View Full Version : What is an "Autoresponse" frame?

03-18-2004, 09:57 PM
What is an autoresponse frame? I was browsing the classic threads and i ran across that. What is it?

Mag Master 04
03-18-2004, 10:08 PM
autoresponse is a shot on both the pull and release of the trigger, not legal in tournaments or anywhere for that matter i believe

03-18-2004, 10:21 PM
The AutoResponse Trigger is a two stage trigger replacement for the Automag and is made by Pro-Line. The AutoResponse allows your 'Mag to fire once when the trigger is pulled, then to fire again when the trigger is released. The 'Mag, even in the hands of a newbie, can achieve amazing rates of fire with an AutoResponse installed. But note that an experienced 'Mag operator with a normal trigger can pretty much match and AutoResponse for speed and outshoot it for accuracy.

The AutoResponse has a few drawbacks. One, the trigger pull is extremely long with this trigger. While the stock Automag trigger only requires that it be pulled approx. 1/8" of an inch, the AutoResponse must be pulled through 3/4" to operate. In addition, the trigger design requires that full strokes be used when operating the trigger. If the trigger is not pulled completely and released completely each time, the gun will chop balls. Second, the long trigger pull is heavy and causes the shooter to wave the muzzle of the gun entirely too much for accurate fire.

Some fields (and even tournaments) do not allow play with the AutoResponse. But if you want the fastest gun on your block, and you don't want to practice enough to make your finger faster, certainly add an AutoResponse to your 'Mag.

03-18-2004, 10:32 PM
Agreed with just about everything rpm07 said, except for the ball chopping thing...

After the installation of LX on my old AR'ed mag, I didn't chop again.

I still have a video on my computer of me going 13 bps (soundgraph confirmed) on my AR mag... Nowhere to upload it though, sigh (its only 800k)...

03-18-2004, 10:36 PM
What I posted was a write up from WarPig. Before the LV10 was out. I wish I still had my old trigger it was the best.

03-19-2004, 01:09 AM
Check out what Tom had to say about the AR iin this thread:


Here is an excerpt:

"I absoulutely LOVED and ADORED that gun! I still have it in that exact configuration and it remains my favorite gun of all time. Why? Because its the fastest shooting MECHANICAL gun on the planet. It has controllable firing rate, you can dial the BPS out the barrel like a volume control because it's so easy to shoot. And last but not least it is absoulutely, positively, unstopably the fastest two shot snap shooter in existence.

That gun was TWICE as fast as all the other guns of its day. That would be like taking the field now with a 22 BPS Angel and going to play rec ball. I could mow the lawn with that gun! We played woods ball and if you hid behind bushes...I could just cut a hole through and get you. If you hid behind a tree I could pound you so bad you just took cover until I walked up still shooting and did you.

The only reason I put it down was because they made it illegal. Damn I miss that gun... AGD"


Duck Hunt
03-19-2004, 01:39 AM
Oh man thats a good video, I loved the Red Barchetta in the backround!


03-19-2004, 08:06 AM
Thanks for all the info. Thats a really neat concept. I would like to see AGD produce a new type of AR frame. That video was pretty sweet. The sport has grown since 92.

03-19-2004, 11:08 AM
Even if they did, it would still be illegal. One pull, one shot is the rule. People can get away with bounce because the marker isn't designed to do it, but an AR frame... well, you can't pull the trigger once and fire one shot