View Full Version : Ok, I found my E-mags problem, now how do I fix it?

03-17-2004, 08:44 PM
My E-Mag has not been shooting well, if at all in E-mode for quite some time now. It works fine in Manual mode, but once in E it gets all screwy.

Well, while making another attempt to see what was wrong, I finally noticed what I believe is the problem.

When I shoot, and get a mis-fire, which is pretty much every time I pull the trigger, (the shot registers, but no actual shot) I noticed the solenoid plunger gets stuck mid way down into the solenoid.

Before shot, gassed up.

After misfire

Notice how it only traveled half way and got stuck? If I push down on it, it will fire and reset as normal, and if I continuely put a little pressure on it I can shoot ridiculious fast again, but once I take my hand away it starts mis-firing again.

Now, I know it can be a couple things, the battery (it is charged tho), the solenoid plunger could be bent, and/or my on/off pin doing something. Is there something else that can be causing this?

The solenoid plunger and sear lengths are all ok, so anybody got any ideas?

Oh, also could there be a setting on my Morlock board that may be causing this? Thanks for the help.

03-18-2004, 01:45 AM
First check the resistance of your solenoid with a DMM. It should be ~ 3.0 ohms.

Next, to check and see if the plunger's threaded shaft is bent, hold the gun so it's pointed straight forward and then lift up on the E-Clip on the plunger and then let go. The plunger should fall back into the solenoid without stopping. If the E-Clip doesn't come down and hit the top of the solenoid, then it's bent and needs to be tweaked.

Also, make sure your solenoid dwell is 20-30ms. Enter programming mode on the board and then do three clicks, wait for the light to stop flashing, then three clicks and then followed by at least 20 clicks (I have mine set to 25ms).

03-18-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
First check the resistance of your solenoid with a DMM. It should be ~ 3.0 ohms.

Next, to check and see if the plunger's threaded shaft is bent, hold the gun so it's pointed straight forward and then lift up on the E-Clip on the plunger and then let go. The plunger should fall back into the solenoid without stopping. If the E-Clip doesn't come down and hit the top of the solenoid, then it's bent and needs to be tweaked.

Also, make sure your solenoid dwell is 20-30ms. Enter programming mode on the board and then do three clicks, wait for the light to stop flashing, then three clicks and then followed by at least 20 clicks (I have mine set to 25ms).

Thanks black, real quick though, what is a DMM and how exactly do I go about checking my resistance? And what do I do if it is not ~ 3.0 ohms? :confused:

03-18-2004, 06:39 PM
D - digital
M - multi
M - meter

you can get a cheap one at radio shack for about $15

you just set it to ohms and put the test leads across the two wires of the noid. remember to unplug the noid from the board or you will get a false reading.

03-18-2004, 07:41 PM

The wires are soildered on since its a Morlock board, so I guess that means I get to learn how to soilder :D

Thanks for the help guys.

03-19-2004, 12:03 AM
Even though they explained everything pretty well, I'll show you how to use the dmm. It's easy.

Dan got one a while ago and he and I used it on his pedal to test connections so you can borrow his.

03-19-2004, 01:53 AM
You don't need to desolder anything to check the solenoid.

Just take the board out of the connector and then stick the two leads of the DMM into the opening in the connector where the wires from the solenoid go into. Put the DMM in the mode to read resistance and then see what number you get.