View Full Version : ~~Official Huntington Beach Thread~~

03-19-2004, 02:18 PM
Lets use this as the official Huntington Beach thread.

Anyone got any scores yet? I've been checking the NPPL and Pbnation websites but nothing's been posted yet.

Also, how's Destiny doing (They have the afternoon schedule for Day One I believe)?

03-19-2004, 03:29 PM
Pride doing PSP not NPPL?
Scores: http://www.nppl.tv/hb04_scores.htm

03-19-2004, 04:22 PM

isnt that jonesy from here??

03-19-2004, 08:10 PM

photo's if anybody didn't see yet.:)

03-19-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by walker2287

isnt that jonesy from here??

Hey, thanks for the props! But no, that's not me. ;) It's jonesIE, get it right! :D

I am playing PSP 10-man this year.

03-20-2004, 12:06 AM
I'll be there Sunday...gotta ref a 3-man tomorrow so HB is out of the question...I'll have the digicam so we should have some good stuff..

03-20-2004, 01:19 AM
Does anyone remember that live cam they had for huntington last year? It wasnt a paintball related thing, but it was some sort of live feed ... thing, where you could see live feed from many parts of the world. One of them huntington beach for the tournament, it was interesting :) It was also depressing to watch the waves in Hawaii lol

03-20-2004, 02:02 AM
I just arrived and will be there Saturday and Sunday. :D

Kind of tired after visiting Las Vegas on the way ;) so going to be relatively early in preperation for the rest of the weekend. :D

03-20-2004, 02:21 AM
Are you going to be playing or just hanging out in the Empire tent? I do finally want to meet you Simon!

03-20-2004, 05:06 AM
good luck to Nexus and Shockwave!

03-20-2004, 03:15 PM
Walked by the BK booth and Clare didn't look all that happy so I didn't say hi. (that and I'm pretty darn shy). Ran into Mighty Mike (suprised me) and talked with him for quite a bit of the day. Myself and RogueFactor were following the Bushwackers most of the day. They won 3 of 3 and I left before the 4th. This year it's real interesting. Instead of playing completely on sand they are now playing on a artifical turf laid over the sand. Makes it good for the sliders. Oh and I think RF, MM and myself all agree that the "scenary" at the beach yesterday was unbelieveable. Man how I love SoCal. Got signatures from the Viewloader, Brass Eagle and Empire spokesmodels which was pretty cool. I'm taking my camera today and so is my fiance's brother if he can find batteries.

EDIT: Also I wish I could of seen the Stoned Assassigns (B.Real and Everlast's team) play Linkin Parks team.

03-20-2004, 04:27 PM
Isn't LP and SA playing each other tomorrow? As for when, I'm not sure but I plan on being there. Check out some paintball, soak up a little sun, and most likely, spend more money on things! ARUGH!!

03-20-2004, 04:40 PM
good luck to Curly and the SFPaintballCenter crew....wish I was down there with you guys. BLAST SOME MUPPETS!!!

also, if you check out the 4th page of pics at paintball.com, SFPaintballCenter are the guys with the grey jt jerseys and there is a shot of the back of sean's jersey (PIGLET)

03-20-2004, 08:46 PM

Jack & Coke
03-21-2004, 01:58 AM
A few pics I took today:)

Osiris Cocker with a pivoting trigger...
Remember this thread? (May 2002)


Very neat idea for senario games... a camel back style water backpack integrated with a pod belt.

This had a climbing wall too:)


Panoramic shot (3 photos stiched)

03-21-2004, 04:24 AM
nice pics J&C

btw, thats possibly the best Casual Clare pic Ive seen, kudos

03-21-2004, 06:14 AM
nice pics J & C!!

03-21-2004, 07:28 AM
Wohooo! Joy got 696 points, first place shared with dynasty after the prelims. Good luck to them on sunday!

03-21-2004, 01:02 PM
Looks like Curly and the SF paintball center team did pretty good, 3rd rookie after the prelims.

