View Full Version : Question about Skirmish Paintball USA

03-20-2004, 05:57 PM
Has anyone ever been to their scenario games? I was thinking about going to the D Day one, but its $50 to get in AND you have to buy their paint at $70 a case. Anyone know how easy it is to sneak paint into that place? By the way its in Pennsylvania. I cant afford to blow off $200 24 hours of paintball.

03-20-2004, 06:15 PM
All I got to say to that, is those are pretty normal prices for a 24hr game, a little on the cheap side actually. As far as sneaking paint in. Its real easy to get caught. They usually use a batch of paint made for that game. (They order enough of the same type for that game, I.E. bulk order)

03-20-2004, 06:21 PM
if its only $70 a case your lucky skirmish is uslly $100 a case...for crap like 32* stuff

03-20-2004, 06:30 PM
I didn't know that those prices were "cheap" for a scenario game. I don't play scenario games too often as most of them seem dumb, guys running around with nightvision scopes and such, but this one looks decent.

03-20-2004, 06:32 PM
It is definatly worth it IMO. I went to D-Day last year and I am going again this year. It is crazy so many people, and it wouldnt be very hard to sneak paint in, but the problem is you just have to find out what kind of paint they will be using. You can usually call like a week to two weeks in advance and they will tell you what kind they are going to get for the tourney. I went to a tournment that Skirmish held in september of last year, and some kids were shooting other paint that the field sold (it wasnt byop by the way). They got disqualifed but the only reason they got caught was just because the field paint was white and they were using yellow filled paint. Anyways back to topic if I were you I would go any way just because it is one of the coolest things they have there.

03-20-2004, 06:38 PM
get use to it bud, senario games are usually around 50-100 admission with 70-120 for a box of paint. This could be good or bad. but for me, i shoot a dye trix, which means in spplat attack II, i spent around 280 just on paint.

03-20-2004, 06:41 PM
Paint will not be 70. It will be 100 a case. 70 is if you get 10 at a time or some other large number. They just use that to lure people like you in.

03-20-2004, 06:47 PM
Anyone know how easy it is to sneak paint into that place? By the way its in Pennsylvania.

It's not that hard to get it in, but if we catch you get the boot and no refund or you my just get a warning, but all your paint will be dumped and whoever dumped it will do a happy dance on it.

And once illegal paint is seen. The refs will go around and check hoppers and pods.

03-20-2004, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
Paint will not be 70. It will be 100 a case. 70 is if you get 10 at a time or some other large number. They just use that to lure people like you in.

No not at the scenario games. The price is 70-80 a case depending on brand. What you're talking about is for normal play.

03-20-2004, 06:59 PM
Sweet. Now I get more paint. Thanks for correcting me PRPB.

Lakeview Bulldog
03-20-2004, 08:00 PM
I know for a fact that if you go to buy 1 case of paint at Skirmish D-Day they will charge you $90-$100 a case. $70 is for orders of 12 or more cases. However, it is extremely easy to get together with a group of players to get the discount. You could just get 12 guys together and each get one case of paint at $70 a case, or you could jump in with a group that is already making a large purchase. I wouldn't try to sneak in paint, the refs were really cracking down on it last year and if you get hit by non field paint you are not out. D-Day was a blast, go and have fun, Ill be there for sure.

03-21-2004, 12:56 AM
Your better off just buying the paint. Personally I think the owners of skirmish are a bunch of rich bastards and the only reason they have their prices so high to play there is that they keep on buying land up. I think they have something like 700 or so arces of land. Then they need like so many refs and what not to take out groups, sell paint, fill up air. I'm sorry but I just dont think its nessarcy to have as many fields as skirmish does and as much as land as it owns. I would think of they owned half as many fields,land, and employees the prices would be cheap. But as for now the only reason I come close to Skirmish USA is to play the GPL

03-21-2004, 09:51 AM
dont get me wrong I really liked the place

but last time I was there, that was oh 3 years ago, for a "world-record" game

The refs sucked and every time they filled your CO2, they cut the disk in the on/off, even when we told them dont open it more than 3/4 of a turn

all in all it was good, especially the strip show at the end, I'm still glad they gave the top prize to the girl who left the t-shirt on

03-21-2004, 01:39 PM
Seems odd, considering last year at the Scenario games it WAS 100 a case, 70 bulk order only. And I have a very hard time believing it when on the site they read
PAINT: Event Paint Only! Cases $70.00 and up depending on quantity purchased.

But my suggestion above all isn't even about cost. It's refs, safety. Skrimish is, as I call it, a disaster waiting to happen. I can't think of any other field where so many players lift up masks, or where so many walk onto the field without even chronographing. That complete lack of safety that I continue to see at Skirmish is what will continue to keep me AWAY from Skirmish. And until I can see any change in that regularly, I will continue to ignore and not attend that facility.

03-21-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Seems odd, considering last year at the Scenario games it WAS 100 a case, 70 bulk order only. And I have a very hard time believing it when on the site they read

But my suggestion above all isn't even about cost. It's refs, safety. Skrimish is, as I call it, a disaster waiting to happen. I can't think of any other field where so many players lift up masks, or where so many walk onto the field without even chronographing. That complete lack of safety that I continue to see at Skirmish is what will continue to keep me AWAY from Skirmish. And until I can see any change in that regularly, I will continue to ignore and not attend that facility.

Odd I never paid 100 for a case. I always paid 70 for one and that was before I worked there.

