View Full Version : Little rant...

03-20-2004, 10:17 AM
I just wanted to let it out a little bit. Over one pbnation some kids have been trash talking about my team. They were saying we acted like we knew everything and thought we were the best. We tried to be the best sports we could. This was my first tourney and first time playing with one kid witch was kind of a tryout for him. He wasn't that good but we still want him to work with him. Now we havn't played in 4 months and never got a team practice in.
Now here is the story.

He said that we thought we knew everything and that we thought could kill anyone. I don't know where he got that.
We didn't do well that tourney at all we performed quit poorly. I knew we were a better team especially in the 5 man format. He just goes on saying how we were so terrible and such. It just makes me mad that some teams don't put pther factors in aybe this is a new team to the tourney play. He just goes on and on how we suck. But I was thinking we are the junior team of the Crimson Men they are a very excellant team and coudl take a ton of teams to peices. Now if they allow us to be their junior team they mustr see somthing in our style of play they must see we have some potential. The captian has seen me play and has liked my movements very much complementing them. Now if a great team like that likes the way we perform on the field we can't suck that bad. Even Timmy from AGD Pride complemented my movments On the games he watched.

Anyone else hate the trash talking kids

03-20-2004, 10:56 AM
I guess no one cares....:(

03-20-2004, 11:01 AM
The only thing that comes to mind is
"Sticks and stones....."

Why does it honestly matter to you what some person(s) on a forum , that don't know you personally have to say?
Do you suck?
Would they know anyway?

03-20-2004, 11:04 AM
They played in a tourney with us. No we don't suck just didn't do well. It ust makes me mad when people talk trash to kids who have not played many tourneys.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-20-2004, 11:08 AM
notice how he waits to tell you this in the forum instead of in your face...

o and another thing. PBNation isn't really the best forum out there and is full of mindless idiots dumber than me!

03-20-2004, 11:09 AM
Now thats just scarey.

03-20-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by penguinpunk555
They played in a tourney with us. No we don't suck just didn't do well. It ust makes me mad when people talk trash to kids who have not played many tourneys.

We played in a locals only tournament a month back.There were some really good players present, but no one that had played as an organized team was allowed to participate.
Anywho, all the teams that we thought were going to give us a hard time choked.It had nothing to do with "sucking" they just had a bad day,and we came out on top.
Tournaments fall under the "any given Sunday" rule.Generally speaking any team that has things working for them can win on any given day , but then may loose terribly the next time.It doesn't take much to make it one way or the other.Just luck of the draw.

Best thing to do is communicate with your other players.We had never played as a team before.We weren't even able to practice together before the game.But we talked to each other during the game.This was the advantage we needed that put us on top for the day.

Don't let this trash talking group of kids get you down.They are poor sports.Even winners should be considerate of others feelings.Trash talking like that shows their true colors.
Practice together , work out a game plan and later you guys can put it in their face(hopefully in a more mature manner).

03-20-2004, 12:35 PM
Punkncat is a fine example of a good AOer glad I am part of this group.

03-20-2004, 07:45 PM
dude i hear ya on this one.
i love how at the tourny no one says anything but then as soon as they get behind there computer they bash the hell outta ya.
at the same tourny as you guys lets call them team "x"
we beat them. after the game i am talking to the dude by the scoreboard we are laughing it up and joking around.
he goes home and bashes us on his forum im just like wait what like you dont think i know its the same guy. come on man im smarter than that

03-20-2004, 08:56 PM
Thanks man. Next time you play them tear them to peices.

03-21-2004, 01:06 AM
Our team usually goes and practices at Del Hobbies in NJ a place where MANY good 7-Man and 5-Man teams play. After murdering us in about 2 mins they tell us what we did wrong and how we can improve ourselves. The serious teams are there to help you and keep the sport alive by helping out the next generation of teams. But then you have the occasional smart *** team but you don't let them get to you, just use it as energy to beat them next time.

I remember a time when we were playing our first tournement in the GPL series. It was against a team full of 20 year olds. My team is full of 16 and 17 year olds. They sat there and made fun of us before we even got on the field. Saying stupid jokes that would just want to make you beat the hell out of them. Too bad they didnt put as much effort into playing as they did harassing us. We max'd on them in a couple mins. They all apologized afterwards.

03-21-2004, 02:52 AM
Rouge told me this quote

Argueing with stupid people not only brings you down to their level, but they beat you with experence.


Head knight of Ni
03-21-2004, 06:39 AM
This is why bonus ballings exist. Now I dont condone bonus balling but if accidents happen who am I to argue. :cool:

03-21-2004, 11:41 AM

It is part of sports, dont let it bother you. We have rolled on teams and still were told we suck, by the team we maxed. Oh well, dont care. Just use the old addage, "water off a ducks back" Meaning just let it not get to you.

We had a tourney in MN in Feb that we just SUCKED at, we could not do jack right.. yea, that day we did suck, we knew it, we accepted it, and we got bashed because of it.

There were other teams there that knew us and defended us saying things like "they are not as bad as they played today, they must have just been off thier game." The fact is that we did SUCK.. We just dusted ourselfs off, pressed, and practiced to play another day.

As a starting team I am glad that you played, and realized that there were problems. Now all you have to do is fix the problems. You learn by mistakes, just try to not make them again now you know what happened.


I will bash this... How the HELL did we loose that 3 on one?!?! It should not have been like that :)
Seriously though, I was super impressed with Timmy at that moment. I told him so in person, and then I said it here.