03-21-2004, 06:27 PM
Live Webcam from the NPPL field:


03-21-2004, 08:51 PM
looks like Dynasty won again...2 out of 3 from Avalanche in the finals...

03-21-2004, 10:28 PM
I guess nobody else went...it was nice being ignored this time....(except for Simon)...

03-21-2004, 10:38 PM
I went on Fri & Sat and was gonna show up today but I called RF and he said it was dying down around 1:30ish which meant I would of been there around 2-2:30ish. Sucks that I missed the SA vs Linken Park game. Even though I heard that SA rolled over them.

03-21-2004, 10:48 PM
yeah, Rogue, B_K, Mango and myself all got me Everlast...really nice guy...and B*Real was walking by when B_K and I were leavin...he's a big dude..

03-21-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
yeah, Rogue, B_K, Mango and myself all got me Everlast...really nice guy...and B*Real was walking by when B_K and I were leavin...he's a big dude..
I got B* Reals autograph along with all the other S.A's yesterday at the WGP booth. DB did you try the game at the WGP booth for the 03 vert cocker? It was whoever could get the fastest trigger. I got 14 :( but then again I'm not much of a walking person. Wish I could of gone with you and RF on Saturday but unfortunatly fiances family had a passing on Friday evening, but I did manage to get her brother to go with me to HB later on in the day though.

03-22-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

I got B* Reals autograph along with all the other S.A's yesterday at the WGP booth. DB did you try the game at the WGP booth for the 03 vert cocker? It was whoever could get the fastest trigger. I got 14 :( but then again I'm not much of a walking person. Wish I could of gone with you and RF on Saturday but unfortunatly fiances family had a passing on Friday evening, but I did manage to get her brother to go with me to HB later on in the day though.

Hey...all of us who went understand your situation and our hearts go out to your family. It would have been nice to see you but family always comes first.

regarding the WGP game...nah...there are always a group of noobs in front of it...and I haven't played in 3-4 months so my fingers are a little out of work...but it won't take long to get back in shape...

03-22-2004, 12:27 AM
Well I enjoyed my first actual Pro caliber tourney. Had fun watching some great games and checking out all the sights and sounds (even though there wasn't that much). Good to see some friends...and I must say manike is one tall dude...would love to pound some drinks with him sometime but got to nurse that liver back to health ;)

Side note: Funny how popularity can cloud peoples judgement and make them forget the little people or even common courtesy :(


03-22-2004, 01:01 AM
I was there Saturday and Sunday, they never annouced scores. I did see Dynasty get beat in a match against Rage. Clare was stuck behind the Bunker King booth most of the time. I stopped by and said hi. I didn't get a picture of her this time since I figured she was working. Maybe next time. Overall it was a good tournament to watch a huge amount of vendors. What I like about the Super 7 was that there's no coaching allowed. I didn't like how coaching was going on a PSP LA Open. It really kills the game.

03-22-2004, 03:03 AM
Now for some pics!

NPPL Huntington Beach taken from the pier.

HB had some great scenery!

Pics from the Kingman Field:
http://server6.uploadit.org/files/pbzmag-Kingman_Field.jpg http://server6.uploadit.org/files/pbzmag-Kingman_Field_2.jpg

Main field taken from the stairs of the bleechers. Only one that I could take without a head or arm getting in the way. I think it was Aftershock vs. Rage.

Fastest fingers game at the WGP booth. Fastest one gets a new Cocker.

WDP showcasing their new reusable balls, currently not out.

Although 99.99% of the people loved it, there was one who didn't.

03-22-2004, 08:38 AM
wow, if I didnt think it would confirm the guys point, a swift kick to the ole man bits would serve him good...

though perhaps having a team or 3 walking up on him to truely explain what it DOES teach, in a positive manner, might do the trick, providing he doesnt soil himself in the process...

03-22-2004, 12:40 PM
Dynasty won:( (gee, those 03 Shockers really do suck!:rolleyes: )
I was rooting for 'lanche. 2ND is good too, but it's still first loser...........

