View Full Version : problem with old mag

03-19-2004, 12:05 AM
Just got an old mag (stock), gased it up and it wasn't leaking. I dry fired for about 10-20 then I short stroked. After that, it started leaking badly down the barrel, so I pulled the trigger and the leak stopped. Then when I release the trigger the leak was there again and the bolt was stuck. I can't fire anymore until I degas the marker and gas it up again. Can you guys help me out.

edit: I put 5 drops of gun oil at asa, and single drops at the oil holes.

03-19-2004, 12:09 AM
Do you have a level 10? It could be bolt stick. Try taking your mag apart and putting it back together and trying it again.

03-19-2004, 12:22 AM
nope, no level 10. I'll check the body for grime stuff. But I don't think that's it cause I clean the whole marker before I fired.