I really don't see any safety issues. Yes during large games like that not every gets chronoed, but we do go around with hand held chronos and we check player’s markers. As for the players that lift their mask. That’s something when can't control, but we do are best to prevent it. It's not like the refs just watch them take off their mask. If we see someone do it we will go and tackle them down to prevent them from getting him in the eyes if we have to. Yet there are some players that just lack common sense and will continue to take off there mask and if that’s the case we just kick them out.

03-21-2004, 04:36 PM
Don't be an idiot and sneak paint in. If they catch you, they kick you out and give no refund. The scenarios are great. It's $50 because you play for 24 hours. It's well worth it.

03-21-2004, 05:01 PM
Huh, never paid 100 a case? Okay buddy :rolleyes: Don't see safety issues?

Now remember, we're talking about Skirmish USA. I don't know what field you're thinking of, but I'm talking about the one near Jim Thorpe. You must be confused.

Chrono-refs are good. If they're actually there! And tackling a kid taking a mask off would be nice, but then again the same ref telling the same kid for the 3rd time to keep his mask on isn't quite as good. Nor taking masks off in the middle of a firefight from people but only 40 feet away.

Sorry bub, you might be obligated to not admit to the stuff due to working there obviously. But I don't work there, and what I see there honestly both scares and pisses me off. So I don't mind expressing my honest, unbiased opinion about something as crucial as basic safety.

If you HONESTLY say "you don't see safety problems" then I actually now WILL try and get some time, and money, to get down there for D-Day. I'll go around with my camera, pen, and notepad. And I will document every single safety hazard I can come up with.

That's good for me. I'm going to D-Day!

03-21-2004, 05:50 PM
Alright so the dude that works there says that it costs $70 per case, even if it isnt in quantity. Can anyone besides him say that this is true or is he just saying this because he works there. Also, I really don't give a rats *** about safety there. I'm not dumb enough to take my mask off, and if I shoot some kid in the face when he has his mask off, I wouldn't bother me one bit.

03-21-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Huh, never paid 100 a case? Okay buddy :rolleyes: Don't see safety issues?

Now remember, we're talking about Skirmish USA. I don't know what field you're thinking of, but I'm talking about the one near Jim Thorpe. You must be confused.

Chrono-refs are good. If they're actually there! And tackling a kid taking a mask off would be nice, but then again the same ref telling the same kid for the 3rd time to keep his mask on isn't quite as good. Nor taking masks off in the middle of a firefight from people but only 40 feet away.

Sorry bub, you might be obligated to not admit to the stuff due to working there obviously. But I don't work there, and what I see there honestly both scares and pisses me off. So I don't mind expressing my honest, unbiased opinion about something as crucial as basic safety.

If you HONESTLY say "you don't see safety problems" then I actually now WILL try and get some time, and money, to get down there for D-Day. I'll go around with my camera, pen, and notepad. And I will document every single safety hazard I can come up with.

That's good for me. I'm going to D-Day!

Yes it's Skirmish USA that I speak of. I go around an chrono people. Yes I have seen people take their mask off in the middle of a firefight. Yes I have almost had to tackle a few people down. Yes it is scary and it pisses me off when people do it, but it's neither something that we can stop nor can any other field. It would be great if we could strap the mask to some of the players, but we can't. I understand where you coming from, cause the last thing I would what is to pop someone in there face cause they took there mask off. I don't know when the last time you were there, but I've never seen any major safety issues (You know something that would be are fault). The only thing I have seen since I’ve started working there is players that take their mask off. What else have you seen?

As for the paint I guess I’m special cause I never paid 100 when I went to their scenario games. Gdog441 from what it says on the site it will be 100. So like Lakeview Bulldog said find a group and purchase the paint with them like that you can get it for the 70. Sorry for the confusion.

03-21-2004, 07:46 PM
I suggest do it like Hells Survivor. They're great with safety. That's why I keep going back there, even though it's a 12hour drive for me. Players MUST chronograph safely to even enter the field! They only have 1 entry point they allow people, and they're strict. Though same policy could be implied to 2 or 4 entry ways.

They simply have a long sticker they slap onto the marker. Not a circular sticker on top of the hopper, but one that goes around usually the airline. And the sticker sticks onto itself, and actually STAYS ON. That or like other places I've seen, use colored Zip Ties. What ever you chose for the color, red for chorno and green for paid entry and blue for approved inspected bottle all that good jazz.

That's the core problem with chronoing. Walking the field and chrono them is great, but the bigger problem is people not even doing it to get onto the field. During Battle of the Bulge everybody just walked into the field ANY TIME they wanted, nobody checked to see if they were chronographed and nobody needed to in order to get onto the field. Unlike Hell which have specific insertion times and only let people on at those times, and only if they see those stickers.

And above all Skirmish needs enough refs to accomidate their size of both field and attendence. I have at times seen more refs in the staging area eating and relaxing than I did on the actual field and doing their job. I ended up being a voluntary (unofficial) In-Play ref telling people to put their masks on. Even threatened to shoot a kid (in the pack, mind you) so he'd be officially out so he could leave the field and put anti-fog spray on his lenses.

Now what good is 2000 people if there's only 35 attentive refs? Or only 50? For that number of people you simply have to have the refs in number to have complete control. 1 ref at a designated location when there's 50-100 people attacking each other is not good or safe.

And for the paint, guess you are "lucky." I just find it pure bull that players have to actually find groups in order to get these discounts for garbage paint. These are the reasons I never play Skirmish anymore, and why I make posts like these. 32* junk is not something I'd even use if given to me for free. Though it's nice for Skirmishs' point of view, with a bit over 400% profit per case (at 100 a case) I'm sure they very much like it!