03-22-2004, 12:55 PM
J&C you were there but didn't we never met? :(

Met DB in the Eclipse stand, I recognised him but it took a second. :D

Was cool to see everyone and be at such a great event, glad to be home though, I'm wrecked. :D

03-22-2004, 12:59 PM
Pbzmag- Wish I would of seen that guy. Even though I can't read one word in his sign I'm guessing it says "teach". Anyways. He looks like a jogger that's pissed cause the beach is being used for something a little more out of the norm and he can't do his running due to all these people.

Major Jam
03-22-2004, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Dynasty won:( (gee, those 03 Shockers really do suck!:rolleyes: )

Havn't they won more with the Angels? I think it has more to do with the team than the gun they're shooting. ;)

03-22-2004, 01:14 PM
Of course they've won more with the Angels. This was thier first event with the Shockers. I honestly believe Dynasty could win with Talons.

03-22-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Knees
Side note: Funny how popularity can cloud peoples judgement and make them forget the little people or even common courtesy :(

I totally agree, I lose respect for people like this... I went and met up with some fellow Ao'ers B_K, D-Bunny, Rogue and more to hit the vendors and check out some action. This was my first Pro-tourny and I must admit it was pretty fun, wish i could have stayed longer but had to be home :( the weather was ok at first, the sun wasnt showing, but it started to come out, and when it did, the girls got prettier by the minute!!

Jack & Coke
03-22-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by manike
J&C you were there but didn't we never met? :(

Yeah, that sucks...

I was there from 12:00pm - 3:00pm on Saturday. We had some other things to do, so I couldn't stay all day.

I walked around all over the place, but since there were sooooo many people (and hot babes), it was kinda hard to pick people out of the crowds.

I briefly met Evil Preacher... and of course the lovely Clare at the bunkerking booth.

It got really windy in the afternoon. :(

Hopely one of these days we'll get a chance to meet, and I'll buy you a nice pint of ale!:)

03-22-2004, 01:52 PM
If in doubt ask for the "Limey" (how original :rolleyes: ;) ) at the Empire booth. I'm not sure what events I'll be at but hopefully quite a few.

03-22-2004, 01:54 PM
Mentioning Hot Babes, heres a pic of me and the Body Glove Girls, not bad I must say :cool:


03-22-2004, 02:01 PM
did anyone watch or get pictures of the blowfish playing?

03-22-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Quickling
did anyone watch or get pictures of the blowfish playing?

uummm...no...but I heard the Dynasty mascot's head fell off and it freaked out a bunch of kids...hahahahaa..

03-22-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

uummm...no...but I heard the Dynasty mascot's head fell off and it freaked out a bunch of kids...hahahahaa..

lol... that would of been hilarious. At the PSP event the Dynasty mascot was a cute chick. Wonder who/what it was this time around.

03-22-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

lol... that would of been hilarious. At the PSP event the Dynasty mascot was a cute chick. Wonder who/what it was this time around.

it was the same chick...

03-22-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by manike
If in doubt ask for the "Limey" (how original :rolleyes: ;) ) at the Empire booth. I'm not sure what events I'll be at but hopefully quite a few.

Simon, are you going to be at Ultimate Madness?

03-22-2004, 04:26 PM
Not sure, I want to be, but having time is looking doubtful.

03-22-2004, 05:01 PM

I was the short guy with DB, I would have introduced myself but I know you was on a mad dash for some allen wrenches. Maybe sometime when yo head back out this way we can all get together and throw some back!


03-22-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Bad_Knees

I was the short guy with DB, I would have introduced myself but I know you was on a mad dash for some allen wrenches. Maybe sometime when yo head back out this way we can all get together and throw some back!

In other words he was the old guy with DB. :D j/j BK.

03-22-2004, 05:53 PM

Someone should "teace" him about paintball and how to spell.:rolleyes: :cool:

03-22-2004, 05:58 PM
I noticed that too...

03-22-2004, 06:03 PM
I dont think we want anyone playing paintball who would agree with the opinion of someone who cannot spell teach on a poster. It isnt like some internet typo.

03-22-2004, 06:08 PM
What does paintball teach your children?

