View Full Version : Tactical to Practical

03-18-2004, 06:17 PM
We all know that paintball has been on "Tactical to Practical" the History Channel TV show as a war game, but today they showed tear gas being shot out of a tippmann...

The ammo looked like regular purple paintballs but when they hit, a poof of dust came out and I guess you inhale the stuff:confused:

the host said, and I quote "these rounds and the gun used to shoot them, are similar to those used in paintball... (loads hopper) although the velocity on these is alot higher... (aims marker) and they shoot up to 6 rounds per secons..."

Unfortunatly the host was just wearing sun glasses when they shot him with it...:(

03-18-2004, 06:21 PM
AGD Perfect Circle balls can be filled with all sorts of nasty things.:D

03-18-2004, 06:28 PM

;) Couldnt resist.

03-18-2004, 07:55 PM
I've pictures in the paper of the police using pepper balls at protests.

Maybe thats what they were?

03-18-2004, 08:27 PM
I'm sure everyone knows but Tom really makes his cash off these things.

The perfect circle balls are the ones that are filled with the pepper stuff to shoot. He also has special water filled balls for training. He gets all sorts of stuff into them.

There are even people who want them and promised NOT to put pooh in them, but weren't allowed to buy any.


03-18-2004, 08:33 PM
I think it was on the Disocvery channel where they doing a special on less than lethal weapons.

One of a the coolest was a paintball gun (Tippy Pro Carbine IIRC), that shot paintballs filled with some really foul smelling stuff. The guy they were testing on got hit with three in the chest, and collapsed, puking and choking on whatever was in those paintballs.

03-18-2004, 08:50 PM
i'd like to see somebody with a timmy on db1 go at a riot with some of those tear gas balls.

03-18-2004, 08:57 PM
what if he chopped

03-18-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by penguinpunk555
what if he chopped

...then you give it to the Rookie to clean.

03-18-2004, 10:18 PM
After they revive you from choking.. Wow that would suck !!! lol Second shot and all of a sudden your put into acoma because no eyes.... poor poor tippy:D

03-18-2004, 10:28 PM

You might cringe, but it's just an application of technology.


03-18-2004, 10:40 PM
I have had people point out Tippmann Pro Carbines being carried by police on COPS....it seems to be an accepted application now.

03-19-2004, 01:48 AM
i wonder if the police department would let me take my mag as riot gear... that could be fun.. poor saps:D

Ken Majors
04-15-2004, 03:36 PM
I work for the Fire Department and the cops came over and asked us to fill this cute little HPA tank for them off of our compressor. The pepperball gun is a Tippmann Procarbine. They have a few different types of ammo. THey use these solid rubber "stingballs" , green "training" rounds, and red "pepperballs". The sting balls can be used to break glass from a distance so they can use the 40mm tear gas canisters. Why they don't just shoot the glass with the canister round is beyond me. The green training rounds are basically junk paintballs that look like super swirls from Walmart. The Pepperballs are filled with something like CS powder and they are expensive.
We shot a few of the training rounds, one of our guys has a handy little radar chron and that Procarbine was shooting at 340fps. The cops just chuckled and thought that was perfect. The little sting balls hit HARD, and they bounce around a concrete fire station fairly impressive like. They bored a hole completely through a cardboard box and exited the other side like it wasn't even there. Which prompted us to bust out the chronograph.
The little HPA tank only holds enough air for about 100 shots. It is a 13cubic inch/3000psi bottle. Cute little thing about the size of a 9oz CO2.
Sorry for the rant....thats all I know about pepperball.
Oh and yes we warned them about the velocity and they just chuckled. Lawsuit to follow if they ever shoot an eye out...

04-15-2004, 03:54 PM

You might cringe, but it's just an application of technology.

Check out the riot gear!

Target Practice
04-15-2004, 04:20 PM
Here in San Luis Obispo, we had the Mardi Gras riots that made CNN. Anyhoo, the officers outside of my apartment complex were using them (Pro-Carbines). It was quite cool to watch (from a distance). From the reactions of those that got hit, I don't envy whoever is on the business end of one of those things.

04-15-2004, 06:04 PM
I think the whole idea of using paintball guns for less than lethal weapons is bad publicity for the sport :confused: :mad:

04-15-2004, 06:30 PM
No problem here with paintball as a less then lethal weapon. It is less then lethal and far better then using a glock on a perp if it can be avoided.

A paintball gun is actually a pretty good weapon for croud control. It offers far more accuracy then the fire dept hoses! It can be loaded with all different types of loads. It just makes sense!

04-15-2004, 10:33 PM
A local police officer came into my store one day to show us his new anti riot gun..

It was a Tippy Pro Carbine that said Pepper Ball on the side instead of Tippmann.. He had three types of ammo, glass breaks, pepper balls, and training balls.

Glass breaks are hard porcelin(sp?) balls that shatter automotive glass.. the pepper balls are really hard paintballs filled with pepper.. crap (cant think of the word), and training balls are like pepper balls with baking powder..

The paintballs go for about 1 dollar a ball.. and the tippy with a small 7oz compressed air tank goes for around 600-800 bucks.. The reason for this..small.. price increase is insurance.

He also had a video showing what these guns do... and I DONT want to get hit with them.. people drop in like half a second..

04-15-2004, 10:41 PM
I acutally did see that when it was on. My dad was watching TV, flipping through the channels. I saw a PB gun and I was like "STOP!" We watched the rest of that show, it was pretty cool.

04-16-2004, 01:20 AM

I've got it on the 'dog too. http://www.webdogradio.us/video/oldschool It's in the lifestyle section, the whole paintball vid.
