View Full Version : X-mag newbie, needs help

03-18-2004, 01:02 AM
Hello all. I'm an electronic marker newbie and a total x-mag newbie and need some help. I read the online manual but I can't seem to get all the functionality to work.

I currently have a x-mag with software 3.2 and lvl-10.
It seems very different from what's listed on the website's manual.

Current settings:
AGD 3.2
TS 1800
SPS 20

So far I've figured TS to be total shots.
SPS to be shots per second
ACE to be the ball detect thing
SHBF I'm not sure
TRG to be if the trigger is pulled or not.

I'm wondering if there is a full auto mode? Or if I can set it to shoot in 3 shot burst, 6 shot bursts, etc etc.

Also, I have blue paintball oil and the x-mag I bought used was greased with the yellow automag stuff. People are telling me these aren't compatible with each other and react and that I have to clean all the yellow oil off before I use the blue stuff. Is this true?

Thanks for any help.

03-18-2004, 03:12 AM
Shbf is the shot buffering feature. It picks up missed shots. The number you have shbf set to is the amount of milliseconds that another shot will be picked up in. The lower settings on shbf seem to work better on mine. There is no burst modes on the 3.2 software. Full auto is not an option on any e/x mags that are available to the public. The oil issue I'm not sure about.

03-18-2004, 10:15 AM
Oil is oil. Doesn't matter. Run it and go.