How about :-


Not to mention it keeps them fit and off the streets/couch.

I wish I'd seen that so I could have made a sign and stood next to him with my list. :D

03-22-2004, 06:48 PM
Paintball taught me that having half-way decent looking skanks in my booth will make me lots of money,..

03-22-2004, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Paintball taught me that having half-way decent looking skanks in my booth will make me lots of money,..
I'll agree there. Wish I would of seen the guy and made a opposite sign.

03-22-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by manike
What does paintball teach your children?

How about :-


Not to mention it keeps them fit and off the streets/couch.

I wish I'd seen that so I could have made a sign and stood next to him with my list. :D

it also taught Simon that being tall and british doesn't have to stop you from meeting beautiful women with good teeth...

03-22-2004, 07:43 PM
Paintball teaches kids to get off their lazy butts away from the TV and to go out and shoot someone. Good excercise. We should ask that guy what does English class teace him?

03-22-2004, 11:10 PM
i was there saterday, i wish i would have seen that guy holding the sign =) oh well

03-23-2004, 01:07 AM
Sorry I didnt get to meet any of you guys. I did briefly run into MightyMike on Friday afternoon. I was pretty busy with the team scoping fields etc when we werent playing, I barely spent much time out of the players area at all. We took 6th place in the rookie division. Missed the finals cut by 6 points. In the semis we beat Organized Chaos who then went on to win the event. I was sat by my captain for most of the event but I still had a good time. Feels nice to be home and have a little rest though, it was an intense four days.


03-23-2004, 01:27 AM
it was nice to spend the morning in HB..sorry we missed you, C...

03-23-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango

Someone should "teace" him about paintball and how to spell.:rolleyes: :cool:

Well, a few paintballers didn't set a good example when they distracted him and took off running with his sign!

03-23-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
it also taught Simon that being tall and british doesn't have to stop you from meeting beautiful women with good teeth...

You're no short 'person' yourself either!

HB was fun! Nothing like the hugs you get from Lisa Harvey when she hasn't seen you for months and feels like telling you how much she has missed you... I'm hoping she's just as glad to see me next time. :p :D

What's with the good teeth thing anyway? My current girly doesn't have that great teeth... but she makes up for it in other ways. ;) :cool:

HB was a blast, but just reminds me how much more work I have to do when people keep asking for new stuff. Anyway nose back to the grind stone. :D

03-23-2004, 03:38 PM
The next event Im at I will make sure to introduce myself to everyone. I feel bad now that Im back home that I didnt get to meet anyone. Actually I did run into Magman007 on saturday but I was in a hurry and didnt really have a chance to talk to him.

03-23-2004, 03:52 PM
some pics..

Joy Division doing an autograph signing and the new Joy Angel

One of the coolest dogs ever and an awesome skateboarder


The venue

03-23-2004, 03:57 PM

Max (from Joy Division) and me

The view from the VIP box

Nexus, Evelyn (from Destiny), and me

03-23-2004, 04:16 PM
I loved that dog. I saw him on Friday afternoon when I first arrived. I would of said hi to you clare but for 2 reasons I didn't. 1 I'm a overall shy guy and 2 you didn't look all that thrilled to be in the BK booth. I also met Magman007 but didn't think about introducing myself. I was wearing a AGD hat that RogueFactor sells. At the time he was at the WDP rubber ball display and I asked him if they were selling them. Anyways. It was a fun event and it sux cause now all the LA events are done.

03-23-2004, 04:18 PM
2 you didn't look all that thrilled to be in the BK booth.

oh no, I had a blast! It was probably early in the day when I was still half asleep. You should have come up to say hi..I wasn't going to bite! :p

03-23-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

oh no, I had a blast! It was probably early in the day when I was still half asleep. You should have come up to say hi..I wasn't going to bite! :p

It was noonish. I stopped by the booth a couple times to check out the knit cap with the skull on it but that was it. Also I don't like being a hound dog and bothering "famous" people.

Load SM5
03-23-2004, 04:38 PM
"Famous" people are'nt famous without their adoring fans. Shoulda stopped by to gush on 'ol Clare like the rest of us do.

