View Full Version : Galactic Z Body

Mega Man
09-26-2001, 05:39 PM
Does anyone here have one? I'm thinking about getting one and I just wanted some info from people who own one or have experience with one. Also does anyone know where I can get them at?

09-26-2001, 07:46 PM
I mean..they look cool on a mag , and it has that back spin nob on it. From what I hear is, if u wanna hit someone way across the other side of the field..then get the Z-body

09-27-2001, 05:03 AM
Don't really know what all to tell you about it really. I've used one many times, and I really like them, however I do suggest that you pick up one of the "Z-Barrels" available from www.galacticz.com the homepage of the "Z-Series" of automag upgrades.

I will agree that all the advertisements on the site with reguard to the Z-body are correct. I've personally been on both ends of it in testing. See, I play at the field where the Z-Body was developed, tested, and and perfected. Yoshi, the inventor of the system, obviously plays at the same field.

Write me here, or e-mail me with any questions you have.

Good luck,


09-27-2001, 05:29 AM

here is a pic to help make your descision an easy one, this is mine but i dont use the boomer. i use a dye alluminum, it is up to the shooter i guess.

09-27-2001, 06:23 AM
Hey Threewheeler,
can you check on some prices for me on z-body parts. I need a chrome powerfeed, and a replacement rubber pad or two. Thanks,

09-27-2001, 06:42 AM
Is there any where in the US that you get the Galactic barrel from?

09-27-2001, 07:07 AM
My Z-body is a piece of garbage. It double feeds and breaks paint all of the time. It picks up the spin maybe twice in ten shots.
I was really disappointed, Yoshi told me to send it in, I did this and he returned it to me saying nothing was wrong. I spent 40 dollars sending this thing to Japan just so he could take it out of the box, look at it, say,"there's nothing wrong here" and send it back.
Needless to say, it still double balls, breaks paint, and has been a waste of my time and money. Yoshi tried hard to accomodate me online, but I felt that when I sent it in for an overhaul that nothing was done.
I'm pretty sure the body I have is defective, since everyone else loves theirs.
Anyone wanna buy it? Make an offer, I'd probably pay someone to take this thing off of my hands.
Are you out there? Feel like backing up your product at all???

09-27-2001, 04:57 PM
dont listen to maghog, all u have to do is adjust the ball detent and get a smaller bore barrell. i use the spin nob to help the ball detent and i have never double fed.

09-27-2001, 07:03 PM
blembiggity, I thought the nature of the z-body required a large bore barrel... why then suggest a smaller bore? I used a custom made Palmers barrel, .700 i.d. I also bought one of the Lapco z-barrels.
The ball detent suggestion is a good one, and it may help, but I still had great trouble getting the "advertised" performance out of it.
It's still for sale. 100 bucks, including the palmer barrel.
One day special only.

09-27-2001, 07:55 PM
You've got a deal $100, tell me where to send it.


09-27-2001, 08:06 PM

I really can't give you any info on pricing other than to direct you to www.galacticz.com I will tell you that for the Z-body itself, you can get it cheaper at skanline or bbtpaintball. However, I haven't seen any other dealers that sell the other parts to the system.

Hopefully that helps a little.


09-27-2001, 11:40 PM
I have a Z-body on one of my mags, I use a 6 1/4in (that' correct) Equation Barrel in .692 dia. I can hit players across the next county!!! It works great!!! I highly recommend it for rec/woods ball!!!

09-28-2001, 05:03 AM
Originally posted by blembiggity
dont listen to maghog, all u have to do is adjust the ball detent and get a smaller bore barrell. i use the spin nob to help the ball detent and i have never double fed.

You want a huge bore barrel and tiny paint, not a small barrel.

09-29-2001, 02:28 AM
Accually, you need small paint, and a large bore barrel as short as you can get it!!!! I tried many barrels, the 6 1/4 gave me the best results!!!!

09-29-2001, 04:50 PM
The Z-body can flatten your trajectory. This is the only actual benefit. Accuracy... consistency... gets thrown out the window. Increased <B>effective</B> range... isn't there... perceived maybe. Machined cheaply... not a good buy.

Want more range? Tilt your gun higher.

09-29-2001, 05:45 PM
this is like the flatline barrel. sure, when its used right, you can shoot it a mile. you just can't hit anything because it gets innaccurate.

hey maghog, you must have a defective body, regardless of what yoshi says.

09-29-2001, 05:46 PM
Mile? How about an extra 15-20 feet if you're lucky.

09-29-2001, 06:30 PM
just exxagerating.....you can shoot noticeable more though. i guess i should have worded it better.

10-01-2001, 01:05 AM
It's like a flatline in the way that it puts a backspin on the ball!!! And that's it!!! Unlike a flatline, you can adjust the backspin untill you have the range and accuracy you want!!! If you turn the spin way up, puting too much backspin on the ball, of course your accuracy goes to the way of the outhouse!!!

10-01-2001, 07:34 PM
I also have had very mixed results. Using a .700 10" CP

Initially I had a lot of chops and not much noticable trajectory improvement.

But things have gotten better...I've found that using the advantage shell "dry" paints makes the most difference. Using RP Premium dry the ball picks up the flat trajectory 80-90% time. As for increased range, like Miscue stated the effective range is not any greater than without. Flys farther, bounces more.

And if you chop with the Z-body, you can forget about trying to shoot through it... it's a mess.