View Full Version : My New Impulse

03-17-2004, 06:29 PM
Pics In PBCapos' post ...

Just a Progressive barrel, NDZ Halo Lowrise, NDZ Blade trigger, Jackhammer2 LPR and Toxic Drop

In the future: WAS EQ board (I figure I have like 2 more years to save for it till it even comes out :p ) and maybe an OTB frame


oh yeah BTW heres what I sold to PBCapo to get it

Pics in PBCapo's post ...

03-17-2004, 06:31 PM
srry bout that ... I guess just copy and paste the links w/o the [IMG] tags on it

03-17-2004, 06:45 PM
or you can try using www.jayloo.com to host your pics.

03-17-2004, 06:50 PM
here are some pics:

sry they're a bit small

Heres the imp:

And my teammates new mag:

03-17-2004, 06:56 PM
nice nice...but you shoulda got an omen ;)

03-17-2004, 07:38 PM
no, imps are much nicer than overpriced blowbacks (not bashing blowbacks, but omen is just an overpriced one) i love my imp, that one is preety nice, also, just a suggestion, while your waiting for WAS, go put ECS on your cricket board, capps it at 30bps, has adjustable debounce, and more highly adjustable dwell, just good stuff, maked a cricket boarded imp MUCH faster

03-17-2004, 07:48 PM
I got mine for 200 :)
and yse imps are better when upgraded like that but I gots ta represent;)


03-17-2004, 08:26 PM
68magOwner - what exactly is ECS? I saw a post about it on PBN but no real info on exactly what it was

also if someone could explain what debounce is, that would be greaaat ... all I know is that its illegal most places

03-17-2004, 08:52 PM
debounce is the amount of trigger bounce that the board allows. the lower the debouce is, the more trigger bounce you are going to have. im not sure if there is a tourny set number, but usually normal is about 8. whenever you hear a gun shooting at ungodly speeds, it most likely has it on a low debounce setting.

03-17-2004, 10:29 PM
ECS- enhanced cricket software- basically, a guy on PBN figured out how to reprogram the cricket boards, so, you build a cable out of $10 of radio shack parts (or buy one pre-made off a guy on PBN) and hook your cricket board up to your comp, download the new stuff onto the board, and vola, turns your 13.7bps pos into a 30bps, super programmable paint slinging monster board- PM me if you need more info, or theres a whole stickied thread on PBN about it