Clare needs her public!!!!!!!!;)

03-23-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg

I got B* Reals autograph along with all the other S.A's yesterday at the WGP booth. DB did you try the game at the WGP booth for the 03 vert cocker? It was whoever could get the fastest trigger. I got 14 :( but then again I'm not much of a walking person. Wish I could of gone with you and RF on Saturday but unfortunatly fiances family had a passing on Friday evening, but I did manage to get her brother to go with me to HB later on in the day though.

I had the high score twice then Jim Drew comes and beats me. I guess he needs to slang that autococker for some cash. Then I was tied with another guy and was screwed by WGP because they let the game go on another hour after they said it was going to end and some guy came after the game was supposed to be over and pulled 1bps ahead.

03-23-2004, 07:03 PM
I stopped by twice, but didn't have much to say.


03-23-2004, 07:19 PM
Damn, I missed everyone. I was a bit busy lugging around emergency gear for the team

Clare - Damn, I was on the other side of the VIP area taking pictures. I was at that video game thing as well, but it wasn't a public event so I didn't think it was a good idea to introduce myself. Too bad, I was about 1 person away for a while.

I'm going to have to find a jersey or something to make me stand out in a crowd.

edited for spelling - Thanks Bagel

03-23-2004, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by BlackHalo
Damn, I missed everyone. I was a bit busy lugging around emergency gear for the team

Claire - Damn, I was on the other side of the VIP area taking pictures. I was at that video game thing as well, but it wasn't a public event so I didn't think it was a good idea to introduce myself. Too bad, I was about 1 person away for a while.

I'm going to have to find a jersey or something to make me stand out in a crowd.


03-23-2004, 11:35 PM
I was gonna spend some money at the BK booth but they seemed to busy...oh well...I'll just order it off their website..

03-24-2004, 01:18 AM
dang i didn't get to go but if any one has a pict of some guy getting bunkered bad i would love it if you could post it (no action shots i want the real thing)i want to save it to my desktop as a background sorry if this seems pushy it might not but if it does sorry.:D

03-24-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
It was probably early in the day when I was still half asleep.

You sure do like sleeping, eh? ;)

03-24-2004, 03:35 PM
You sure do like sleeping, eh?

Yes, and I never seem to get enough of it at these events..EH STEVE!

03-24-2004, 05:39 PM
Its a good thing steve wasnt there. Ollie would have had to get a restraining order...

03-24-2004, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Curly
Its a good thing steve wasnt there. Ollie would have had to get a restraining order...


Mighty Mike
03-25-2004, 08:24 PM
Here are some pics I took at Huntington Beach this past weekend. This was my first trip to a professional paintball tournament and I had a great time. I'm glad RoadDawg spotted me in the crowd (not really hard since i'm a big guy) and introduced me to the man himself RougeFactor. It was cool hanging out and talking to both these guys. I briefly ran into fellow NorCal AOer Curly, but couldn't talk much since his team was planning for their next game. Overall, the games were exciting to watch and I enjoyed roaming around the many different paintball vendors at HB. I also got a chance to go to Universal Studios on Sunday which was a blast also. Ok...here are some pics.

I stood in line to get an autographed poster of Dynasty hoping to sell it on Ebay, but unfortunately Mr. Alex Fraige said that the poster had to be addressed to someone. So if anyone want's to buy an autographed poster of Dynasty addressed to Mighty Mike then let me know.


Here's a pic of Oliver Lang and Ryan Greenspan walking to the deadman's box after being eliminated by Team Rage.

Mighty Mike
03-25-2004, 08:27 PM



Mighty Mike
03-25-2004, 08:29 PM
NPPL Field

Angel Field

Kingman Field

Mighty Mike
03-25-2004, 08:35 PM
Driven Girls

Testing out my new Olympus Digital 10x zoom.

This dog was all over the place!!

Major Jam
03-25-2004, 09:32 PM
Nice pics! Thanks! Keep em coming! :)

03-26-2004, 01:12 AM
yes...please keep the pix coming..