stocks at least 2 kinds of turntables, both reasonably priced. I think they're both belt drive, but if all you're doing is some light listening, they'll work just fine. Most modern turntables are grounded and don't require a ground wire from TT to receiver/amp. If you buy an old used one but don't have any place to ground it, you'll get an annoying hum.

Personally, I have a Technics SP-15 with an Audio Technica tone arm and Stanton i-track cartridge. Gotta love old broadcast equipment!